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Sex for the Player Character...


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I find it really disturbing that ultra violence is by far and away more accepted than sex & nudity in the video game industry.

Sex and nudity are both totally natural things that everyone (well, most) is going to see in their life time.

Gutting a person like a fish and firing their limbs out of a vacuum cleaner on reverse is not, it's generally something reserved for those who have a severe mental illness.


Why is it ok to blow our fellow man into organ & eyeball soup but yet it's totally unthinkable that your character might get it up every now and then?

How frickin' twisted is the ratings board to see things from that kind of perspective? They could only be a bunch of sexually repressed sociopaths - I mean that literally.


I say screw em. Gogo sex mod simply for the principal of it.

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Yes, it really is sad that people seem to have no problem with splitting people's heads open with a shot from a high-powered rifle or a hammer, yet get so offended at the mention of sex. I remember that fiasco on the news a while back over Mass Effect. It was, quite frankly, laughable. The human form is natural and worthy of appreciation, and sexuality is far less sinister than bloodlust, but you wouldn't think so from the way everyone acts.
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Perhaps there could be some kind of control on the game that allowed for varied levels of 'adult' content but what this would be, I am not sure, unless it is simply that if you want the changes you add certain mods (official or otherwise) or not or you have some kind of code. Still there is a big hypocrisy when it comes to nudity and sex versus ultraviolence.


How far do people want to go? In Oblivion there was a mod with a female companion with actual sex animations that a male or female player character could be shown having sex with. Two basic positions only. Do people want to go that far?


Also there is a difference between having sexual activity say with a prostitute character in a room in the game world and having naked, sexually overdone female monsters running around or naked girlie posters on public walls in DC Wastelands. What sort of adult content do people want?


What about the danger of turning Fallout 3 into some kind of sex game?


I would be curious to know.


Love the :banana:

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dragonpen, I don't expect anything official to be beyond a bit sexy given how prudish beth has been with this game(Nova, "Naked" men wearing shirts)


given that this is supposed to be a mature game we shouldn't need more control over the mature content other than what is in place already


"How far do people want to go? In Oblivion there was a mod with a female companion with actual sex animations that a male or female player character could be shown having sex with. Two basic positions only. Do people want to go that far?"


that would be a nice start but that IMHO should be reserved for prostitutes


"Also there is a difference between having sexual activity say with a prostitute character in a room in the game world and having naked, sexually overdone female monsters running around or naked girlie posters on public walls in DC Wastelands. What sort of adult content do people want?"


I'm not a furry so it doesn't matter if the deathclaw charging at me has mammeries or not.

thing is, people have alot of differing tastes.


"What about the danger of turning Fallout 3 into some kind of sex game?"

I don't understand why it would be dangerous if it evolved into one, the ESRB (don't know about other countries ratings boards) can't rerate a game based on content introduced by modders (hot coffes was on-disc)


I hope that explains a bit dragonpen

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Hm... going for realism, if you're a female character, could someone make a mod that gets you pregnant, then lets you have a kid?


With extensive scripting, and FOSE, there really isnt any reason not to have this.


Better keep the brat safe - a raider might take its head off!


The above mod is already in the works, I am heading up this project with another animator as far as details and progress, the project is still closed to the public because alot of experimental proof-of-concept stuff is still being worked out and I don't want to be cornered into any one particular method until I've tested all 3 of my systems to determine which is the most effiecient.


The pregnancy system is already working, the major work still in progress involves how the kid is 'made' per se ;)


Check out the following posts for more information :







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