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When burdened, my character can't move - not even the slow walk


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Since the recent update which totally broke my save, I decided to restart with a completely new character and mod line-up. Normally I play male characters and have never had this issue with them.


This time I tried a female one for a total change of gameplay, but when she's overloaded, she doesn't move at all, not even the slow walk. Is this a female thing, or is it a bug? I've never encountered this before, so I'm not sure if it's gender related or not. All my male characters could at least move around, albeit slowly, but my little girl cat can't.


Could it be because I made her slightly smaller than average (setscale 0.9) that is causing this. It's not a huge issue, but somewhat annoying when she's emptied her bag of holding in order to refine all the ores and things. The weight of them soon mounts up!


Having never played a female in Skyrim before, I don't know if this is normal for them or not.


And when she shouts, it's more like "meow" lol! :laugh:

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Since the recent update which totally broke my save, I decided to restart with a completely new character and mod line-up. Normally I play male characters and have never had this issue with them.


This time I tried a female one for a total change of gameplay, but when she's overloaded, she doesn't move at all, not even the slow walk. Is this a female thing, or is it a bug? I've never encountered this before, so I'm not sure if it's gender related or not. All my male characters could at least move around, albeit slowly, but my little girl cat can't.


Could it be because I made her slightly smaller than average (setscale 0.9) that is causing this. It's not a huge issue, but somewhat annoying when she's emptied her bag of holding in order to refine all the ores and things. The weight of them soon mounts up!


Having never played a female in Skyrim before, I don't know if this is normal for them or not.


And when she shouts, it's more like "meow" lol! :laugh:


I play female characters exclusively, and it's not a female mechanic, my character, when overburdened just walks slowly.


Perhaps you're using a mod that changes that?


It might be the Setscale thing, but I can't confirm.

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I have a male character and a female character.


Both have suffered from paralysis or on *rare occasion when over-burdened. 999 times out of a thousand (figuratively speaking) they can still walk, they just can't run. One they're locked up solid as a rock. (and you know it's not a glitch because if you cheat and use console player.setav carryweight 20000, you can suddenly walk AND run again). Not sure why. Probably another mod that has some puritanical or just outright malicious line in it the author decided to use as a hidden gotcha, some sort of moralistic punishment or whatever, like how some will lock the character up or cause the menu to go out or you can move but can't look around, etc. (specifically, mods that don't tell the user that that's what they do, I don't mean those 'adulty' mods where people know what they're getting into and agree to it) I've seen way too many posts when doing a wider-net search for this or that problem, of mod authors searching for the answers to "how can I screw up the player on purpose?" while trying to iron out their code snippets, purposely injecting exactly the code I'm trying to stop from wasting my time and making my recreation into another gd chore, kinda like those "fun" kids in the 80s and 90s who wrote malicious "prank" script they'd drop on their school mates computers hahaha. /s


Personally I got sick and tired of it and downloaded a cheat necklace that adds 9K lbs to my carryweight. And push come shove, there's always setav or modav if I decide I'm superman.


check with console. if you use that bolded bit above and still can't move, there's something else going on. It might be some unforseen glitch (A seized script for instance), or it's probably what my dark side thinks is really going on.

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Since the recent update which totally broke my save, I decided to restart with a completely new character and mod line-up. Normally I play male characters and have never had this issue with them.


This time I tried a female one for a total change of gameplay, but when she's overloaded, she doesn't move at all, not even the slow walk. Is this a female thing, or is it a bug? I've never encountered this before, so I'm not sure if it's gender related or not. All my male characters could at least move around, albeit slowly, but my little girl cat can't.


Could it be because I made her slightly smaller than average (setscale 0.9) that is causing this. It's not a huge issue, but somewhat annoying when she's emptied her bag of holding in order to refine all the ores and things. The weight of them soon mounts up!


Having never played a female in Skyrim before, I don't know if this is normal for them or not.


And when she shouts, it's more like "meow" lol! :laugh:




Since the recent update which totally broke my save, I decided to restart with a completely new character and mod line-up. Normally I play male characters and have never had this issue with them.


This time I tried a female one for a total change of gameplay, but when she's overloaded, she doesn't move at all, not even the slow walk. Is this a female thing, or is it a bug? I've never encountered this before, so I'm not sure if it's gender related or not. All my male characters could at least move around, albeit slowly, but my little girl cat can't.


Could it be because I made her slightly smaller than average (setscale 0.9) that is causing this. It's not a huge issue, but somewhat annoying when she's emptied her bag of holding in order to refine all the ores and things. The weight of them soon mounts up!


Having never played a female in Skyrim before, I don't know if this is normal for them or not.


And when she shouts, it's more like "meow" lol! :laugh:


I play female characters exclusively, and it's not a female mechanic, my character, when overburdened just walks slowly.


Perhaps you're using a mod that changes that?


It might be the Setscale thing, but I can't confirm.




I have a male character and a female character.


Both have suffered from paralysis or on *rare occasion when over-burdened. 999 times out of a thousand (figuratively speaking) they can still walk, they just can't run. One they're locked up solid as a rock. (and you know it's not a glitch because if you cheat and use console player.setav carryweight 20000, you can suddenly walk AND run again). Not sure why. Probably another mod that has some puritanical or just outright malicious line in it the author decided to use as a hidden gotcha, some sort of moralistic punishment or whatever, like how some will lock the character up or cause the menu to go out or you can move but can't look around, etc. (specifically, mods that don't tell the user that that's what they do, I don't mean those 'adulty' mods where people know what they're getting into and agree to it) I've seen way too many posts when doing a wider-net search for this or that problem, of mod authors searching for the answers to "how can I screw up the player on purpose?" while trying to iron out their code snippets, purposely injecting exactly the code I'm trying to stop from wasting my time and making my recreation into another gd chore, kinda like those "fun" kids in the 80s and 90s who wrote malicious "prank" script they'd drop on their school mates computers hahaha. /s


Personally I got sick and tired of it and downloaded a cheat necklace that adds 9K lbs to my carryweight. And push come shove, there's always setav or modav if I decide I'm superman.


check with console. if you use that bolded bit above and still can't move, there's something else going on. It might be some unforseen glitch (A seized script for instance), or it's probably what my dark side thinks is really going on.


First, it's not setscale that's doing it. Second, I have played the game on literally thousands of different saves, because I like to mess around with the character creation, and use what I make in Discord roleplay servers, and I have never once had the issue of not being able to move at all when overburdened. The only things I can think of is there is a mod that is doing it, or some main file is missing, specifically the movement files. OR a line of code in the .ini files got changed.


Side note Anjethedog, player.setav carryweight only changes the carryweight for the character for that specific game time. When you stop playing, and close the game entirely, it resets. For a permanent setting, use player.modav carryweight. The only stats perma-affected by setav are health, stamina, and magicka. Idk why that is.

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I'm aware, but thanks. fyi, I suggested setav for carryweight specifically because it's temporary and it's for someone else's install, as a test.. I'd use modav if/when I decided to make it permanent.


But kudos for stating it, as I'm sure someone else will stumble onto this topic at some point and your post will help them to learn. I probably should have done so myself, but I was interested only in helping the OP with his/her debug, not in providing a permanent modification....


"The only things I can think of is there is a mod that is doing it"


That's what I suspect as well.

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Thanks for all the replies! :thumbsup: While it's not a huge issue, it sometimes helps to get other people's thoughts on it.


I can confirm that it's definitely not the setscale (I like her small! :rolleyes: ). I tried default size and the problem was still there. Back to mini-size for her then!


These are the only mods that could possibly cause it, that I haven't used before, but use on this character:


CBBE Tera Armors

Pretty Khajiit (makes her look like a housecat)

MD mannequin designs (don't think it's this one, as the issue was there before I added it)

Khaiit Speak Extended (adds cat-talk with Inigo the blue cat! And no, it's not him causing it either as I use him always!)

Hearthfire Extended (also added later)

Improved Hearthfire Lighting (added later)

Guards use vanilla open helms

Decorator helper (Added later and likely not the cause either)


Everything else in my mod setup is stuff I always use or that I know never caused a problem on any of my male characters.


It's not the end of the world or game-breaking or anything, more of a curiosity and actually more akin to Morrowind and Oblivion, where being overburdened DID fix you in place! The only time it's an inconvenience is while I'm building and loaded down with stone and iron stuff - I just use god-mode for the duration of the building work so I can move around the house, then switch it back off for adventuring. The rest of the time, I have my trusty Bag of Holding which I use ALWAYS!

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I can confirm that it's definitely not the setscale (I like her small! :rolleyes: ).


FYI, it should be working, RaceMenu mod has a slider for height. Might make it easier than using .setscale… To be fair, I generally use Dimonized UNP for my female toons. That, and the RaceMenu sliders.... Perfect woman.

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Racemenu was one I dropped as together with the recent update, it completely broke the game I was playing, rendering it unplayable even though I ran all skse and racemenu updates. I decided to do something completely different this time around to keep things fresh, hence trying a female. She's a Khajiit, and as a female player, I'm not really looking for 'perfect' female! Just the modest, small one I'm using is fine! :cool:

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  • 2 years later...

Make sure to check your buff column. A "bad case" of certain diseases will cause problems with movement. I think Rockjoint is one, that if left to its own, will eventually result in your inability to move, like Brain rot (if left to fester too long) can result in an inability to cast spells.


A potion of cure disease will resolve that in short order. As well there's at least one "cure disease" spell mod available...

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