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Heterosexual Pride mod taken down


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It is odd they took it down and I do agree the mod offered no real value other than to cause debate or conflict in the comments.Like, would people really see that and say this is Exactly what I need in my game as far as clothing mods goes? I doubt it.


It would probably have been fine if comments were turned off by default when it was launched. But that would, I guess, ruin the intention.


It is concerning that it can be taken down when there is no offensive material, only opinions. It's similar to white pride though. The only people that feel the need to make those statement are generally a covert attack on the opposing minority.


It's a tough one.

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If white/Heterosexual pride mods only serves as a covert attack then black/gay pride mods are no different (unless you want to say white/Heterosexual is bad), that's a two way street. It's irreverent if one side has had it better then the other unless one is a bad thing, if both are okay both should be allowed to be displayed.


Also taking pride in your skin color or who you do it with is pretty silly and superficial, it's not like it should matter at all.

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If white/Heterosexual pride mods only serves as a covert attack then black/gay pride mods are no different (unless you want to say white/Heterosexual is bad), that's a two way street. It's irreverent if one side has had it better then the other unless one is a bad thing, if both are okay both should be allowed to be displayed.


Also taking pride in your skin color or who you do it with is pretty silly and superficial, it's not like it should matter at all.

Of course its silly. Meaning that, Why would you have pride in such things. A culture or country of origin I can understand, but just skin colour? Yes, silly. Unless, It is not infact a celebration of Pride and more to do with being an attack to the opposite.


White Pride is generally assosiated with Neo Nazi groups. Not sure of anyone celebrating white pride for any other reason. Minority Groups can use reasoning of having oppressions lifted. And while once scorned in the streets, or sold into slavery even, they can now walk as proud free people. I am not sure if The Black Panthers where really about this though, even back then. And, in 2019, I don't thinks its necessary at all to have any groups that celebrate pride of skin colour. This is not how progression works.


Sexuality of minority groups though are still questioned and scorned by religion and other conservatists to this day, So I can understand their feeling of needing to celebrate their sexuality with pride. As far as I know, no one is condeming hetrosexuals, therefore, there should be no need to take pride in being openly hetrosexual.


I feel like the reasons here should speak for themselves on a common sense level, But I understand its a slippery slope when it comes to actions being taken that remove the right to express any sort of pride or opinion. Its more about freedom of speech when it gets to that point. People often don't want a thing, but if the right for them to have it is taken away, they will fight for it.


Some women and femenists want to fight for the right to be topless in public, just like men and not be arrested for it. Its not that they plan to start walking around topless, its just the principal of equal opportunity that people often want.


Anyway, interesting Subject.


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What it comes down to, is fairness to everybody. There is nothing at all wrong, with being proud of who you are, and what it is about yourself that you are proud of.

But. There's a limit, to that entitlement. It is Not fair to everybody when somebody thinks that they have more of a right to be proud of themselves, than the person who is standing next to them.

That's when the other side starts pushing back with this whole "pride" business. Saying HEY! Knock it off! And that's literally what it is, one group pushing back, and another group that they feel is either trying to shove something down their throat, or trying to deny them, what the other side has.


A VERY typical case of that, goes like this. Everything is fair. You can do anything that I can do. I can do anything that you can do.

Then the other side goes No. I can do anything you can do, you can't do what I can do.

Now, when I say one side or the other, I'm not saying one side is this, or that, or that they're even green men from mars. I'm just saying, it always involves two sides, who are generally sick of hearing each other's crap.

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Generally a thread will continue to survive, as long as there are posts that are still being made to it.

Posts that are not being hateful to somebody. IE one person, group of people, against the site, or it's staff.

As long as everybody is playing nice with each other, and not shooting off flaming remarks, or flamebaiting remarks at other members.

As long as it hasn't turned into a troll fest.


In essence, a thread is survivable, as long as people play nice with each other, and gives nobody a valid reason to complain about it, a lot.

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The problem with such "innocent" mods or discussions is that there always is a lot of ideological and symbolic background, and most people do understand the deeper meanings. Facts are also quite often the early victims of such discussions, and emotions take over much too often.


Base facts are, homosexuality in post-antiquity western societies was for a long time forbidden and officially seen as terrible abomination. A lot of people were killed by the states because of this reason. This traditional view has changed only recently, many people are still used to the traditional standpoint and don't accept the change, or don't accept it totally. On the other hand I'm not aware of heterosexual people killed systematically because of their sexual orientation. There is simply no need to defend heterosexual rights from homosexual attacks because there are none.


So there is no equal field on which the two "prides" do exist together. Honestly, what I get from a homo-pride mod (which in such a game I actually find an unneccessary and stupid thing, but ok ...) is "we are here, we also want to have rights and a normal life", what I get from the hetero-pride mod is, first intuition, "I don't like equal rights for homosexuals, we are better and we need to show our flag. And I hope we get the old times back." Two groups doing the same is not always the same.


Maybe I'm wrong, totally wrong. But the fact of severe misunderstandings alone justifies the care which the Nexus staff shows.

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