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Question about graphics after scrapping stuff...


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Hello All,


I'm posting this question here because I figure that people that can troubleshoot mods might have an understanding of the issue I'm writing about.


Okay. Often when you scrap something large, a house in Sanctuary or a tall shrub for example, you'll get graphics glitches afterwards when near where the item was. I've always assumed that this was because those objects had occlusion plans (correct term?) associated with them so graphics aren't rendered when looking through something that should be opaque.


If you go to Sanctuary and you have the Scrap Everything or similar mod installed, then you open the console and type "scrapall" you are presented with a nice open clean slate. The problem is the graphics glitches, flashing between infinity and actual, etc.


Is there a way to scrap without these glitches?


If not and I can live with the glitches, will they cause the game to be more unstable?


I once accidently scrapped a hole into infinity in Vault 88. I covered it up with some warehouse wall pieces.


Thanks :)

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The more recent versions of Scrap Everything should have an option to disable previs, and some other things during the install. (turning it all off globally can really trash your frame rate.) I though the newer versions already did that. I use it, and clear out sanctuary on a regular basis, and don't have that issue. Are you running an older version of SE?

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Hello All,


I'm posting this question here because I figure that people that can troubleshoot mods might have an understanding of the issue I'm writing about.


Okay. Often when you scrap something large, a house in Sanctuary or a tall shrub for example, you'll get graphics glitches afterwards when near where the item was. I've always assumed that this was because those objects had occlusion plans (correct term?) associated with them so graphics aren't rendered when looking through something that should be opaque.


If you go to Sanctuary and you have the Scrap Everything or similar mod installed, then you open the console and type "scrapall" you are presented with a nice open clean slate. The problem is the graphics glitches, flashing between infinity and actual, etc.


Is there a way to scrap without these glitches?


If not and I can live with the glitches, will they cause the game to be more unstable?


I once accidently scrapped a hole into infinity in Vault 88. I covered it up with some warehouse wall pieces.


Thanks :smile:


that glitch is caused by broken precombines most likely. as Such i strongly Recommend Place Everywhere for all your settlement building needs.


Place Everywhere is the safest mod to use, use its Extra Object and it will allow you to scrap almost everything without breaking precombines.


Place Everywhere: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424


Scrapping mods are risky.


and Scrapall command is very risky. strongly suggest against using them. Place everywhere is all you need anyway, as it can do what they can do plus so much more. with place everywhere you will need to get used to its hotkeys however. but once you get used to them, you will never play again without it.


it is Essential for any type of settlement building/ Homemaking.


Broken Pre-Combines results in 3 things


1. Graphical Glitches, such as objects fading in and out of existiance.


2. Scrapped objects Re-Appearing


3. Massive hit to Framerate.


4. Severe Broken Pre-combines can result in CTDs.

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Hello All,


I'm posting this question here because I figure that people that can troubleshoot mods might have an understanding of the issue I'm writing about.


Okay. Often when you scrap something large, a house in Sanctuary or a tall shrub for example, you'll get graphics glitches afterwards when near where the item was. I've always assumed that this was because those objects had occlusion plans (correct term?) associated with them so graphics aren't rendered when looking through something that should be opaque.


If you go to Sanctuary and you have the Scrap Everything or similar mod installed, then you open the console and type "scrapall" you are presented with a nice open clean slate. The problem is the graphics glitches, flashing between infinity and actual, etc.


Is there a way to scrap without these glitches?


If not and I can live with the glitches, will they cause the game to be more unstable?


I once accidently scrapped a hole into infinity in Vault 88. I covered it up with some warehouse wall pieces.


Thanks :smile:


that glitch is caused by broken precombines most likely. as Such i strongly Recommend Place Everywhere for all your settlement building needs.


Place Everywhere is the safest mod to use, use its Extra Object and it will allow you to scrap almost everything without breaking precombines.


Place Everywhere: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424


Scrapping mods are risky.


and Scrapall command is very risky. strongly suggest against using them. Place everywhere is all you need anyway, as it can do what they can do plus so much more. with place everywhere you will need to get used to its hotkeys however. but once you get used to them, you will never play again without it.


it is Essential for any type of settlement building/ Homemaking.


Broken Pre-Combines results in 3 things


1. Graphical Glitches, such as objects fading in and out of existiance.


2. Scrapped objects Re-Appearing


3. Massive hit to Framerate.


4. Severe Broken Pre-combines can result in CTDs.



I have the place everywhere mod, I couldn't build a settlement without it. I'm not sure what you mean about the "extra object". The command list shows "INS - toggle extra objects selection." but I've not been able to make it do anything...



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Toggle Extra object outline: (extraOutlineToggle = 0x2D <-- place everwhere command for Extra Object + hotkey)


0x2d = Insert Key (Next to home key and above Delete key)


Open workshop - Press insert key, this will enable it. and you should notice you will be able to scrap many more items.


Example: you will now be able to scrap the big tree in the center of Sanctuary, all of the houses, etc etc.

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Toggle Extra object outline: (extraOutlineToggle = 0x2D <-- place everwhere command for Extra Object + hotkey)


0x2d = Insert Key (Next to home key and above Delete key)


Open workshop - Press insert key, this will enable it. and you should notice you will be able to scrap many more items.


Example: you will now be able to scrap the big tree in the center of Sanctuary, all of the houses, etc etc.


Thanks :)

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Big tip. Remember to make a savegame, every time you're about to open the workshop. Has saved my tail a lot more times than I'd like to admit.


LOL like the time I scrapped a big section of Hangman's Ally into infinity :::Laughs:::


I feel your pain :).


I swear I tried the INS toggle before and it didn't do anything :). It certainly works now though. Still see some glitches but I'll hide them with buildings since they are only evident from specific directions and specific spots.

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