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Ban for Fun


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Banning Alex2avs because I agree with Pronam, you spelled my name wrong, and I didn't advertised it, even if it is, then I didn't meant to anyway.

Banning Pagafyr for "ban alex2avs for breaking the amulet instead of egg's to make breakfast." Its supposed to be eggs.

Banning Agromirr for "Ban wasder because I like broking stuff. Lol" Its supposed to be breaking, not broking.

Banning Alex2avs again, because in the first post it says :bigrin:, while its should be 'Biggrin', or :D

Banning GETbacon because he spelled Pagafyr's name wrong.

Banning Monolithic because I have to sometimes.


I guess I'll have to dodge rotten tomatoes you'll throw at me!

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