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My framerate halves even in interiors


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Hi guys, I'm currently experiencing frame rate issues with my game. My fps go from 60 to 30 in Vault 21 and about 40 in some Vegas Strip areas. I have installed the Tick Fix and the ENB without any shaders or modifications to enblocal.ini, just main files. These are my pc specs:

  • Win 10 Pro 1909
  • intel i5-3570k
  • GTX 1060 6gb vram
  • 8gb ddr3 ram

My load order:

  • FalloutNV.esm
  • DeadMoney.esm
  • HonestHearts.esm
  • OldWorldBlues.esm
  • LonesomeRoad.esm
  • GunRunnersArsenal.esm
  • ClassicPack.esm
  • MercenaryPack.esm
  • TribalPack.esm
  • CaravanPack.esm
  • YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
  • Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm
  • YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
  • The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
  • DarNifiedUINV.esp
  • JustModsMerged.esp
  • LootMenu.esp
  • EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
  • WeaponModsExpanded.esp
  • WMX-DLCMerged.esp
  • Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
  • Toggle Aim.esp
  • WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
  • WMX-POPMerged.esp
  • weightless crafting.esp
  • Quicker PipBoy Light-0_2Sec.esp
  • Easy Hacking.esp
  • SaveKey.esp
  • Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp



  • DarNified UI Font Dummies
  • UIO - User Interface Organizer
  • DUINVv04
  • Zan AutoPurge Crash Protector - New Vegas Edition
  • SaveKey
  • Easy Hacking
  • Quicker PipBoy Light
  • Weightless Items
  • Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
  • OneTweak
  • Toggle Aim
  • Navmesh Fixes and Improvements
  • Unofficial Patch Plus
  • EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
  • Loot Menu for FNV
  • Just Mods Merged
  • JohnnyGuitar NVSE
  • JIP LN NVSE Plugin
  • MCM BugFix
  • The Mod Configuration Menu
  • Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP

I hope these infos are useful enough for you guys to help, thanks in advance. :happy:

Edited by Simonxz06
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Unfortunately, New Vegas doesn't run that well regardless of your PC. It's a very unoptimised game. Are you using ENBOOST for better memory management? Aside from that, all I can say is that the framerate you're getting is what most of us get without a ridiculous degree of optimising the Fallout & FalloutPrefs INI files and seemingly endless tweaking.

Edited by AnonymousPlum
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It is rare to get a "steady" FPS level of any sort with Bethesda games. What's more important is: does it remain "playable"? Anything above 30FPS should be satisfactory (as long as you ignore the FPS counter).


* Are you using the 4GB Patcher with the Steam version? (DO NOT use it with the GOG version, which is already patched. Applying the patch will break it. Revert to the backup copy created if you did run it.) If not, please see the 'Maximizing use of memory' section of the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. If you aren't sure if it was installed or working, just re-run the Patcher again. Make sure it's 4GB Patcher. Won't hurt and it will tell you if it is already patched. (If the Windows ("Task Manager" | Processes) tab entry for the game process has more than 2GB (2,097,152KB) "Memory(Private Working Set)" used, then the 4GB patch is definitely in effect. But being below that threshold doesn't mean it isn't.)

How can you tell if the 4GB Patch (for Steam) is working? The JIP LN NVSE Plugin (recommended for everyone) has a function which can be run from the console: "GetIsLAA" (not case sensitive).
Possible return codes:
* 0=patch is not applied
* 1=patch was applied to the executable, but extra memory is not being allocated
* 2=successfully allocated extra memory from the patch and is fully working.
If "GetIsLAA" is returning code "1", try running the game from a "local administrator" account. If that is successful, you need to move the game install location out of the "C:\Program Files" folder tree, or correct the "permissions" on the folder you moved it to, as you are going to have other problems down the road. Please see the wiki "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article for details.
Alternatively: if the Windows "Task Manager" indicates the "FalloutNV.exe" program has more than 2GB (2,000,000KB) of "Memory (Private Working Set)", then the 4GB Patcher is in effect. However, to the contrary: less does not mean it is not working. The game simply hasn't needed that much memory as yet.

Note the ENBoost is an independent component of the ENB Series. It is the "ENBHost" file. It enables the game to utilize some system memory for the "video pipeline" outside of the allocated 4GB max to the game. In other words, It can't hurt if you have more than 6GB of system RAM.


* Do not use an "Auto-purge" mod for game play. (That was old advice from before we knew better.) They are designed for debugging by mod creator's only, according to the author of the JIP extensions to NVSE. See the 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu', "Cause-2", "Solution-3" entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for the game settings that do the same job.

Please see the following entries under the 'Solutions to Performance problems' section in the wiki Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide if you haven't already.
* 'Issue: "Full screen mode" exhibits CTDs and stutters or micro-stutters'
* 'Issue: Lag or "micro stutters" even with "New Vegas Stutter Remover" installed'
* 'Issue: Win10 Screen tearing in "Borderless Windowed Mode"'
* 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu' for other settings that can indirectly affect micro-stutter.
* There are also some NVSR configuration suggestions under the 'Issue: Game in slow motion' and entries. (These will not help with the "Tick Fix" alternative mod, but the author of NVSR now has a suggested configuration for Win10 linked there.)
* The 'Issue: What's with these Solid Green billboard signs in the distance (LOD)?' entry under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section can also help if your problems started after you installed VWD/LOD texture packages.
* If you are using CASM or some similar "auto-save" mod to manage your save game files (recommended), try increasing the "time between saves" set in the "save frequency"; and reducing the number of occasions it saves to the minimum (e.g. disable most "Autosave Events" in CASM) and see how that impacts the game seeming to freeze temporarily.
* If you have "NVSE logging" enabled (see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide), disable it until actually needed.

Reading from or writing to disk for any reason is the slowest thing the game does.

The size of your image files also has an impact. Larger/higher resolution is not always "better". Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article.

The 'Issue: What INI edits seem to be most beneficial to performance' entry of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide) may also be some help. However, the above mitigations are more likely to have a fundamental beneficial effect with or without any INI adjustments, so consider them as the last resort.

As you can see, there are a number of things that can underlie your problem. If one of these doesn't fix it, I would be interested to hear about any eventual solution that does.


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The game doesn't make use of the hardware, it doesn't matter what you throw at it. This was taken while I was struggling for frames on an graphically intense modded island, it doesn't use what's available.



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The game is completely bottlenecked by draw calls, which on Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11, are processed on a single thread. Same issue with Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4. There are several things you can try.


- Go full screen mode, as that grants a boost to draw call performance.


- Disable the Intel speculative execution vulnerability fixes, as they affect draw call performance and file i/o performance: https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/manage_speculative_execution_settings_script.html


- Use NVAC, and NVTF, as they replace several of the game's internal assembly code functions, which are woefully slow. Obsidian never compiled New Vegas to use compiler optimizations, so there's a bunch of archaic x87 CPU instructions that really should have been replaced with newer and faster SIMD instructions.


- Decompress the .bsa archives, as they use up a significant chunk of processing time to decompress files.


- Convert all the .ogg sound files to .wav. .wav Files do not have any compression, so are almost processed as fast as they can be read from your drive.


- Install JIP and add this to FalloutCustom.ini in your "My Games\FalloutNV" folder:




Several of these tweaks, namely the decompression of the archives, converting of the sound files, and applying the .ini settings, are automated by the TTW installer.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Install and run BethINI, a utility that sorts the ini files and gets rid of redundant entries. With 'sorts' I mean that the ini file is a complete mess with entries seemingly thrown in at random spots. BethINI puts them in the right order. Also try Better Game Performance, a mod that gets rid of textures that are hidden but still need to be rendered, taking up resources.


Fallout: New Vegas runs on a Gamebryo engine which has a lot of shortcomings and goes weak in the knees pretty easy, especially when you're adding too many plugins. Not your concern as the limit is around 130 (I have 139 and adding more makes the game go nuts as it starts to refuse to load textures). And it's not a 'Bethesda thing' like dubuousintent says since the game was developed by Obsidian and published by Bethesda.


I'm running the game on an R7 2700X and a Vega64 and also have serious frame drops in places, especially in the Old World Blues and Lonesome Road DLC where opening containers or dead folk's inventory makes the game hang for a second or two.

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It is a Bethesda thing, as they're using Bethesda's offshoot of Gamebryo. It's an improvement over Fallout 3's engine, but still has many of the same shortcomings.


If you've a Ryzen CPU, you'd best assign Fallout to a single CCX.

The engine's shortcomings were not the reason why the game was extremely buggy at release. It was because of a lousy job by Obsidian.


I'm running FNV on four of the eight CPU cores available, with SMT (hyperthreading) enabled.

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