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Ban for Fun


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I dropped in to see what all of you have ban doing.


I ban alex2avs for not posting a manual for classes in, "Banning for Fun 101".


I ban Thor for his words look as if to say, "I am all banned out". Phew!


I ban Ancient Aeon for posing a thought which could have been better used in, "Describe my Avatar".


(I'm thinking about creating a new avatar as this one seems to stare with one eye.)


I ban species5478 for claiming to know a hitman when he is probably an assasin for a secret, secret agency only known to one man now known as, "Chiun".


I ban Herculine for typing in pig-latin.



I find this helps me get my FOCUS back...< Down Under > I just pointed and clicked at one of the Google links and what do you know, "I LIKE" the little show they put together for the music. I was enjoying the show so much I did not look to see the movie had the band members in it or was a fashionable made one by someone else. I will go back and try to get past the Wondrous little show and see if I can find out.

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