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Endless "checking for external changes" for Skyrim


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**also posted under skyrim tech support**

Often deploying (or purging) takes a long time - 15 min to multiple hours.

For reference, my skyrimse.exe is in my D along with the Vortex mod folder. I've added SKSE64 manually and confirmed it (when skyrim runs).

Some deployments have only taken seconds, but when they take hours it makes troubleshooting very difficult. When it takes forever, the notification reads "Checking for external changes."

Not sure what other info is necessary, but maybe my problem will be obvious to someone. Thanks in advance!

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Did you have the same problem in an earlier version of Vortex?


Also, here is a forum thread that may have some useful information for you: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7744423-checking-for-external-changes-forever/&do=findComment&comment=71018753


Pay particular attention the rmm200's post.

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  • 1 month later...

Just in case anyone has a similar problem and finds this in a search ... the apparent conflict was caused by Malwarebytes. Specifically, when the ransomware protection was running all of the problems described above happened, but when switched off they promptly disappeared. So, obscure and likely very uncommon, but there it is.

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Just in case anyone has a similar problem and finds this in a search ... the apparent conflict was caused by Malwarebytes. Specifically, when the ransomware protection was running all of the problems described above happened, but when switched off they promptly disappeared. So, obscure and likely very uncommon, but there it is.



Thanks, much appreciated that you came back to let other people know about this.

This lets me add this to my 'support txt file for future reference.

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