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Spoilers from beta 1.8


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a lot of these bugs are personal bugs, Beth cant tailor to everyones personal problems, I've barely dealt with any bugs, I dealt with blood on the ice a while back but for some reason it works now, and I'm running a heavily modded system.

worst I deal with is the occasional crash or two.

But there are others who constantly deal with bugs and crashes and glitches and that is unfortunate but Beth is only doing what they can, we cant hate on them too much for that, I mean it must take so much out of someones day to try and fix the tiniest error or bug, I dont know much about programming but with something as big as Skyrim and with as much complex coding as Skyrim, it makes me think.

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And I have just been reading another thread that seems to confirm that they have introduced another bug with this patch - inability to save after/during the Waking Nightmare quest. As Slainia says, poor QA.


You're only one person though, and there are legions of different configs - even standard set ups, and if you didn't make the specific choice ingame that may lead to the bug, you may never experience it. Just because you found it worked fine, doesn't mean it does for everyone.

Sometimes the bugs aren't even related to hardware or mods, but with different parts of the game itself not liking one another. Other times - more rarely, thankfully - it's just a random hahaha l don't like you today so i'm gonna ctd! A^_^A Then the game runs off and plays hide and seek with you for an hour, all the while all you're able to hear is the music starting up then suddenly pausing when it crashes.


Actually I just found out about another bug last night. Theres a word wall at a aplace south of one of the first quest towns that apparently bugs out another word of power if you haven't learned all of it. (marked for death if you're curious.) i"m not positive if it's been fixed this week, a nd this is a somewhat obscure conflict, but it does point towards a tendency to have parts of the game throwing hissy fits at itself.

That something as simple as the choices you make ingame can lead to bugs later on, when said choices are actual gameplay mechanics, is a fault of the game. These might take longer to narrow down and confirm the cause-relation of whatever bug it is at the time, yes, but it's still something that qa should've noted in the sense that *something* was causing the bug pre-release, even if the reason wasn't known specifically.





What people seem to - purposely? - misunderstand or ignore is the fact that we're not saying the game sucks. We're saying that Bethesda has consistently failed to improve the bug-free aspect of their games, weather it's because of the platform they're using, the release method they used (for computers. as far as i can remember a lot of people with windows vista + steam had a hell of a time with oblivion).


they really need to devote more time to beta testing, but as long as people buy a new game on the eve of it's release, they're not going to because their reputation as a bug-filled company hasn't effected them negatively in the only spot that matters.


Also, that could be said for a lot of gaming companies righ tnow. They're putting priority of sale over quality, even if it hurts them in the long run.

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a lot of these bugs are personal bugs, Beth cant tailor to everyones personal problems, I've barely dealt with any bugs, I dealt with blood on the ice a while back but for some reason it works now, and I'm running a heavily modded system.

worst I deal with is the occasional crash or two.

But there are others who constantly deal with bugs and crashes and glitches and that is unfortunate but Beth is only doing what they can, we cant hate on them too much for that, I mean it must take so much out of someones day to try and fix the tiniest error or bug, I dont know much about programming but with something as big as Skyrim and with as much complex coding as Skyrim, it makes me think.


Theres a reason for that.



They made it so the quest is more automated now. At one point, you were supposed to follow a series of steps to do it, right?

Talk to the witnesses, talk to the guard, report to Jorlief, talk to the guard, examine the crime scene - which still doesn't work exactly btw - then follow the trail of blood, talk to someone about entrance to Hjerim (or break in), then talk to someone about the papers + the amulet.


thing is, the way the quests set up, you don't get a notification that theres blood on the ground - the examine the crime scene triggers when you reach hjerim, which doesn't make sense. If you think bout it, for those who've never done the quest before, the blood isn't immediately obvious - in some graphcis set ups its pretty similar to the ground itself, especially if you don't have enough lighting.


+ every time i've done hte quest, he ends up attacking in the middle of the day, despite what the court wizard says.


So, verdict imo - the quest is working, but still slightly broken. All they did was make you skip certain steps, although i would have to go back and read the uesp article to remember what they were. (l've done it both very very bugged and fairly unbugged but skippy'fied. lol.)

Edited by slainia
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And I have just been reading another thread that seems to confirm that they have introduced another bug with this patch - inability to save after/during the Waking Nightmare quest. As Slainia says, poor QA.

funny, I've done that quest since the patch was released, was able to save during it just fine.


So I guess just because you were able to do the quest since the update, that makes things OK then, or it means that the bug isn't happening? But of course, Bethesda can do no wrong in your eyes.

And I have just been reading another thread that seems to confirm that they have introduced another bug with this patch - inability to save after/during the Waking Nightmare quest. As Slainia says, poor QA.


You're only one person though, and there are legions of different configs - even standard set ups, and if you didn't make the specific choice ingame that may lead to the bug, you may never experience it. Just because you found it worked fine, doesn't mean it does for everyone.

Sometimes the bugs aren't even related to hardware or mods, but with different parts of the game itself not liking one another. Other times - more rarely, thankfully - it's just a random hahaha l don't like you today so i'm gonna ctd! A^_^A Then the game runs off and plays hide and seek with you for an hour, all the while all you're able to hear is the music starting up then suddenly pausing when it crashes.


Actually I just found out about another bug last night. Theres a word wall at a aplace south of one of the first quest towns that apparently bugs out another word of power if you haven't learned all of it. (marked for death if you're curious.) i"m not positive if it's been fixed this week, a nd this is a somewhat obscure conflict, but it does point towards a tendency to have parts of the game throwing hissy fits at itself.

That something as simple as the choices you make ingame can lead to bugs later on, when said choices are actual gameplay mechanics, is a fault of the game. These might take longer to narrow down and confirm the cause-relation of whatever bug it is at the time, yes, but it's still something that qa should've noted in the sense that *something* was causing the bug pre-release, even if the reason wasn't known specifically.





What people seem to - purposely? - misunderstand or ignore is the fact that we're not saying the game sucks. We're saying that Bethesda has consistently failed to improve the bug-free aspect of their games, weather it's because of the platform they're using, the release method they used (for computers. as far as i can remember a lot of people with windows vista + steam had a hell of a time with oblivion).


they really need to devote more time to beta testing, but as long as people buy a new game on the eve of it's release, they're not going to because their reputation as a bug-filled company hasn't effected them negatively in the only spot that matters.


Also, that could be said for a lot of gaming companies righ tnow. They're putting priority of sale over quality, even if it hurts them in the long run.


I didn't say that I had experienced that particular bug, and so far I haven't. But there is a thread on these very forums where other people say that they have, and I certainly believe them. As it happens I completed the quest with two characters before the update. That's the nature of the beast, the bugs happen for some people and not for others, which sajuukkar9000 seems to take to mean that those who report bugs are dissing Bethesda for no reason and are presumably imagining the bugs. Sometimes it has to do with mod configurations but not always. When I had the Vampire Lord tutorial bug where I couldn't land (and this was using a vanilla race), I did a second vanilla, modless install on my gaming laptop and tested it with another vanilla race, and got exactly the same result. Then, lo and behold, I tried my own custom race on the desktop modded install and it DID work. It wasn't crap hardware either as I have an ultra sensitive mechanical keyboard on the desktop and the one on the laptop is top notch.


Hehe, I may not catch that word wall bug as I have a mod - Freedom Of Speech - that moves the walls out of specific questline related dungeons.


You are spot one with your note, slainia. Bethesda show no inclination to improve their QA and are so focused on cranking out more DLC that they cannot be bothered to fix what is broken first. Thus it becomes like continuing to drive a car when the fuel gauge is flashing and the oil pressure warning light is on. Eventually, it WILL break.

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So I guess just because you were able to do the quest since the update, that makes things OK then, or it means that the bug isn't happening? But of course, Bethesda can do no wrong in your eyes.

No, I am saying that you cant confirm the bug is the result of patch 1.8. Just because people had it happen after 1.8, doesn't mean that 1.8 caused it.


I have had several bugs happen in playthroughs after a patch went in, that I had never got before, yet had been in the game the whole time, doesn't mean the patch caused it, just means I got the bug on a paythrough after a patch went through.



But OFC, its easier for you to just blame the newest patch on everything so you can add it to the growing list of things you don't like about Bethesda, they can do no right in your eyes.


And in case you weren't aware, that entire point i just made was to show how easily the name calling crap you pulled can be turned around and thrown back at you with equal validity. Its really a pointless accusation to make, due to the ability of anyone to flp it around and throw it back at the person who made the accusation, and I suggest you do not make similar ones again.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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It's rather too much of a coincidence to be not caused by 1.8 if it wasn't happening before 1.8 came out. You get bugs that never happened before on post patch playthroughs, and still you don't think they were caused by the patch?


I already mentioned that I am careful to exclude mod problems before pointing the finger at Bethesda. Before reporting my Dawnguard issue I was very careful to test on an unmodded installation as I am lucky enough to have two rigs capable of running Skyrim. So when I politely sent them a support ticket presented with the facts, I did get an instant response and an assurance that this was a serious known issue that they were working on. Since when, two patches later, they have done naff all about it. And that really grinds my gears, I do not appreciate that kind of corporate mushroom fodder.


Read what slainia posted in her note. We are not saying the game is crap. The issue is that Bethesda have rushed out an unfinished article, and that they are piling bug upon bug, releasing new DLC and fixing very little. And another thing that slainia said struck a chord with me - the Steam platform that Bethesda chose to run the game through is perfectly capable of causing problems, and that is as much Beth's responsibility as Valve's, since they chose to hook up with Steamworks. Steam was acting crazy when I reinstalled after my rebuild and that caused me plenty of bugs, I had to uninstall and reinstall AGAIN.


I'm at a total loss as to how anyone can have such faith in a company. Do people never complain about faulty goods these days? Does everyone accept whatever rubbish is thrown at them?

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It's rather too much of a coincidence to be not caused by 1.8 if it wasn't happening before 1.8 came out. You get bugs that never happened before on post patch playthroughs, and still you don't think they were caused by the patch?


I already mentioned that I am careful to exclude mod problems before pointing the finger at Bethesda. Before reporting my Dawnguard issue I was very careful to test on an unmodded installation as I am lucky enough to have two rigs capable of running Skyrim. So when I politely sent them a support ticket presented with the facts, I did get an instant response and an assurance that this was a serious known issue that they were working on. Since when, two patches later, they have done naff all about it. And that really grinds my gears, I do not appreciate that kind of corporate mushroom fodder.


Read what slainia posted in her note. We are not saying the game is crap. The issue is that Bethesda have rushed out an unfinished article, and that they are piling bug upon bug, releasing new DLC and fixing very little. And another thing that slainia said struck a chord with me - the Steam platform that Bethesda chose to run the game through is perfectly capable of causing problems, and that is as much Beth's responsibility as Valve's, since they chose to hook up with Steamworks. Steam was acting crazy when I reinstalled after my rebuild and that caused me plenty of bugs, I had to uninstall and reinstall AGAIN.


I'm at a total loss as to how anyone can have such faith in a company. Do people never complain about faulty goods these days? Does everyone accept whatever rubbish is thrown at them?

I have played many games that get patched many times, and even years later, still get bugs I never saw on release, yet when I go to look it up, those bugs had been confirmed to be in the game since launch. You really don't get how Skyrim, or games similar to it work.


The reason why Bethesda released Dawnguard in the state it was in was, because like MANY other people, myself included, they didn't get any major game-breaking bugs when they played through it. You really don't seem to understand that you can play Skyrim 100 times, and only ever see a bug that had been in the game since launch, once, or until after a patch.


The game isn't unfinished, Bethesda simply didn't get many of the major bugs in their play through during testing, similarly the Unoffical Skyrim Patch team isn't able to fix many bugs people claim they have because they cant get the bug to happen for them.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Many would argue that that is basically a major point in the definition of unfinished products. If it's something that is common enough to cause issues for a large number of users to the extent that their ability to play or enjoy the game is impacted negatively, then it needs to be fixed asap. Smaller bugs are perfectly fine to put to the next patch, but beth has a tendency to patch oddly, not always in a way that benefits the community. At least, not as much as they could.

lets not argue though, please? no arguing. *nods*

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