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while we wait for F4SE to update


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3200h here. First playing on normal, then on hardcore, then on survival 2 ou 3 time... Finaly I reached level 190 on survival (vanilla). Followed by a break.

Started to see what is this famous community and now I'm using f4 to create mods for others.

I love this game for a single reason actually (I also loved my vanilla experience), This game has a talentuous modders community. And it is open to players to creates mods and enhance the game.

Whitout this I will probably play another game after my survival run.

Edited by zed140
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For the Slooty Mods of course!


Also, has anyone heard from the F4SE team on when they will come out with the update? I wish Steam would give you a choice to update FO4 or not. Hate having some of my mods not working everytime they come out with a stupid update.

Edited by Menace651
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I started playing last month, I chose the game because of the mods, and because I played a lot of Skyrim. The ability to change and match just about everything in the game is fascinating. Often does not improve the original game, but reminds childhood play in combining toys from different universes, and the expectation of making the game continue to run with one more change is a game in itself.

I would like to be able to make mods, about the female body, in the field of animation, or simply in movement, body movement, humanization of the doll. The evolution in this area is amazing.

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Here's something people can do while waiting for F4SE and SKSE64 to update.

For Fallout 4, download and install Fallout4.exe Auto-Backup so the next time Fallout 4 updates, and you run Fallout 4, the mod automatically backs up your most recent Fallout4.exe, which allows you to restore the Fallout4.exe from a backup folder, and continue playing with the current version of F4SE and all of the mods that work with it, until F4SE and all the mods that depend on it are updated.

For Skyrim SE, download and install SkyrimSE.exe Auto-Backup so the next time Skyrim SE updates, and you run Skyrim SE, the mod automatically backs up your most recent Skyrim.exe, which allows you to restore the Skyrim.exe from a backup folder and continue playing with the current version of SKSE64 and all of the mods that work with it, until SKSE64 and all the mods that depend on it are updated.

It's literally that simple

I'm kind of surprised that people don't know about these mods made by Cdante.
I post these links whenever Skyrim SE or Fallout 4 update.

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