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What will happen to Skyrim when Fallout 4 comes out ?


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Hello everybody !

First of all , that's my first post here on the forums :)

Anyway , that's not the point , I saw such a thread on the official forums and thought to bring it over here.


What do you think will happen to Skyrim when Fallout 4 comes out ?

Personally ( some may call me a weirdo ) I really HATE the Fallout series and I've never touched any game from it.

Now surely Fallout 4 will come out eventually , and I fear that the modding community will move on from Skyrim.


What do you think ?

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Those who enjoy Fallout will probably move on to that, I know I will. Those who prefer Skyrim will stay, Morrowind still has an active modding community and it's a decade old at this point. Activity might taper off a bit, but you likely have nothing to worry about.
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Those who enjoy Fallout will probably move on to that, I know I will. Those who prefer Skyrim will stay, Morrowind still has an active modding community and it's a decade old at this point. Activity might taper off a bit, but you likely have nothing to worry about.



I do hope so , next year looks like the golden age for some serious Skyrim modding , I know that there's no way Fallout 4 comes any time soon but well , one can fear.

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Don't worry, even if a new Fallout were released today, there would still be a Skyrim modding community. After all, there's still a large New Vegas modding community even after Skyrim's CK was released.
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There´s still people making mods for morrowind, I have morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3 and new vegas and I play all of them depending if I´m in the mood for fantasy sword fighting or for post nuclear war shooting and survival XD I still make mods for all of them exept morrowind since I play it in oblivion and when fallout 4 comes out I´ll still be playing and modding the previews games plus fallout 4.
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from what I can tell so far, a lot of really great modders are still in Oblivion (the game :tongue: ), nothing against the current modders in Skyrim, but Skyrim is missing some realy great quests, and I know some great ones are for a fact still playing and modding for Oblivion. and far more are still modding Morrowind.


For the most part, there aren't many group quest mods yet, there is one that I know of comming soon, but not to Nexus (it will be on his site).


When the really good quests start comming we will see a lot more interesting things in Skyrim.

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