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Tag system needs to be removed completely


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I was trying to help someone out with a problem they were having in Fallout 4, with the POPULAR "Homemaker" Mod (I've used it myself)
Which, using a simple search would naturally bring it to the TOP of a search result.

So I start searching for it, but all my search results only show PATCHES for Homemaker.

So now I start thinking, "Uh-oh, NovaCoru must've taken it down", I try different search terms, I keep getting the SAME results, with "Homemaker" obviously missing from those results.

So then I decide to go and check any tags I have set up, and I see I have "Fallout 4 VR" and a couple of other tags that are COMPLETELY UNRELATED to any type of mod like "Homemaker", so I delete those tags, and ET VOILA, "Homemaker" shows up in my search results.

People have been complaining about the TAG system being WONKY and not 'working as intended' for a VERY long time now, a VERY LONG TIME, and nothing has changed.

the Tag system shouldn't even be called a "system" because as so many people over the past decade have complained about, THE TAG "SYSTEM" DOES NOT WORK.
The TAG "System" is preventing people from seeing ALL of the mods on the Nexus.

I find it VERY Disconcerting that whenever I perform a search on the Nexus for a mod, that I'm informed that upwards to 60,000 entries have been hidden.

I couldn't see a POPULAR Fallout 4 mod, because I had added a tag to BLOCK any Fallout 4 VR mods.

(There's ANOTHER HUGE mistake on the Nexus' part of INSISTING that FO4 and FOVR should be hosted in the SAME Section.

We already know the HUGE MESS that ensued when they decided that MORROWIND and OBLIVION mods needed to share the same section.

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Part of this is because Nexus staff has chosen to treat VR games as a subset of the originals when that's simply not how the VR games work. They are distinct entities with different support needs and are NOT compatible with things designed to be run in the mainline editions of the games. So this leads to all kinds of problems caused by mod authors tagging for VR when their mods are not likely to work in VR anyway.


Put simply, Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR need to be distinct game sections on the site. Not buried half-assedly as categories in the normal versions.

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I never use Nexus search, tbh it's terrible with or without tags, I generally just use google with [keyword]+[game]+nexus



What HTR is describing is not so much a problem with tags intrinsically, but with people (mis)tagging stuff and other people filtering for those tags. I've not really had any problems with tags tbh.


I'm neutral about VR having a separate section; for Skyrim there is a large overlap in mods that work on both (I know this from extensive VR experience). In Fallout some recent update seems to have broken a lot of stuff but I'm not really playing or tracking FO4/FO4VR at the moment. I guess they technically should have their own category but again, a large selection of Skyrim SE mods works flawlessly so I could see why the Nexus staff doesn't really want to deal with opening new sections and potentially double storage of the exact same mods for what seems to be a fairly niche gaming thing (for now).

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The reason they're able to mistag things is precisely because those games are being incorrectly categorized as subsets of the mainline versions.

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