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FO4 irritating crashing issue


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My current test run looks promising. There were two BEDaisy files. What I'm assuming to be the core file -- BEDaisy, and BEDaisy.ps2 -- which I'm assuming is for planetside 2 since that is the only game I have that uses the Battleye anti cheat stuff. And I know for a FACT it uses this because even on my old laptop I would find it running in the background under task manager and had to manually end it. I'll keep posting on this thread for progress reports so that others may find a solution.

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Heyas Kanami - yeah, whitelisting is making it so that your AV doesn't try to get rid of it. That can cause it to shut down, and when it crashes, it crashes your game.

I'm sorry to hear that didn't solve your problem tho :(

On my old laptop, I had a program called Anvir Task Manager, that I could use, to make programs that didn't want to cooperate, (in this case, it was windows itself, with the automatic updates!)

be put on a leash, and be able to disable them. HOWEVER, on my windows 10 PRO install, PRO wants to treat it as a virus, and won't let me access it, since the program has access to let me disable the auto updates, and auto reboots. It literally locked down the .exe file for it, and won't let me give it access again!

Which is wierd, because windows 10 home didn't have that problem. And I was able to get rid of the crap that MS kept putting back in my machine to make those auto reboots get forced on me.

So that might be one option for you, as far as disabling the anti-cheatware. If you don't want to try that one, or windows has a similar reaction to it, there's others out there you can find using a google/yahoo search for advanced task manager windows.


task manager alternative windows

Good luck! I've seen you posting about all kinds of troubles that you've been having with this game. I hope this will get rid of them! :)

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yeah, every two seconds theres an issue with this game. But any other game on the other hand has never given me an issue. It's always fallout 4. With skyrim se, I never had any issues like this even before I learned how to properly mod and fix my mods -- fix my load orders and mod compatibilities. But with fallout 4, everyday I'm practically developing the game -- doing things that the actual devs should've did before even selling it. I can't even think of another game where you have to do things like this, just to be able to play it. I mean yeah there's skyrim se, but the most you're gonna do for that is download the USSEP. However there is skyrim LE, but that's not even a game. Now that I think about it, that's probably the only other game that gives as much stress as fallout 4.


But yeah, I'm still getting the BEDaisy issue. My only options now is to reinstall windows entirely or fallout 4 or both. Because at the moment, doing the whitelisting thing isn't fixing it but yet it is my only issue.

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Another promising run. This time I backed up fallout 4, didn't uninstall it though. Uninstalled planetside 2 (mainly because its been giving me anger headaches lately despite me normally logging with over 150+ kills). Deleted the battleye folder that re-populated from planetside 2, then deleted the left over folder under steamapps>common. I did not delete the files for it under the backups folder..


going to continue testing. I'm sure it will crash again from this issue -- or was, but it hasn't yet :v

Edited by kanami24
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I hope that you don't end up reinstalling your operating system. That seems to be overkill, because of a game. Don't get me wrong, I'm heavily addicted to Fallout4, tho I myself can't find the reason why. It's not a "great" game, and like a lot of Beth's work, it's survivability against it's competition is largely due to the modding community.

Lets also not mention what they did to us with this latest version release, just so they could sell more stolen mods that used to be , or are still, free here on the Nexus.


Bleh, sorry for the rant. I really hope it doesn't have to go to that. Make sure that you backup the important stuff, like personal files, bookmarks in your browser, etc, before committing to that.

But I'll go ahead and ask.... what operating system is running on your game machine? Is your gaming machine also your daily driver, or do you have more than one computer?

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I hope that you don't end up reinstalling your operating system. That seems to be overkill, because of a game.


That's why I recommended looking at the system logs. There's always a part of the system actually causing the crash. And that's where any troubleshotting should start. I could remedy my crashes that way, since it was my GPU giving up and buying a new card was in order.

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I hope that you don't end up reinstalling your operating system. That seems to be overkill, because of a game.


That's why I recommended looking at the system logs. There's always a part of the system actually causing the crash. And that's where any troubleshotting should start. I could remedy my crashes that way, since it was my GPU giving up and buying a new card was in order.



If you've read the previous posts, the system logs only identified the BEDaisy issue. As of right now, no more logs are being generated. However, when I look into my papyrus logs, it seems that the creation club stuff is what's causing my game to crash. There's errors with them all across the board, in literally every item I have from the creation club. There's no way to disable those creation club mods either. I've deleted their manifests, But they are still present.


In short, the BEDaisy crash is no longer present for me. I simply deleted their files entirely. And I'm afraid that this is something I'm going to have to do each time I run planetside 2 -- or in the future play another game that uses the battleye anti cheat program -- and be able to play fallout 4. or well, more like develop it.


So far I've had to:

-verify game files

-fix 3 issues in DCOM

-delete BEDaisy files (the ones that are generated in programs(x86)>common files and the ones under the planetside 2 files)

-I've also completely uninstalled planetside 2 and deleted the left over files

-deactivated and reactivated all mods

-uninstall and reinstall the game entirely

-run the game while offline (which worked but then I crashed again at croup manor).

-delete the manifests for creation club content.


I've done numerous things, yet here I am -- the only thing I havn't done yet, is reinstall windows. Only because that sounds like I'll be loosing a lot more than what I'll be gaining. And it sounds utterly pointless as well.


I would like to note that, the errors I'm seeing in papyrus logs are the same exact errors before I deleted those manifests. I could honestly care less about the creation club stuff because most of it is just visuals, yet all of it is useless. The only thing I like from the creation club is the settlement attack thing. It adds new walls, a new false distress signal to lure raiders to your settlement, new traps, and new defense towers. Also, actually working cameras. Other than that, everything is generally useless at the moment. the military backpack is garbage, its just visuals. The husky is just a re-meshed dogmeat, but again -- visuals. Iike huskies, but I hate how dogmeat is always in my fkin way. The new cr-75L rifle looks cool, but its just a simple combat rifle that's not compatible with see through scopes at the moment and It can only be an automatic rifle, which makes little since if it has scopes for it. I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't dare run a 4x scope on an automatic weapon. At anyrate -- you get what I mean. I'm not loosing much from getting rid of the creation club stuff. All of my settlements have hundreds -- and a few of them go into the thousands -- of items in them. But only two of my settlements actually use those walls from that settlement defense thing I spoke of earlier.


Seeing that the vanilla system places enemies in your settlement if you're not actively at them when they get attacked -- having walls is purely for visuals for me. Granted, there is a settlement just east of Somerville place that's in the middle of a swamp. That settlement needs walls, cuz mirelurk mothers will spawn just outside of the settlement, walk in -- and fk everyone's shet up, and then not bat an eye -- like its casual Thursday or somethin' . I know, I've had it happen to me on two different occasions -- which is shocking to say because as often as I post on the forums, it seems like I never get to play this game.


At anyrate, I guess I'll go back to …. trying to fix whatever this is -- it's not a refund, that much I know -- before I have to go. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

Edited by kanami24
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Here's two other bits of information as well. My papyrus logs --


[12/03/2019 - 04:05:41AM] Papyrus log opened (PC-64)
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:41AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:41AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:41AM] Maximum stack depth: 100
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:41AM] This is a script log only and does not contain information on any other part of the game, including crashes.
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:UnlockPostersScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:RefAliasRedemptionMachine", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:ccSWKFO4001_CaptainCosmosQuestScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:RefAliasOnContainerChange", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:RefAliasPowerArmorEnter", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:RefAliasExitDoor", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:RefAliasEntryDoor", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccSBJFO4001_:SafeCombinationScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccSBJFO4001_:HotelBellScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccsbjfo4001_:bell_rung_variable", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccSBJFO4001_:LockTriggerScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:ZSEFO4001:RefAliasDoor", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4001:NeoSkyLightSwitchScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4001:HolotapeAliasCheckScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4001:SynthDeathAliasCheckScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4115_:DoorUnlockTriggerScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4115_:X02TerminalScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4115_:RadioEnclaveQuestScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4115_:RadioTopicInfoScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:LightEnableDisableScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:TerminalSetStageScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:TerminalHackScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "creationclub:tosfo4002:counterscript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:SynthUnconsciousScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:SignalStrengthScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4117:WaveEnableFunctionScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4046_:PickupCloakEffectScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4046_:GunnerTerminalScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4046_:GunnerSignalStrengthScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4046_:GunnerPipboyPerkScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccGCAFO4025:GunnerFriendlyScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccGCAFO4025:BlockActivationScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4117:BlockActivation", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4117:RadioOffonActivateScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:SynthEncounterDisableScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:ChainedDoorLoad", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:SWKFO4001:ChainLoadDoor", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "CreationClub:TOSFO4002:ccTOSFO4002_LightSwitch", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:42AM] Cannot open store for class "ccBGSFO4117:OnActivateTeleportScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:44AM] Cannot open store for class "ccSBJFO4002:RadstagActivateScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:45AM] Cannot open store for class "MinigunSpinupScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:45AM] Cannot open store for class "MinigunSpinupDispel", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:46AM] Cannot open store for class "CustomCategoriesUninstallerScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:46AM] Cannot open store for class "ASmallAdditionAPC:APCLightsOnOff", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:46AM] Cannot open store for class "f4ms_skillbook", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:46AM] Cannot open store for class "f4ms_skillcalculatorbase", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:47AM] Cannot open store for class "MotorcyclePushAwayScript", missing file?
[12/03/2019 - 04:05:47AM] Cannot open store for class "OMODToggleAME", missing file?

and from wyre bash -- mopy


unrecognized version





the vats95percent.esm probably required f4se, in which case it needs to be updated. However, the fallout4.esm is updated. as for the cr-75L, I'm lost. It should have been compatible with the current game seeing that it kinda came with the recent update SINCE it kinda is a creation club item.


EDIT: yes, I've read multiple other threads with the same papyrus issue. Nothing concrete in them. As for the fallout4.esm issue, I've verified my game multiple times after the update and the verification is has always been successful. In all honesty, at first glance, I'm assuming the unrecognized fallout4.esm and the papyrus errors are from the same problem, which once again -- isn't being recorded in the event viewer.

Edited by kanami24
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At current, deleted all files for creation club under fallout4>creations and then eventually under fallout4>data. Not entirely sure if this fixed this issue, but I just played FO4 for 3 hours straight without crashing. I proper exited the game, ending the session. I was actually able to update a few settlements which was using the creation club watch towers, which I kinda liked cuz of the tarp ontop, and do the normal settlement maintenance stuff. Was able to teleport and join in on fights without crashing as well.

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