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Need help understanding Papyrus log from CTD


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Hello- I am hoping someone can please help me regarding a long time CTD issue.....Every time I get a CTD the last lines in the papyrus logs refer to



For example, my latest log:


[10/17/2012 - 05:11:58AM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None object


[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135

[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310


I get the CTDs inside, outside.....usually during or just after an interior/exterior cell change, or when activating something. Last crash was in a Hearthfire home but I have had this long before.


Attached is the last part of my last log when the error began.

Edited by tVEC
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I get the exact same error in my log but its repeated constantly even if I don't crash. Which causes my log files to be over 20 megs.


[10/23/2012 - 11:32:50AM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None object


[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135

[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310


I know this topic is a week old but its the only hit on google that matches this error. My game is pretty unstable as well with random freezes and CTDs.

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What you've got there is the SYMPTOM of another problem. Typically, what you're looking at there is what happens when your computer/game runs out of resources to process scripts. Basically, what it is saying is that it cannot find the requisite reference to check for LOS (in your context, that's highly doubtful to be the case). But what does beg the question from your log excerpt is what is in position 03 in your load? You've got a gazillion things running that have to do with what appear to be a single cell. Like activating a bunch of weapon racks?
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  • 2 months later...

if someone can see that,especially tVEC

I need yours help!!!! :(


since I have the game (11.11.11) :P I got randomly ctd!!!,but when I saw my Papyrus log I understand that I have problem liks you! :ohmy: so pls if you fix it or anybody know how to fix it I will very gradful!!! :D


*my mods:



So thx on any help!

Edited by shahr
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

How to get rid of the following errors from your Papyrus log file:

[01/19/2017 - 11:21:49AM] Error: Cannot request LOS to a None object
[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135
[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310

First you'll notice in your log file the ID of the form is on (0x000709F6 in my case).

Next you will need to edit this form in your saved game file.
You will need a save game editing tool to do so. The one I use is:

Load your save game in the save game tool and locate the form for the word wall trigger. In my example I would enter 000709F6 (no 0x) in the Scripts filter box in the top left corner of the tool.

Expand the ScriptInstances section of the list. It should contain one or more (maybe up to three) scripts which should provide information about which word wall is having the trouble.
Select the "WordWallTriggerScript" script instance.


On the lower right you will see a list of variables for this script.
If this is the script that is causing trouble the lookTarget_var will be None (00000000). Copy the value from the lookTargetWord01_var into the lookTarget_var.

Once this is done save the game and you should no longer see the error messages.

Edit: I believe this issue is caused by visiting the Word Wall in Bleak Falls Barrow after completing the related word wall/quest.


Hope this helps,


Edited by UBCToad
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  • 2 months later...

i have the exact same problem , but mine is Shearpoint the culprit causing me CTDs near boethiah's sacellum .

will this method fix the CTDi;m having ?

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  • 2 years later...

I fixed this without altering my save, by actually editing the WordWallTriggerScript and recompiling it using CreationKit.


The script should be in Data/Source/Scripts/.


Change the IsLooking() function to this:

bool Function isLooking()
	if lookTarget
		Return (game.getPlayer().HasLOS(lookTarget) && !WordLearned); && !game.GetPlayer().IsInCombat() )
		lookTarget = lookTargetWord01
		return false

Open up CK, open the Papyrus Manager, filter for WordWall, and recompile the WordWallTriggerScript. Then open the game. The new code should be hit, and the log message should no longer appear.

Edited by scorpiosixnine
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[01/19/2017 - 11:21:49AM] Error: Cannot request LOS to a None object
[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135
[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310



Notice all the Zeros on the left?? Wonder what the the first two hexadecimals means?? Btw I know, I just trying to get you thinking??


btw it not an Error, it the game engine NOT running a code message, so there nothing to fix!! Since it didn't run. Unless you wanted it to run, so the ERROR is it didn't friggen RUN!!!!!!! Because the player wasn't looking at the wall.





"ERROR" is the destination of the severity of what happen. maybe beth should consider using INFO or DEBUG more :D

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