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*Looks around to see if cmac is in the room* *puts on helmet*

*Cmac greets mrpyromania's pathetic attempts at defense with contempt and derisive laughter. No helm can withstand the mighty blows of the Staff of Blinding Reality!* *Cmac gives mrpyromania to Peregrine*

Have fun...




Greetings and welcome to the forums. Here is a list by Switch of Things Not to Do. Here are the Official Rules. Don't spam, use the Search function, kill a penguin and have a great time.


As tradition requires...

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How ya doin, there, fellow chump? We like to think of ourselves as an autonomous collective.


I myself am 15 as it is, so dont worry about it.


Remember not to Spam/Flame/Troll/Necro/Hijack/Kill a penguin. Remember to allways use the search function. Remember that dark spot on your back? Im sorry to say this, but it's cancer... I hope youve lived a good life! :bye:

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  • Community Manager
Remember that dark spot on your back? Im sorry to say this, but it's cancer... I hope youve lived a good life!


The idea is to welcome them, not scare them off dimwit! Don't worry, its not cancer, its just a portal so my smaller imps can enter my realm. Nothing to worry about.

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Welcome to the forums Trellia :P have fun and don't spam. © ®


*Blinks* You DARED to strike at the dark one Peregrine!? :o I knew those delusions of grandeur would get you into trouble one of these days.


I really gotta find a way to remove that switchclone command from the database... *walks off munching on a fishy stick he nabbed from cmac*

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Hey! Welcome to the forums... Its nice to see you want to become an active poster... out of the 30,000 people on these forums... few are active posters!....


Switch, I think you were a little late posting on this welcome thread... lol :P

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*idiot dance*


Late Late oh so late!


You'll never regain your position OOOOooooOOOoOooooOOooohhhhHHHhooooOOOhhh

Maybe not, but just remember, I'M still the one holding Spambane, so you better watch it :halloween:



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