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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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Aren't... you know.. the blades the secret service of the empire? Undercover agents and all that?


The Blades served more as under-cover information gathers and bodyguards...not BlackOps type assassins..and obviously they failed in thier duties and maybe one of thier number is involved?

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Yes they are and they are well known for it. The player character (PC) on the other hand, is known as the prisoner who escaped at the time the emperor was assassinated. If you were in charge of the council, who would you choose to be a blackops agent? The person known to be loyal to the empire or an unknown escaped prisoner who the Emperor himself trusted enough to hand over the amulet of kings?


Many of the ideas that are posted here detail large groups of soldiers "invading" an area but bethesda didn't design the game that way. We each play as a single person and I think we need to remember that when designing a mod. The PC will not be in charge of a group but rather he/she will be the one carrying out these missions in secret. Maybe the PC could report on a situation and later hear NPC's talking about how the imperial legion has invaded an outpost.


I'd like the PC to advance through ranks "in the service of the Empire" something not done when you become brother or sister of the blades. It could be that some of the members of the blades were involved. To kill an emperor and his sons could not be an outside job, they would have had to have inside help.

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Aren't... you know.. the blades the secret service of the empire? Undercover agents and all that?


The Blades served more as under-cover information gathers and bodyguards...not BlackOps type assassins..and obviously they failed in thier duties and maybe one of thier number is involved?


Good point bringing out the position of the blades within the society, and as it was said within the storyline itself, they are the Emperors personal bodyguards and was referred to be elite of warriors, not a hidden task force. That's brings me the idea for the outfit: As the blades seem to take their influence in Akavir warriors (samurai), could, or should, the OPS take their influence from the Akavir assassins (ninja?)

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Good point bringing out the position of the blades within the society, and as it was said within the storyline itself, they are the Emperors personal bodyguards and was referred to be elite of warriors, not a hidden task force. That's brings me the idea for the outfit: As the blades seem to take their influence in Akavir warriors (samurai), could, or should, the OPS take their influence from the Akavir assassins (ninja?)


In my opinion, Ninja's are exactly the way I think of this mod. It's not about fighting skills but of stealth.

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Aren't... you know.. the blades the secret service of the empire? Undercover agents and all that?


The Blades served more as under-cover information gathers and bodyguards...not BlackOps type assassins..and obviously they failed in thier duties and maybe one of thier number is involved?


Good point bringing out the position of the blades within the society, and as it was said within the storyline itself, they are the Emperors personal bodyguards and was referred to be elite of warriors, not a hidden task force. That's brings me the idea for the outfit: As the blades seem to take their influence in Akavir warriors (samurai), could, or should, the OPS take their influence from the Akavir assassins (ninja?)


I definately have a stealth armor in mind....dark, light armor in which you can move easily.

However my mod skills are for retexturing and not yet mesh making.

I have been looking at a great deal of armor here the last few days...if you have something in mind provide a link?


THis will be a stealth quest. No going in swords out screaming like a berzerker. Skills and cunning will be needed.


Also this is a start (hopefully) toward what began as a discussion on a better presence of the Legion in Cyrodiil. THis would be a part of it...but there are alot of other great ideas going around. This is the part that interest me the most...because I am sneaky! ha ha


But I would not put our PC in legion plate armor...can you imagine the clanking noise? LOL

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Ah! So you want a "Shhh! I'm an assasin!" type of outfit ;D.


I'd personaly go for a darkened breast plate with the rest being leather belts and dark gray/dark green cloth + a punch dagger and buckler gaunlet, a tanto and a darkened bow :D. No shiny parts, even the tanto could be darkened, that would be awesome.


Logic behind this: Darkened breastplate = stealth + survivability, dark green / dark gray = camo-like = more stealth, lefthandweapon = survivability that doesn't burden, lets you shoot from a bow and provides additional protection, tanto = small and effective; we're talking akaviri, right? The belts are just to look good :P. Everything boils to looking good in the end lol.


Maybe a scarf for a mask?

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Yes it can be dark as I imagine real life operations like this can be. However I would like to give this as an alternative for those that really enjoy RP and like to be the good guys. However a nice idea from yours would be if maybe it is discovered that some of your actions were not quite as "white-knight" as they seemed? SOmeone in power making some of these decisions has overstepped and now has a more personal agenda whihc you must discover and choose to address?



I'd like to keep this a quest for the good guys but I'm not opposed to adding an evil option.


Good???? Taking a life even in the name of your government leaves you far from good. all my characters walk the fine line between whats right and whats wrong. what about a non combatant that stumbels upon your talking a life,and you kill to keep yourself safe and the deed a mystery. wheres the good in that. I would have no qualms about talking out someone that might jeopardise my own safety. If your going to be a team of assassins,you can't look at good or bad, only what helps you achieve a goal. a person with a conscience has no place as an assassin period!


It's for king and country, not right from wrong!

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Yes it can be dark as I imagine real life operations like this can be. However I would like to give this as an alternative for those that really enjoy RP and like to be the good guys. However a nice idea from yours would be if maybe it is discovered that some of your actions were not quite as "white-knight" as they seemed? SOmeone in power making some of these decisions has overstepped and now has a more personal agenda whihc you must discover and choose to address?



I'd like to keep this a quest for the good guys but I'm not opposed to adding an evil option.


Good???? Taking a life even in the name of your government leaves you far from good. all my characters walk the fine line between whats right and whats wrong. what about a non combatant that stumbels upon your talking a life,and you kill to keep yourself safe and the deed a mystery. wheres the good in that. I would have no qualms about talking out someone that might jeopardise my own safety. If your going to be a team of assassins,you can't look at good or bad, only what helps you achieve a goal. a person with a conscience has no place as an assassin period!


It's for king and country, not right from wrong!



Yes King and country...but the good is the sense that it is just not whoever has the money gets your murdering services. I am not saying government sactioned killing is more honorable in real life...but in Oblivion like this is the whiter shadeof pale.


And are you going to help or not Dezi? <smirk>

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