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Download system overhauled on site and in NMM


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I'm a paying member and I have to say, this new download system is s#*!. I have NEVER had to retry my downloads over and over like I do now... Since this changeover, I get AT LEAST 60% of the time that the server is busy/unavailable in the manager, or even with a manual download it times out, or I get that the file has been hidden by the auther... but hmm... lo and behold, if I"m persistant enough, and try a few servers, eventually I get it... so it's NOT HIDDEN, the servers are just screwed up that bad. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Otherwise, what the hell am I paying for?
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Trying the whole Day... And googled to find another dl-site because this sucks now extremely!

Iam so extrem angry because its saturday evening where i wanted to play skyrim with a few new modifications and i cant becaus i always get f***ing "server busy" -> no retry -> manually download dont work and NOT A f***ing SINGLE WORD LIKE "Sorry, we have huge problems. Were on it trying to fix" or one f***ing thing that way!


Just a f***ing single s*** information will help that a damn angry user can calm down not just trying the 59 time to download 3 MB!



Gosh iam so extremely angry! Thanks that iam not bought premium i wanted to.



Edit: On try 61 it worked. SIXTYONE TRYS! God damnit!

Edited by Narsiph
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I'm getting ready to inform paypal of the issues of not providing paid services and the fact THAT THE ADMINISTRATORS REFUSE TO FARKING ACKNOWLEDGE A PROBLEM! It wouldn't be so bad if it was acknowledged as a problem and what is going on but they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge it. NMM is broke and can't download s*** unless you disable registration to force it off premium servers; then it only works if you retry over and over and over. Manual download results in the "file set to hidden" message 9 times out of 11.
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It's been acknowledged in several other threads already, you're just in the wrong one. If you want a refund all you have to do is ask, and not be rude.

Not asking for a refund and not being rude, I'm asking for communication. You are the site owner and have failed to communicate with the community the ongoing issue. Apparently you knew there is a site-wide disturbance yet didn't post anything anywhere and left it to the user to figure out what is going on. To say "well it was said in another thread you just didn't read that particular thread" is simply poor communication. You should have made a news post about so everyone coming to the site would be well aware of the issue. This problem is nearing 4-6 days old so you had plenty of time to write something. If more people knew that there was a site-wide problem, that you knew about it, that you were working on it, then i doubt you would have all these negative feelings and incredibly large number of tech support threads on the same issue.


I do love this site and support it and hope it continues and grows. You have done a superb job in creating this community and filling a desperate community need (especially with PES going into archive) . If my tone seems overly harsh it is because problems like these have crippled and shut down other sites before simply because people were in the dark that something was wrong and strong negative feelings developed due to lack of communication over the issue. Nobody wants to see this site shutdown, anything suggested is to ensure the problem is not being ignored.

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This problem is nearing 4-6 days old so you had plenty of time to write something.


It's been 36 hours. Over a weekend. A weekend that I already had plans for that I couldn't cancel, not that I need to defend myself at all. Some times patience really is a virtue.

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This problem is nearing 4-6 days old so you had plenty of time to write something.


It's been 36 hours. Over a weekend. A weekend that I already had plans for that I couldn't cancel, not that I need to defend myself at all. Some times patience really is a virtue.



Patience is one thing, an extra thread with information the ofther. No User, pissed and really angry in most of the time since the problem occured, going on to search other Threads for information. A clearly visible Post is a thousand times better then hitting with the "get some patience" bat. But now there is a Information Post. Finally.


Heres the Information: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/823023-current-issues-with-site-performance-and-downloads/

Edited by Narsiph
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