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Vortex UI Problem


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Sorry, I don't even know how to describe the issue I am having with the Vortex UI, so I'll just add a screen shot:


This only shows the bottom left hand corner of my screen when using Vortex, but this is happening all over the screen. It happens no matter what game I am modding, and no matter what tab/screen I am viewing. It gets worse (the lines multiply) the more I move my mouse over things. It kind of looks like there are infinite outlines being added many aspects of the UI, though not all. The screen becomes normal again as soon as I click on a new part of Vortex (like going from Dashboard to mods view), or I minimize Vortex to my toolbar and bring it back again. It stays that way as long as I don't touch my mouse.


My version 1.1.5. This started happening with the previous version too, just before I updated.

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It's already off. I am running an off the shelf 1060 with no OC. I've been running Vortex since Beta and this is the first time I've had this problem. I did get a new M.2 SSD and reinstalled vortex and my mods on it, but that's the only thing that's changed in months.

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