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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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There's no need to keep reminding us that certain features like uncapped downloads are being locked behind a paywall. And there's no need to keep harassing and begging for donations and memberships. Let us use the site and download files in peace. Not everyone wants to pay for features that SHOULD be free.


Well well well. I have become quite popular. Over 70 posts and 1,000 views, And of course fools defending anti-user practices. It's your money. You wanna keep lining Robbin's pockets do what you do.


And I also notice how the mods download has changed. To spite us non-premium users no doubt. Nothing you(Nexus) do will make me pay up. If anything I'll support smaller sites like modDB and LoversLab to help bring some competition to PC modding and an end to the Nexus monopoly.

You're the kind of guy who likes to shout a lot without truly knowing what you're talking about. Nexus is free to use for everyone who has an account. And Nexus having a monopoly on modding is immediately contradicted by you mentioning other mod sites that exist without being threatened by Nexus of a hostile take-over. You're driving on a free stretch of highway and complain there's too many exit ramp panels and that the ministry of traffic has a monopoly on them. The reason why Nexus is THE place to go to for mods is because they provide an excellent service and have some of the greatest modders in the world on their member list. Probably the main reason why you signed up in the first place. I propose you start your own mod hosting service and website. See how far you get after the first bills arrive. And unless Nexus staff members are picketing in front of your door with paying membership leaflets, you're still using the site in complete peace.

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I think it's a sign of greed personally.


The Nexus promotes its offerings to bring in revenue to keep the lights on and reward mod authors.


The users who have free accounts want everything for free without interruptions, distractions, or limitations forever - damn the costs!


Who's greedy again?


You liked my donut story but you clearly missed the point.

Oh I totally get the point, despite a few flaws in its relevance to this debacle. I think you read too far Into that first line and not paid attention to anything else I have said. I get the business standpoint, and I get the folks that are upset about this (even if they can't quite quantify what it is they expect is the fair solution to their problem, or in some cases, what the problem even is). I've offered at least some empathy where others seem to simply want to argue. Really quite tiresome.


But let me reiterate and be more specific about that particular line. I think it's greedy because I find this tactic to be one of coercion, by way of annoyance. A lot of mobs are doing it. Some of them are really quite bad, like YouTube for example. If you like this tactic and want to champion it, you go right ahead and keep wondering why the response is mostly negative. But hey, all good if it brings in the money, who cares how it came. Speaking of which the fact they are doing it to paid supporters is really pathetic. I find that to be a greedy decision.


But let's stop right here and propose an ultimatum. Why not just lock the site behind a pay wall? As it was mentioned above, nexus could be charging for everything. Let's not beat around the bush then aye. Let's start charging like a bull out of a gate, as per the mandate of the majority of companies as of late. Surely it's inevitable. Wouldn't that be a great solution? Wall the peasants off so all you champions of business and capitalism can revel in your splendour? What a utopia that could be. Oh no wait, that would be paid modding of sorts. Hmm, best we just coerce the users into buying a membership then.

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Lol RIP another formerly nice service for creative people who gathered to have fun and enjoy sharing something good :teehee: It so nice most of popular mods are available elsewhere. I guess those places will get enormous amount of new users and page visits pretty soon. Or maybe someone already created Nexus 2.0 where everything is still free as mod creators wanted it to be

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Lol RIP another formerly nice service for creative people who gathered to have fun and enjoy sharing something good :teehee: It so nice most of popular mods are available elsewhere. I guess those places will get enormous amount of new users and page visits pretty soon. Or maybe someone already created Nexus 2.0 where everything is still free as mod creators wanted it to be

And I bet those sites will run on pure hope and rainbows, right? No, no, wait... exposure! We'll pay them in exposure!
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Lol RIP another formerly nice service for creative people who gathered to have fun and enjoy sharing something good :teehee: It so nice most of popular mods are available elsewhere. I guess those places will get enormous amount of new users and page visits pretty soon. Or maybe someone already created Nexus 2.0 where everything is still free as mod creators wanted it to be

And I bet those sites will run on pure hope and rainbows, right? No, no, wait... exposure! We'll pay them in exposure!



"The end is nigh! REPENT!"

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Guest deleted34304850

Lol RIP another formerly nice service for creative people who gathered to have fun and enjoy sharing something good :teehee: It so nice most of popular mods are available elsewhere. I guess those places will get enormous amount of new users and page visits pretty soon. Or maybe someone already created Nexus 2.0 where everything is still free as mod creators wanted it to be

if you have no comprehension of the subject, its best to remain quiet.

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Remember back in the 90s and early 2000s when the entire Internet was free, people paid for their server bandwidth with banner ads no one ever clicked on, and had a day job that didn't involve running a website or server so they could play video games all day? I remember those. Those will never come back, and it's because of people like the majority of commenters in this thread propping up horribly bad business practices. Somehow it became acceptable to make website owners become pushy beggars demanding we turn off our adblocker and purchase a premium membership just to get the perks of actually having broadband internet. We get plenty of reminders that sites use cookies, as if that hasn't been a thing forever, generating passive income by tracking users who visit the site. Meanwhile, bandwidth costs would remain constant if people didn't have this impression that putting it off on the consumer makes it right. He's got the right idea - rebel against the ISP to get them to quit ripping people off. They use no more or less electricity, so the cost of bandwidth is completely artificial. That means all you holier than thou posters ragging on this guy for wanting common sense business practices are idiots, attacking the very person that already pays bills and taxes, including his ISP connection, which means this stuff is already paid for. By all of us. Yes, you too. You're being ripped off and you're too proud to admit you are a sucker, who really thinks ads and subscriptions pay for bandwidth and the internet. You desperately throw out the notion that we deserve to pay even more for a service that we've already paid for.


Blind damn fools.

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This is just awful, I can understand they want to promote their premium service, but making people wait to download a file like a crappy download server it's hideous. What's the next move, Nexus staff, put a limited download service, isn't it? At this point everyone knows it.


People, get ready and start uploading your mods/files to other sites, another storm of paying for modding is coming soon.

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Remember back in the 90s and early 2000s when the entire Internet was free, people paid for their server bandwidth with banner ads no one ever clicked on, and had a day job that didn't involve running a website or server so they could play video games all day? I remember those. Those will never come back, and it's because of people like the majority of commenters in this thread propping up horribly bad business practices. Somehow it became acceptable to make website owners become pushy beggars demanding we turn off our adblocker and purchase a premium membership just to get the perks of actually having broadband internet.

Those are some fancy rose-tinted glasses you have on there. Do they also play the sound of a 56k modem while you're waiting several minutes to download that awesome MP3 file from Napster?
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