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How Are Any of You Able to Mod This Game


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I've got such a powerful rig. I can run this game on Ultra graphics with ease. But the minute I turn on in the GECK my core temperature gets dangerously high and my entire system slows down. I cannot use the GECK to mod anything, so I've got to stick to the Conquest mod and the Snappy Build Kits to help me.

Is there, like, a setting I'm missing?

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Would I be you, I would google if someone had similar problems and if not, reach out to the Bethesda Support, because that is not normal.


I have play around a bit with the Fallout 3 GECK, Skyrim CK and Fallout 4 CK and I had never run in such problems. I can't help you. With my Nvidia cards I was always on the lucky side^^.

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TBH, I don't even try to run the CK. I mod entirely with Xedit. Much lighter, and easier on system resources. But, theres's things that it can't do. Like maps/cells.

One thing about the CK, and it's been common with almost all of Beth's modding tools, is that they use a lot more system resources than their games do. On the few occasions that I've tried to take a look around inside the CK, my RAM usage Shoots Through the ROOF.

While I don't want to openly disagree with Taryl, I do want to mention that Bethesda's Technical Support has a reputation for No Support. They'll CnP you some links to some pages that might be as old as 4 years. And that's pretty much it. (Must be nice to have that job, tho).

You're better off searching Reddit, or the Bethesda forums themselves, for help.

Xedit you can find right here on the nexus. Tho, it's easier to do a search for it thru google or yahoo, to get the link. The only really BAD thing about xedit, is that when you start it up the first time, you have to go through a near endless litany of tips screens. I mean, a TON of tips screens. But after that, you never have to go through them again.

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@ Op


a few things to also consider:


if you are using an ENB or Reshade or Both, temporary move: d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll and dxgi.dll out of the same folder the CK is in ( which should be installted to ideally the fallout 4 root folder)


Reshade also affects the CK Render screen (and potentionally the enb might affect the render screen as well although i am not sure on that, but i do know for a fact Reshade does apply to the Render Screen), which means you could very well be using more resources just because of that. moving them out of the same location as the CK means they cannot affect it


in the many years (7 to be exact) i have been using the CK i have never noticed/Experienced any hardware based problems because of it (we are talking absolutely loads of 12 hours sessions in the ck) not too mention that when i create big mods, i tend to also have a load of opera tabs open, and music playing, so i am using a lot of resources on top of the CK, and have never expereinced any issue hardware based, such as freezing slow downs or overheating with regards to the CK., so the issue you are experiencing is definitely not normal. however the Creation kit does have a render window, which would use system resources, so that is the only thing that could cause temperture spikes, but that render window is not the same as running the game. so the resource usage should not be that much more or even close to actually running the game.


Edit: so i just checked to see how much resources the CK uses, and it seems to peak out at 30% Cpu usage (Average only 12%), so yea their is definitely something wrong on your end, as the processor should not be overheating at only 30% usage, which means something else is maxing it out, or you have other tasks running simultanously with the CK.


Creation kit, Peak Resource Usage = CPU 30%, 1GB of System Memory, and i did not check GPU as i am pretty sure it will not be using too much of GPU. i tested this on loading a mod that requires all DLC as well as AWKCR and AE, so it was loading 6 mods. for the most part it was only using 12% of the CPU, it hit 30% CPU usage on 90% load of all mods, then dropped to 0% Cpu usage once all mods are loaded. so the creation kit does not use the CPU until user interaction. which means the Render windows does also not use the CPU until user interaction. loading mods is 1 of the most demanding tasks the ck does. which is why i used that to measure usage.


What is your system specs ?


is your hardware overclocked ?


and what is you resource usage before loading the CK




"my RAM usage Shoots Through the ROOF"


That sounds like a memory leak, which could be caused by the CK, windows or any other program. i know for a fact windows xp had memory leaks so if you happend to of been using the ck back in them days then its likely windows xp was the issue. but since you did not state when you have used the ck, its hard to know what caused it, but i do know for a fact i have never expereienced hardware based issues with the ck, so i am pretty sure it does not have Memory leaks, atleast not now, it might of in the past, but as said, i have spent many sessions creating mods for 12 hours a day, back in Skyrim LE days when i created my guardians mod, which took over 2k hours to create, and these were split into many 12 hour sessions and sometimes even 24 hours, because i get very dedicated when i am creating a huge mod, i tend to spend a ridiculous amount of hours in the ck.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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Heyas gamewinner- the last time I tried the CK, I was trying to sort out how to navigate it's menu system, had all the unattached windows open, because I didn't know if something I needed was gonna open up in them.

That machine was a win10 machine with 8 gigs of ram. RAM usage shot up by about 3.8 gigs, I think, or close to around there. Usage went past the 80% mark, and windows gave me the one finger salute, LOL.

Buuuuuuuut..... now that I'm thinking about it, my laptops have shared memory video cards. As did my machines I was running back in the morrowind days. ( think a hot video card back then had what.... 56 MEGS of vram?) I was working for Gateway back when those came out. I remember our display model, that was running DOOM, or DOOM2, and showing how "seamlessly" the new card would perform, LOL.

Anyways, yeah... having shared memory to the graphics card isnt great. Not for CK or 3d progs like DAZstudio and Poser either.

I don't remember exactly for sure, because my memory blurs, but I think I was running Morrowind's CK on windows 95!!


Just deleted off a bunch, I'm rambling. Sorry OP!

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CK resource usage (NW Nuka-Station open for edit): 1953.3MB RAM, 8% CPU, 17.8% GPU

Game resource usage (it's still open from when I played yesterday): 2663.3 MB RAM, 13.9% CPU, 34.6% GPU


I would love for the game to use more RAM. I have 64GB installed, but it never uses much more than 4GB.

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I use vortex. using a high end 1080 hp acer laptop. when i mod, i start off with compability. proper texture packages etc. etc. then I go from there. body replacers, weapon overhauls, weapon mods -- ranging from simple overhauls to more bigger complex ones. I currently have over 300 mods installed and no problems on my 2nd actual playthrough. I would say to start off with compability. ranging from your device, and all the way down to those texture packages I was speaking of. also mod compability is really important.


last note, don't have any esp's activated during the beginning of the game. wait until you leave vault 111 to activate your esps (plugins). I would also suggest LOOT and Wyre bash as well.

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