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A world without cars


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I don't like cars. They are dangerous, even with a skilled driver, cars cost too much and too much to maintain, they make our lives a eye sore, we build our city's around them. I would so much rather ride a horse, or even a camal, hell even a guar. I have my own personal reasons for not likeing cars, not even including the polution and resource drain. But we can't get rid of them now, too late, every one has one, just about. I guess I could of made a poll, but I would rather discuss it as a open ended topic. I am pretty sure most people will disagree that life would be better without them, but we'll see....
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I really like cars. Living in Houston, TX, where summers are normally 90+ degrees, I would die while travelling without air conditioning. And you're right, its WAY too late to get rid of them...People are spread out all over the world, and it would take months just to get across the United States without cars.


Not to mention all the horse crap in the streets....

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Well, I'm not saying I don't like cars, as I am a rather large car buff - but I do have an answer to your question, Peregrine:


Germany has an effective mode of transportation - public transportation. Mostly trains and U-Bahns [subways.] People still drive cars, but the more of the population use public transportation. [From my experience.]

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Yah, public trans is ok, I can deal with that, but the damn cars have to go, DIE CARS!!!! (but not the people driving them, they uh, go out of the car first, to uh, safe area, then die cars!!)


Cars may be greatly convienetnetenrtt, (damn that word was hard), but they are killing so many people all the time, in time thats like a war, And people drive drunk. You can ride a horse drunk all you want, you wont crash it into a tree, or ride it off a cliff.

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I think that most Americans on some level feel a car represents freedom. A train will only take you where the lines go, and not everyone has the oppertunity to live near a large body of water. There is my two cents.
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Well, I'm not saying I don't like cars, as I am a rather large car buff - but I do have an answer to your question, Peregrine:


Germany has an effective mode of transportation - public transportation. Mostly trains and U-Bahns [subways.] People still drive cars, but the more of the population use public transportation. [From my experience.]

Which is only reasonable if you're talking about within a city. As spread out as people live in many places, effective public transportation would be nearly impossible.

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However, I heard that we were developing a type of Mag-lev train that would put the airline industry out of business...So that would be good public transportation. But the consumerism and ideal that is America of owning ones own car still overrides rationality.


I propose that we immerse people in Spice and use them to fold space in order to traverse unimaginable distances...It would get rid of the need for roads and highways.




If only, huh?


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However, I heard that we were developing a type of Mag-lev train that would put the airline industry out of business...


When hell freezes over. Even if the technology could be developed that would allow 500mph trains to operate safely, you've still got the insane cost of building the network of tracks to provide service everywhere the airlines fly to. The startup costs alone would ensure that these trains could never compete with the airlines. Who wants to pay $10,000 for a ticket when you can get there just as fast for $250. And then add in the inevitable improvement in aircraft technology that would happen on the time scale it would take to put the train system into place, and the trains would still be far behind.

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I seriously doubt that a train is going to put planes or even cars out of business. Trains are much less safe, especially considering how little train companies are willing to spend on maintaining their railroads.


As for getting rid of cars, I don't think I'd be able to survive without them. My home city has 300,000 people and that's just too few for an efficient public transport system. As Peregrine said, there's just no way that sparsely populated areas are going to be able to get rid of cars.

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