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New Download Changes


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Either way, after 14 years of getting everything for free, having to deal with a 5 second wait and look at a screen is very little to ask for the amount of time, forums, and mods you've had access to for free all this time.


You keep saying "for free" but the site has ads. You may not like it, but the truth is that in a way or another the users are "giving" some money, even if it's a really small amount.


In short, my suggestion is to block the downloads if people are using adblock, this would probably help a lot.


A very useful(!) idea to tell Nexus to 'torture' non-premium users with MORE ads, MORE Premium reminders, MORE pop-ups until I can download... I am sure, Nexus becomes SOON(er or later) just a site for Premium users - non-premium users will be blocked with AdBlock window, or like I said in my earlier post, "You have reached your download limit! Please get Premium or wait 120 minutes!" (that was an idea from me!!).

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Either way, after 14 years of getting everything for free, having to deal with a 5 second wait and look at a screen is very little to ask for the amount of time, forums, and mods you've had access to for free all this time.


You keep saying "for free" but the site has ads. You may not like it, but the truth is that in a way or another the users are "giving" some money, even if it's a really small amount.


In short, my suggestion is to block the downloads if people are using adblock, this would probably help a lot.


A very useful(!) idea to tell Nexus to 'torture' non-premium users with MORE ads, MORE Premium reminders, MORE pop-ups until I can download... I am sure, Nexus becomes SOON(er or later) just a site for Premium users - non-premium users will be blocked with AdBlock window, or like I said in my earlier post, "You have reached your download limit! Please get Premium or wait 120 minutes!" (that was an idea from me!!).


Well, if you want to go that far, why bother having free accounts at all? Require all users to buy Premium straight off the bat when they create their account.

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yeah, I can't see that increasing mod piracy at all, tanking the Nexus's ad revenue, not to mention f***ing over everyone who can't afford an account


it's a great idea



You REALLY need to understand just how pointless you 'crusade' is.

You've gone through three different scenarios already, and even used this popular passive-aggressive one.



I was considering going premium for a while now, the site has served me well, but if you insist on stuff like this then I am never giving you a single cent



What exactly is the threat here?


EX: If you haven't paid for a Premium Membership for the past FOURTEEN Years, then how on Earth, do you think that NOT paying the Nexus for a Premium membership for a FIFTEENTH Year is going to make any difference?


Pro-Tip, when you threaten to Boycott a company, or not buy their product, at one point in your life, you have to have PURCHASED THE PRODUCT YOU ARE BOYCOTTING or PROTESTING.


Yea, EVERYBODY understands that you're mad. EVERYBODY.

But did YOU ever consider that these changes were made BECAUSE of people using the site for 14 years without contributing?



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yeah, I can't see that increasing mod piracy at all, tanking the Nexus's ad revenue, not to mention f***ing over everyone who can't afford an account


it's a great idea

So stealing from people is your solution to being asked to pay for being a long-term leech?

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I understand the motivation to push premium memberships. It's hard to stay in business without money. But remember that the site needs the free users too; if it weren't for the free users the premium memberships wouldn't mean anything. And not only that, but making it harder for basic users to access the files on here makes the site as a whole less viable. Why use this method of distributing a mod if people have to jump through a dozen hoops to download it? Without easy access to the mods by basic users, there's no Nexus. Period.

So I encourage you all to rethink about your methods for upselling. Maybe an approach of "This is what you get for helping us out" instead of "Pay us and we'll remove these artificial obstacles that we put in there specifically to get your money".

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yeah, I can't see that increasing mod piracy at all, tanking the Nexus's ad revenue, not to mention f***ing over everyone who can't afford an account


it's a great idea

So stealing from people is your solution to being asked to pay for being a long-term leech?


I didn't say it was a solution, I'm implying it's an outcome, and whats with the name-calling are we degrading to 3rd-grade tactics now

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