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Finding the first step?


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EDIT: Please ignore. You guys are way ahead of me.


I think I've followed this whole thread, but forgive me if someone's asked this already: Has someone tried recooking the files as is? Not with any modifications? If I understand it properly, the game does a size check on the upk files and if we can recook to the original size, we might be able to get the game to recognize it as the proper file. If we can get it to recognize a cooked file of the same size, wouldn't it then be about trial-and-error to recook files, adding and subtracting junk to get it to just the right size again? I may be way off here, but I thought it might be time for crazy ideas.


Edited by bakonon
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In terms of the lzo problem - silly question but have you tried changing bFullyCompressStartupPackages=TRUE in defaultengine.ini (I doubt it's that simple...)


I'll give it a shot right now.


UPDATE: Nope, it has no effect. :(



This one has a repacker that seems to work on the uncompressed files:



Nice find! Too bad it doesn't recompress.


So, as of right now (fingers crossed), the only thing holding us back is lack of a compression tool.


I think this usually isn't an issue for modders for other games built on this engine, because all the other games can load uncompressed upk files. Explains why no one has made a compressor, anyways. So, XCOM is more mod unfriendly than Borderlands? That's just sad.

Edited by Daemonjax
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Well, fellow modders, get ready to hold onto your pants because I just figured out how to get the game to load uncompressed upk files!



It's so simple, I felt stupid for trying it... but this actually works:


You know those files in ...XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\CookedPCConsole that are X.upk.uncompressed_size?


Go ahead and rename it to something else (I put an exclamation mark at the end).


That's it. Now it'll load that one uncompressed.


You're welcome. ;)


Now, if this repacker actually works, then we have everything we need!




UPDATE1: Deleting it works too. Just did it by accident to one. ;)

UPDATE2: However, if you delete it, you'll not be able to load the compressed version anymore until you replace that file.

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Nice work, now how do i edit uncompressed upks?


Try this unpacker/repacker and let us know how it goes :D






EDIT1: Don't forget to hack the main exe and update the SHA-1 hash value for the modified file. I'll write a program to do this automatically for you guys that'll be so easy to use a caveman could do it. :D

EDIT2: The download works for me just fine. Dunno.

EDIT3: Too busy working on the program that will automate the SHA-1 changes to experiment with packing/unpacking.

Edited by Daemonjax
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Great work again, Daemonjax. For the simple-minded among us (me), can you explain what the loose files will enable? When I first read it I thought it meant that textures/scripts within the UPK will be changeable, but then I read in the other thread that you'll look in to repacking next so now I'm confused. Why is repacking necessary if using the loose file system will work? Am I "special"? :S
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