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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted because the stinking bat found his key to the door and went off to get some beer.

I wish billyro had a better hobby than sniffing bats. ( how else would he know it stinks ? )

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Granted. Now they're too dim to see, and you stub your toe and bonk your shin on the furniture.


I wish I knew what my cat was thinking in that little brain of his.

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Granted, but Jamie sold his characters to a game developer who sued everyone who hasn't paid for the characters (keep in mind I know nothing about Jamie's character development).


I wish I wasn't still temp-banned from the chat xD

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Granted, you got perma-banned from the chat instead.



I wish the store wasn't out of my favorite salsa.

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Wish granted because you just discovered Herdez salsa and realized it was so much better than that brand made in New York City.

I wish I could fart the national anthems for every country in the world and would become famous and be paid a lot of money to perform.

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Wish granted, only one day you fart so hard that you crap your pants, while being filmed live in Russia, and they hang you for it.


I wish they would make a truly acceptable Game of Thrones game.

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