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Left 4 Dead


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There isn't a story, the campaigns aren't even linked. I was very disappointed by that. While I understand jumping on the zombie movie cliche of there being very little background or developing story, not linking the campaigns seems like a complete waste to me. The only thing that helps to advanced the story is reading the walls in the safe rooms where people who have used the room before you have written little exerpts for you to read; I really like reading them; a bit like how the story the guy tells in 28 Days Later about being at a packed Heathrow full of people trying to leave the country when some zombies attacked. That was probably the most chilling part of the film, and wasn't even realised visually.


If you're playing the game for a story then don't bother. But if you have 4 or 8 friends then get them all on board, it's brilliant to play co-op in the campaigns or to play versus mode, which is a blast!

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what no story? i read some where that valve create games who are like movies.. now thats a big disappoint for me :(

i allways loved half life for the story and how you play the game as an hero ( i dont care about freedom, be good or be bad guy etc)

if i want to play a zombie game i play a halflife mod =.=

guess i w8 till the game get cheaper =P anyway thanks for ur infos dark ;)

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Ugh, blog reviews. Nothing more useless to me than reviews written on user preference, invariably by people stuck in the past. That review is no exception; he wants old-school zombies from old-school zombie flicks and some how doesn't like the super infected. Similarly he wants a single-player game from a co-op game. Steer clear of judging the game based on that very biased personal perspective.


This one seems to have a lot less personal bias at Wired.

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LHammonds have a point. Intrusive DRM practice is condemnable if not for another reason than getting over and over on the privacy, through total control of the hardware (and software) and eventually, ourselves.


I can't rely on the: "We can but will not do it" promises.


PS: Next time someone tell you about "Trustworthy Computing" ask him (and yourself): trustworthy for "Who"?


PS2. Just a touch of humor (about Windows XP WGA):

consumer to MS support guy - What is that advantage in WGA to me? I could find none...

support guy answer - Where is said it is advantage for the user?


Vista is yet worse with it's advanced Palladium project (TC) ... but this is ways off topic already.

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