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Download speeds


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Alright so before I start, don't give me the whole thing about "It might be your download speeds" or "It's the servers".

My download speeds are perfectly fine and if its the servers, it's been weeks upon weeks of these s#*! download speeds. So why is it only downloading at 200-300kb/s all the time? I'm only a free user but even still, I should be getting 1mb/s (the max cap for free users) and yet, here I am, waiting over 3 hours for some mods to download.

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Alright so before I start, don't give me the whole thing about "It might be your download speeds" or "It's the servers".

My download speeds are perfectly fine and if its the servers, it's been weeks upon weeks of these s*** download speeds. So why is it only downloading at 200-300kb/s all the time? I'm only a free user but even still, I should be getting 1mb/s (the max cap for free users) and yet, here I am, waiting over 3 hours for some mods to download.


Are you using Vortex to download stuff?

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Vortex doesn't limit the download speed.

If your download speeds are low (even below 1MB/s) that is definitively a network problem not a software problem.


Now I have no intimate knowledge of how the Nexus Mods CDN works but I wouldn't rule out you get assigned to an overloaded server based on your location in the world.


So a few things to try are: Use a VPN to make it appear you're elsewhere in the world (europe for example). Or try downloading during off-hours (in the mornings for example) and see if that makes a difference.


Once you've convinced yourself that it actually is network/time related, contact the web team who are the people who can actually do something about this.

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I can tell you right now, it is NOT a network problem, I download perfectly fine on literally everything else besides vortex. Vortex is the only thing I'm having download speed issues with. Like I said too, it's been like this for weeks. Every time I go to download any mods off the nexus, regardless of time, regardless of location, its slow as s#*!.

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