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People banned for speaking out for China and HK police


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Its amazing how quickly people will sell out their ideals when it comes to China (really its the money). Blizzard recently suspended a player in one of their tournaments for speaking out in support of the Hong Kong protestors and the NBA and players berated the Houston Rockets owner for speaking out. These are the same types of people who give support for all the liberal causes (BLM , Climate Change , whatever) , yet when it comes to their bottom dollar its a different story.


The real issue here is that these type of people who join all these causes in a Western Democracy can do pretty much anything they want and face no consequences , but when it comes to China , the Chinese Communist Party will make certain you face consequences. Makes you wonder if we are just a little too lenient in our society.

I do enjoy my first amendment rights....... wouldn't like to see them curtailed. Gotta take the bad with the good, right?


And yeah, the left has been working on infringing on those rights of late. Makes me NOT wanna vote for any of them.



There is realistically no way that freedom of speech can just continue to grow un fettered.

It would lead to the break down of communication. Ergo the transfer of information ( the main purpose of communication ) does and will suffer exponentially by no rules in the transfer of information. So eventually to preserve the main purpose ... freedom of speech will be curtailed.

For starters will be those who profit from abusing freedom of speech. You can guess who that will be / commercialism & milking the consumer cash cow.

Which is the outcome from capitalism attempting to groom their cash crop.

And it was probably just zealous naivety by advertisers 50+ years ago.

But what is it now ???


Now it is trying to make it a felony to call someone an "illegal alien". A term which has been in use for over a century. An accurate description at that. But, seems it offends some on the left, so, they want to make it criminal.


Same for speaking out against the cult of global warming. They wanted to make that a crime as well.


These are not something I considered "good for society".


And sure, freedom of speech is NOT absolute. No yelling "fire" in a crowded room. etc. But, attempting to curb folks from disseminating information simply because you don't like the message? That is one of the primary reasons we HAVE the first amendment. So yeah, I get a bit bent out of shape when our own politicians start talking about regulating it.



LoL hadn't heard about that yet ... I guess we will see how it goes down if and when a first case of it is brought.

But to state the obvious ... this never would have come up , if employers were facing fines of $250,000 for hiring illegals.

But the truth is ... the US is addicted to its slave labor pool. Which requires having a class termed as illegal.

And it is just natural that the slaves will eventually revolt ... which is all this really is.


It isn't the slaves revolting though. The slaves seem to be perfectly happy. They come here, they make money, they get various benefits that CITIZENS don't, free health care, etc. It's the DEMS that are leading the revolt....... Which I find..... Revolting. :D

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I feel for those people from Hongkong. I don't know what is going on there, but generally it just sucks to live under some government, get used to some order, just to be thrown into something else and not having the power to do anything about it, you get used to some standards, which I don't think are that common in China. Because it sucks to be forced to live a different life because of someone else or to leave what you loved behind.


Maybe there some way how to fight all mighty people in totalistic government, but for sure it looks desperate.


On the other hand there are people making similar protests in Western Europe and I don't know really why.


Edited by Mudran
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The Chinese commifascismo government can go eat a big fat bag of dildos, same goes for all the bad faith actors.



If you are not concerned about the way capitalism is weaponized by dictators, then you're not paying attention.

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Its amazing how quickly people will sell out their ideals when it comes to China (really its the money). Blizzard recently suspended a player in one of their tournaments for speaking out in support of the Hong Kong protestors and the NBA and players berated the Houston Rockets owner for speaking out. These are the same types of people who give support for all the liberal causes (BLM , Climate Change , whatever) , yet when it comes to their bottom dollar its a different story.


The real issue here is that these type of people who join all these causes in a Western Democracy can do pretty much anything they want and face no consequences , but when it comes to China , the Chinese Communist Party will make certain you face consequences. Makes you wonder if we are just a little too lenient in our society.

I do enjoy my first amendment rights....... wouldn't like to see them curtailed. Gotta take the bad with the good, right?


And yeah, the left has been working on infringing on those rights of late. Makes me NOT wanna vote for any of them.



There is realistically no way that freedom of speech can just continue to grow un fettered.

It would lead to the break down of communication. Ergo the transfer of information ( the main purpose of communication ) does and will suffer exponentially by no rules in the transfer of information. So eventually to preserve the main purpose ... freedom of speech will be curtailed.

For starters will be those who profit from abusing freedom of speech. You can guess who that will be / commercialism & milking the consumer cash cow.

Which is the outcome from capitalism attempting to groom their cash crop.

And it was probably just zealous naivety by advertisers 50+ years ago.

But what is it now ???


Now it is trying to make it a felony to call someone an "illegal alien". A term which has been in use for over a century. An accurate description at that. But, seems it offends some on the left, so, they want to make it criminal.


Same for speaking out against the cult of global warming. They wanted to make that a crime as well.


These are not something I considered "good for society".


And sure, freedom of speech is NOT absolute. No yelling "fire" in a crowded room. etc. But, attempting to curb folks from disseminating information simply because you don't like the message? That is one of the primary reasons we HAVE the first amendment. So yeah, I get a bit bent out of shape when our own politicians start talking about regulating it.



LoL hadn't heard about that yet ... I guess we will see how it goes down if and when a first case of it is brought.

But to state the obvious ... this never would have come up , if employers were facing fines of $250,000 for hiring illegals.

But the truth is ... the US is addicted to its slave labor pool. Which requires having a class termed as illegal.

And it is just natural that the slaves will eventually revolt ... which is all this really is.


It isn't the slaves revolting though. The slaves seem to be perfectly happy. They come here, they make money, they get various benefits that CITIZENS don't, free health care, etc. It's the DEMS that are leading the revolt....... Which I find..... Revolting. :D



Okies so lets plug in some numbers ...


Found a quick number of 116 billion annually that illegals cost american tax payers.

But lets inflate that to ... 200 billion just to be extra fair.


Average food costs for one person per month are $244.00

But lets say 200 for $2400 annually X 300 million people to keep the estimate conservative.


That's $720 billion presently with the illegals working in our food industry for wages keeping our food costs down , but needing some public assistance to actually subsist in our poverty level.


So if we removed them from our economy ... by simply not giving them jobs.

Do you think the cost of food would only inflate to 920 billion ?


And that's just food , what about other industries and products ???

Plus are you aware that alot of illegals also pay taxes ... but can't file refund claims ?

Therefore the economy would be losing that money , then what they pay into the economy as a consumer.


Me thinks there would be alot less gas guzzling big black trucks on the road with all their after market parts , like chrome balls hanging on the trailer hitch. Nor trailers connected to that hitch hauling all those recreational vehicles.

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And how much are those illegals getting in food stamps each month? Housing subsidies?


It isn't just the number, it's how they arrived at that number. Who knows, maybe your numbers are already taken into account.


Well try a little bit of number research for yourself ... Cuz in my experience of it ... at the very least , workers deemed illegal in our economy. Contribute as much as they cost the economy.

Therefore a 50/50 wash . But looking more indepth ... you can easily come to the conclusion that US citizens actually benefit financially.


Sorry for the derail ... but to steer it back on in a round about comparative way.


The US is functioning somewhat like China / HK with regard to the work force ... in that it is one country beneficially , but 2 systems of workers status.

And do HK residents benefit somewhat from those existing in the communist economy ?


Or to simplify ... The standard of living for those in the more free status , is partially helped by the people existing in the less free status.

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