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Heterosexual Pride mod taken down


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That is your interpretation of what it means. Does that make it mine too? Nope. Sure doesn't. It makes it YOUR interpretation. That's it. (along with a fair few on the left that want to give just about any minority more rights than anyone else.) Nope. If Gays, can have pride, Blacks can have pride, Trans can have pride, why can't heterosexuals have pride? We aren't taking anything away from anyone else. This is simply a case of reverse discrimination. The minority screaming loud enough, they get their way. All you have to do is attach some buzzword to your argument, racist, bigoted, anti-whatever, whatever-phobe, and it instantly becomes a rallying cry for the left.



Society is truly going downhill, at an ever-increasing rate. All in the name of 'fairness' and 'equitable', which it is neither.



No, it's NOT my interpretation. It's the considered judgement of an increasing number of people.


As far as giving a "minority more rights than anyone else", consider these unpleasant truths:


In the US, there are jurisdictions where it is legal to fire someone, or refuse to employ them, if they're gay.


In far too many countries in the world, simply being gay is a criminal offense; in a number of particularly backwards ones it's a capital crime.


To say that this minority has "more rights" than the majority is a gross lie.

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That is your interpretation of what it means. Does that make it mine too? Nope. Sure doesn't. It makes it YOUR interpretation. That's it. (along with a fair few on the left that want to give just about any minority more rights than anyone else.) Nope. If Gays, can have pride, Blacks can have pride, Trans can have pride, why can't heterosexuals have pride? We aren't taking anything away from anyone else. This is simply a case of reverse discrimination. The minority screaming loud enough, they get their way. All you have to do is attach some buzzword to your argument, racist, bigoted, anti-whatever, whatever-phobe, and it instantly becomes a rallying cry for the left.



Society is truly going downhill, at an ever-increasing rate. All in the name of 'fairness' and 'equitable', which it is neither.



No, it's NOT my interpretation. It's the considered judgement of an increasing number of people.


As far as giving a "minority more rights than anyone else", consider these unpleasant truths:


In the US, there are jurisdictions where it is legal to fire someone, or refuse to employ them, if they're gay.


In far too many countries in the world, simply being gay is a criminal offense; in a number of particularly backwards ones it's a capital crime.


To say that this minority has "more rights" than the majority is a gross lie.


I don't live in 'many parts of the world', I live in the united states, where the dems have taken it upon themselves to make sure the alphabet crowd isn't 'discriminated' against, by passing laws that FAVOR them, over folks that do NOT fall into that category. I do not really care, nor have any influence, over what other countries do, and I consider that "Not My Problem."


"Considered Judgement of an increasing number of people." Yep, and just who are those people? Gays, members of the alphabet crowd, and a significant selection of dems. Not even a majority. And in all reality, it simply doesn't matter WHAT they believe to be true. They are assigning motivations to folks they have zero knowledge of. The whole "We find this offensive, so, everyone else must ALSO find it offensive." is NOT a valid argument. I would bet real money, that if you asked the non-alphabet crowd, if they found the whole 'gay pride', or whatever subset of the alphabet crowd-pride offensive, the answer would be a resounding YES. Yet you don't see folks reporting mods because of that.


I don't remember reading anything, anywhere, that says you have the right never to be offended. The world simply does not work that way. If you don't like something, don't download it. You are not the "I am OFFENDED" police. Quite frankly, I really don't care if you are offended, or not. I don't care for the gay-pride, or related mods, but, you won't see me starting a thread about it, nor will you see me downloading them. I simply ignore them, and move on. Something you should seriously consider doing.

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I don't remember reading anything, anywhere, that says you have the right never to be offended. The world simply does not work that way. If you don't like something, don't download it. You are not the "I am OFFENDED" police. Quite frankly, I really don't care if you are offended, or not. I don't care for the gay-pride, or related mods, but, you won't see me starting a thread about it, nor will you see me downloading them. I simply ignore them, and move on. Something you should seriously consider doing.


I get Americans don't understand irony, but this is sublime. You're saying don't be triggered by something you don't like, yet here you are, triggered by something you don't like. How utterly wonderful.

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Ok, so this doesn't actually cover the full description, but it's the closest that I could find on a short amount of time.




We ask you to abstain from reporting content that does not adhere to your personal standards as we will only take action if the reported content is found to be in violation of our site rules. Personal disputes of subjective opinion are not acceptable grounds for a report.

The part that I was looking for describes that valid reports are only reports that violate the site rules, and/or violate the laws of the US, or the UK. While I wasn't about to go searching past 1 or 2 pages of the Wall of Shame, there are definitely members listed there for reporting mods that they didn't agree with, with the intention of trying to get said mods removed from the site.

If you really do want to read more into what documentation may or may not exist I'd recommend contacting one of the Community Leaders and see if they have a link that they can provide. While I haven't had direct contact with some of the Community Leaders, I can say that they do directly work for Robin, the site owner.


"Feels" do not matter when reporting a mod. So, No, that is not what the report mod button is for. Only to report a mod that breaks one of the rules or laws stated above. This, is to protect the site against any backlash of illegally hosting materials which cannot be shared over the internet, by the Nexus, as the Nexus is not an authorized distributor of copyright material.


I can honestly say that many such reports get filed to the staff, when a new "nazi" mod gets released and in most cases, a more professional version of that response is what is given by the staff. And while Most, if not all of the staff abhor the atrocities committed by the nazi party, and highly sympathize for those who have suffered from them, there is no law against it in the US or the UK.


A) Did you read the part on that wiki page where the biblical reference was contested? Again, I do not accept wiki as a tried and true fact, however, on that very page, it is contested that the verse is misquoted.

Cherry picking eh? If that wiki page was your defense as to why the mod was offensive, I don't think you're following your own advice there.


B) Sweeping statements were made so as not to put words into the mouths of members of staff, or to speak for them. However, the statement still holds true. Any experienced member of a forums staff, network IT staff, Site administrative staff, Or game server staff can verify this. Previous experience.

I do also know that the site administrators have always been quite adept at reading between the lines.


2) ONLY if you are willing to go the extra mile and not believe what you read, without checking further into it, as well as checking into the references which were used to see if they are credible or not.


Yeah, that mod was definitely memorable. As were some of the people defending the side opposing it. I honestly wish I'd made screenshots of some of the comments that shot back and forth from the posting pages of the mod.

On that note, I was referring to your recent posting history, not in the mod this thread regards. Apologies for the confusion there. And yes, that advice was offered in good will.

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I don't remember reading anything, anywhere, that says you have the right never to be offended. The world simply does not work that way. If you don't like something, don't download it. You are not the "I am OFFENDED" police. Quite frankly, I really don't care if you are offended, or not. I don't care for the gay-pride, or related mods, but, you won't see me starting a thread about it, nor will you see me downloading them. I simply ignore them, and move on. Something you should seriously consider doing.


I get Americans don't understand irony, but this is sublime. You're saying don't be triggered by something you don't like, yet here you are, triggered by something you don't like. How utterly wonderful.


I feel a need to point out hypocrisy when I see it. "My pride is fine, YOUR pride is NOT."

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I don't remember reading anything, anywhere, that says you have the right never to be offended. The world simply does not work that way. If you don't like something, don't download it. You are not the "I am OFFENDED" police. Quite frankly, I really don't care if you are offended, or not. I don't care for the gay-pride, or related mods, but, you won't see me starting a thread about it, nor will you see me downloading them. I simply ignore them, and move on. Something you should seriously consider doing.


I get Americans don't understand irony, but this is sublime. You're saying don't be triggered by something you don't like, yet here you are, triggered by something you don't like. How utterly wonderful.


I feel a need to point out hypocrisy when I see it. "My pride is fine, YOUR pride is NOT."


That and the good ol' double standards floating around on social media. Yup yup.

[edit] ooooh and I forgot the politcal circles.

Edited by StormWolf01
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The mod author is a rabble rouser. From the Nazi sword mod, changing all money to shekels, the straight pride parade mod, and recently the Starbucks soy latte mod, it's telling that all over the mods, the author's profile, and the comments from both the author and fans, the intent is to be as cantankerous as possible without being outright vulgar as to get their kicks in on people. The internet has been around long enough that most adults can see through the "not here to offend, and I don't necessarily believe in this" kind of thing. It's like they're advocating in the second-person perspective. It's telling that on one hand both the author and their fans were parroting "not trying to be offensive, if you're offended that is your fault," then they all got a sore spot when the mod was taken down, and in the Soy Latte mod the author stickies a childish and obscene comment. Not only is the intent clear by the author's own patterns, but also the comments that persist on their mods. And now there is this thread, so on the one hand the argument "wow triggered" and then in the same breath, "wow this triggers me." This is why the author is a rabble rouser. In the end it only highlights divides within the community and draws toxicity from the depths to the surface.


The argument comes down to are they allowed to practice their art, no matter how offensive the content and deceptive they are about their intent. Obviously they'll find their platform if they're not allowed to express themselves in one area, but there is the issue - when you join a community, you are then a part of someone else's experience. Most communities have rules regarding how much of someone else's experience you can infringe upon. So if by nature, you're a rabble rouser, you're going to inevitably cross over from your own experience into someone else's and probably violate the rules of that community, especially "in good faith"-rules.


Nexus does have rules on uploading inflammatory content, not just as a good faith rule, but also because Nexus must abide by UK laws, which are more strict on the topic of offensive material than most people may be used to. These are both in the terms of service and file submission guidelines. However, it is not a matter of opinion on what is considered inflammatory when the subject matter itself is a full-tilt reaction to LGBTQ pride. For more on the subject of "straight pride" you can begin researching into the subject on Wiki, and see how it is a reactionary counter-culture movement, not one founded on the principles of oppressed peoples. LGBTQ pride is about community in the face of oppression. There was no Stonewall for heterosexuals. That is the difference between the two pride celebrations. It's actually curious that people here are bringing up pride "parades" as well, when the concept of a straight pride parade was created by the hate group SHFA in 2017. Again, a simple google search can alleviate any genuine confusion, but I suspect there is less genuine confusion and rather more nefarious intent behind one side of the divide on this than something along the lines of "I don't know why this got taken down." An example is how some people here need to remind both themselves and others "be careful what you say." I believe most people can read between the lines. A common tactic is appealing to authority, making it about expression and freedom, when the reality is the person is not interested in freedom of expression. If we can ask ourselves how will criminals abuse our laws, then we can also realize people use the argument of freedom of expression as a shield for contempt.


What is happening is not a desire for inclusion by the author and their fans, no matter how much they may parrot that concept. Not only does the pattern of their behavior reveal the ugly truth behind their actions, but the subject matter speaks for itself. They're trying to be adversarial. It is not about freedom of expression, when the expression is ridicule and mockery of oppressed peoples. It is not about fairness and inclusion when the movement they adopt is counter-culture and antagonistic. I don't believe for one second that I'm convincing anybody on the other side of the divide on this matter. My intent on this post is to show them that they're not so clever, and either they need to up their game or just come out of the closet (and I don't mean about their sexual orientation). It's no secret that the Nexus, just like any large community, has a bunch of hatemongers pretending they're anything but.


Now, Nexus also has rules about backseat moderating, including a rule against the argument of "well someone else got away with it (can post one form of pride mod but not another)," so while we can discuss the merits to a degree, there is a line that crosses over into trying to overrule admin actions. So I'm not here to say one decision was right or not. I'll repeat what I said a few sentences back, I'm just here to say "stop with the coyness," to those that play devil's advocate or feign some kind of altruism for their fellow heterosexuals. If you guys want to be offended, be offended that someone is using our sexuality to kick down at a community that is actually repressed, not just playing at it for social media points.

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Ok, so this doesn't actually cover the full description, but it's the closest that I could find on a short amount of time.




We ask you to abstain from reporting content that does not adhere to your personal standards as we will only take action if the reported content is found to be in violation of our site rules. Personal disputes of subjective opinion are not acceptable grounds for a report.

The part that I was looking for describes that valid reports are only reports that violate the site rules, and/or violate the laws of the US, or the UK. While I wasn't about to go searching past 1 or 2 pages of the Wall of Shame, there are definitely members listed there for reporting mods that they didn't agree with, with the intention of trying to get said mods removed from the site.

If you really do want to read more into what documentation may or may not exist I'd recommend contacting one of the Community Leaders and see if they have a link that they can provide. While I haven't had direct contact with some of the Community Leaders, I can say that they do directly work for Robin, the site owner.


"Feels" do not matter when reporting a mod. So, No, that is not what the report mod button is for. Only to report a mod that breaks one of the rules or laws stated above. This, is to protect the site against any backlash of illegally hosting materials which cannot be shared over the internet, by the Nexus, as the Nexus is not an authorized distributor of copyright material.


I can honestly say that many such reports get filed to the staff, when a new "nazi" mod gets released and in most cases, a more professional version of that response is what is given by the staff. And while Most, if not all of the staff abhor the atrocities committed by the nazi party, and highly sympathize for those who have suffered from them, there is no law against it in the US or the UK.


A) Did you read the part on that wiki page where the biblical reference was contested? Again, I do not accept wiki as a tried and true fact, however, on that very page, it is contested that the verse is misquoted.

Cherry picking eh? If that wiki page was your defense as to why the mod was offensive, I don't think you're following your own advice there.


B) Sweeping statements were made so as not to put words into the mouths of members of staff, or to speak for them. However, the statement still holds true. Any experienced member of a forums staff, network IT staff, Site administrative staff, Or game server staff can verify this. Previous experience.

I do also know that the site administrators have always been quite adept at reading between the lines.


2) ONLY if you are willing to go the extra mile and not believe what you read, without checking further into it, as well as checking into the references which were used to see if they are credible or not.


Yeah, that mod was definitely memorable. As were some of the people defending the side opposing it. I honestly wish I'd made screenshots of some of the comments that shot back and forth from the posting pages of the mod.

On that note, I was referring to your recent posting history, not in the mod this thread regards. Apologies for the confusion there. And yes, that advice was offered in good will.


Except that I didn't report the mod just because I found it offensive. Go back to my first post in this thread:


"Heterosexual pride is a slogan often used to denigrate LGBTQ beliefs, and to intimidate LGBTQ people ..."


Now, the Reporting Guidelines page (https://help.nexusmods.com/article/21-reporting-guidelines) does, indeed, contain the text you quote. However, if you check the File Submission Guidelines (https://help.nexusmods.com/article/28-file-submission-guidelines) you'll see this class of inappropriate content:


"Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class."


I did NOT report the mod just because I didn't like it. I reported the mod because I believed that it breached the guidelines for the Nexus. Given that the moderators have hidden or deleted the file, I must conclude that it's likely they agree with me.



A) The bible quote wasn't contested, or misquoted. The Wikipedia page has only one paragraph referring to the bible quote. Here it is (reproduced in full):


' In 2010, in response to suicides amongst gay adolescents, an Ally Week was held at St. Charles North High School in St. Charles, Illinois. On the first day of this Ally Week, though, three students arrived wearing "Straight Pride" t-shirts. The back of these t-shirts displayed "Leviticus 20:13", a verse stating that men who perform homosexual acts should be put to death. While the school did not force the students to remove their t-shirts, it did persuade them to remove the Bible quotation. The following day two different students arrived wearing "Straight Pride" t-shirts minus the Bible quotations and were consequently asked to remove their shirts. In an opinion piece on the St. Charles incident, Eric Zorn (a staff writer for the Chicago Tribune) opined that "the expression 'Straight Pride' can only be read as a gratuitous and contemptuous response to the suggestion that gay people not be marginalized." '


The court case that you're thinking about was for a separate case, 9 years earlier, that did not feature quotes from the Bible. It's actually the paragraph immediately before the one I reproduced above.

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Nice find in the file submission guidelines. And point well taken.

However, a lot of the argument about has been rendered mute by a previous post. And while I hate to sound judgemental about other countries, because I don't live in them, and don't fully understand the full scope of what's happening in them.... all I know, is in what little media I consume (such as your own knowledge of Trump) it is fact that the left wing is much more active in the UK, and they've enacted a lot stricter laws than here in the US.

And as noted by HeyYou, I share the sentiments that it's a bunch of hypocritical horse drek that I don't care about. Because yes, it DOES favor one side much more extensibly than it does another.

There is always going to be persecution in the world. I'm no stranger to it myself. I grew up in those same 70's and 80's where many people were quite close minded in regards to race and sexuality. As one of the only two people of color in an entirely white dominated small HICK town in the midwest. A town which was within 20 miles of a KKK hub. I have faced all the stereotypes, all the racial slurs, all the "stick to your own kind" "Go back home" and all that other drek.

So yes, I DO have sympathy for people who take that kind of abuse over something that is no fault of their own, aside from the fact that they were born as they were born.

BUT you don't hear or see me crying about it, because I grew a thicker skin. And life has taught me not to be a crybaby about things that I have no control over. So therefor, if they want to feel like they are victims for being born the way they were born, I have no compassion for them, as I went thru much of the very same thing and am stronger from the experience.


Oh, and for the record, here in the US, it is illegal to deny somebody employment based on their religion, sex, gender, politics, etc etc etc. It is also the legal right of any business to deny their business to anybody that they chose to. Which both sides have done. Yes, there were headlines a while back about Obama taking that right away, saying that business owners HAD to serve the gay community, but how many headlines do you see about Trump FORCING these LGB cafes to stop refusing straights? Or imposing their own "Straight tax" in the ones that Do serve straights?


Now, while I'm not saying that this is the fault of the communities themselves, but if you really want to cut to the bone of it, the whole reason you get this whole "pride" nonsense, is because people get sick and tired of hearing the narrow minded ACTIVISTS who fight more with their feelings than they do facts. Who spout off propaganda, instead of Facts. Activists which don't fight for equality, they fight for supremacy and superiority.

Edited by StormWolf01
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Oh, and for the record, here in the US, it is illegal to deny somebody employment based on their religion, sex, gender, politics, etc etc etc. It is also the legal right of any business to deny their business to anybody that they chose to.


I'm sorry, but, yet again, you demonstrate that you simply don't know what you're talking about.



There are many jurisdictions in the US that offer no protection against being fired for being non-heterosexual. Now, I know that you don't believe me, so look here:




and here:




and again here:





Please, don't try claiming that NBC and Associated Press are "left wing"; you're only embarrassing yourself.



There are a variety of Federal and State laws that restrict the right to refuse service.


Again, I know you won't believe me. So try these:







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