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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Re: the coffee conversation. Perhaps some of you are under the impression that supporters are not seeing these "go premium"/"slow/fast download" screens. That is false. Doesn't matter how much money you have tossed at Nexus in the past, if you are not a current premium member, you see them. The only way to get rid of them permanently is to buy a lifetime subscription, which yes, many users likely cannot afford. I know of at least one mod author for who even the monthly premium cost is a solid half of a day's pay (obviously not in the US or UK).

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By comparison, and only to provide perspective, LL, at over 3 million total users has 386 donators, ie 0.00013 %, and is in the black.

They're also operating on a shoestring server that's barely adequate for the tiny number of people who actually download from it. They sure as hell are not offering something on par with Nexus. Not even close. So they're not a valid comparison.


Several shoestring servers, in fact.

Nobody's saying it's as big as Nexus, or that it has all the bells and whistles, and that was never its intention either. But at 1/6 of total membership, let's presume active membership is along the same rate, and actual traffic volume probably somewhat less than 1/6, but surely over 1/325. Donating at 3$/month gives the exact same benefits that Nexus Premium does: no ads or caps. Hence the comparison, along with the fact I have those numbers within reach, which I can't say of places like moddb and what not. Been a while since I visited those - I don't remember a premium option even showing there.

My point is, whatever the percentage of premium users is, as long as there's no insight in Nexus's actual income or expenses, there's no point in going around shouting that the end is nigh.

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Well if it would be created to make things better, then your argument is valid, but it was made with hate in their heart and supported by modders (like Arthmoor) who get percentage of money out of supporters - so it is out of pure greed. And also those moddders are asslickers of Bethesda paid mods and doesn't really care about this site or free mods - they want mods to be paid... so there would be no option to go. This is so sad that people don't see it and owner decided to support them rather than what this site was known for - community of creative modders with free mods.


I can't support this site, after this kind of behaviour not only if I could I would do it, but also I will support other websites aswell. G-bye Nexus if you think people like Arthmoor are the ones you will value and people like me should be going.

Well, I for one won't miss your wonderful attitude. Have fun in your self-inflicted exile.

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Well if it would be created to make things better, then your argument is valid, but it was made with hate in their heart and supported by modders (like Arthmoor) who get percentage of money out of supporters - so it is out of pure greed. And also those moddders are asslickers of Bethesda paid mods and doesn't really care about this site or free mods - they want mods to be paid... so there would be no option to go. This is so sad that people don't see it and owner decided to support them rather than what this site was known for - community of creative modders with free mods.


I can't support this site, after this kind of behaviour not only if I could I would do it, but also I will support other websites aswell. G-bye Nexus if you think people like Arthmoor are the ones you will value and people like me should be going.



That "Percentage of Money" is paid in DP POINTS, and 1,000 DP points = ONE Dollar

You can't even cash your DP points in for Money, until you accumulate 10,000 DP points = $10

Some modders donate their DP points to CHARITY


So yea, there's some "Big time greed" going on there, (that's Sarcasm BTW), I imagine some modders are going to be installing gold toilets in their homes with all those 10's of dollars rolling in. (More sarcasm there)


Why, since June of 2018, I've made enough DP points to be able to buy a candy bar.

But I'm saving up for a 100 foot yacht.

Hopefully I'll have enough before the Sun turns into a Red Giant.


Do us all a favor, and bring a parachute the next time you jump to a completely wrong conclusion like the one you just made.

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G-bye Nexus if you think people like Arthmoor are the ones you will value and people like me should be going.

Don't let the door you never paid for hit you on the way out. And don't forget your tin foil hat. We wouldn't want you to miss it in your new home.

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That's true. Even if it's for a lifetime, some people don't just wanna donate 50 pounds. I feel that previous Nexus supporters at least should not get this annoying nag. I gave some of my money to support this site before and right now I don't feel the need to donate even more.


For me this comes down to a matter of trust.

3yrs ago I paid "A one-off lifetime fee to become a Supporter of Nexus sites." I did this because Nexus (still) says: "Supporter membership gives you an ad-free experience on all Nexus sites, as well as increased Private message capacity and access to the Supporter's image share section."
(I purchased 1 month of Premium option, not just for myself but for 2 other users since I've joined.)

On 7/10/19 this announcement was made: Donation Points Stats and No Ads for Mod Authors

Today I'm presented with a full page add on every download page. Nexus and it's defenders can claim the words "Ad-Free" and "No-Ads" have a different meaning than the obvious definition, and I'm sure in some legal way they are correct.

But what this means me is that Nexus has betrayed my trust, and I've been played a fool for taking what "Nexus" wrote in black and white (light grey) at face value.

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