Deleted2547005User Posted March 26, 2013 Share Posted March 26, 2013 MissAniThrope, very good job explaining yourself, broke down everything NemesisTheWarlock has been complaining about. You are getting a kudos for your elegant post and argumentive skills. - I make up words Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eckss Posted March 26, 2013 Share Posted March 26, 2013 On 3/25/2013 at 10:41 PM, MissAniThrope said: On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: You're posted definition fits with Steam, it IS specifically designed to damage or disrupt the functioning of your machine under certain circumstances, just like a virus, hence, has NOT released a peice of software specifically to make your system go haywire. YES, Steam is somewhat invasive. No arguments there. But Gaben isn't sitting back, laughing at your misfortune. Steam does not exist to kill your computer, unlike ACTUAL malware. Just so we're clear, the 'mal' part of 'malware' is short for 'malicious'. There is nothing inherently malicious about Steam. Ergo, the definition does NOT fit Steam. On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: >Disabling of some of Steam's functionality, under direction from Bethesda, fixed the problem. And what direction is that, if you don't mind my asking? Links will suffice, assuming they lead to a site run by Bethesda. On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: Your assertion that "millions of other users can't be wrong" seems ridiculously naive, besides, how do you know that Steam has "millions" of satisfied customers?I dunno... maybe because there are millions of people on at any given time? I don't think that's naive... it's a fact. On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: the reasoning behind your defence of them seems far less clear.Wut. My reasoning is that, out of all the people I've ever talked to on the internet, you are so far the only person who's ever outright said that Steam is ruining your computer. Do you have irrefutable proof that it's specifically Steam? Have you wiped your computer, started over, and just installed Steam to make sure? Let me know when you do. And it's not that I'm defending Steam; usually when someone has a whinge about an incredibly popular programme ruining their computer, it ends up being something else entirely. On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: Also, those of us using good anti-virus software have already been alerted by it of the potentially harmful nature of Steam. Perhaps you need to upgrade?A silly assumption. Who's to say I've not upgraded already, and Steam simply hasn't been flagged. Hasn't once since I started using it. And who are you including in 'those of us'? Names and statements from them, please. Do not talk for other people. You are the one with the issues here. On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: As to customer service, regardless of the quality of that offered by other organisations, any organisation that offers a worldwide, 24hr online streaming service can certainly offer a better turn around time to customer queries than 5 days via email. Any quality online service provider will usually offer an online chat facility or telephone help line, usually both, regardless of the quality of the help offered, it at least means they are trying to offer their customers a decent service and they are, for the most part at least, courteous. The fact that Steam does neither speaks volumes as to it's corporate attitude towards us, it's customers. If you wish to accept shoddy service, you're free to do so, but it doesn't mean that we all have to.Five days via email? Steam forums are almost instantaneous. AND they're 24 hour. You didn't really look into your options, did you? On 3/25/2013 at 10:02 AM, NemesisTheWarlock said: As Thandal has tried to point out however, this thread is meant to be about clarifying the Nexus policy on using a non-Steam copy of a Steam exclusive game. So, to clarify, I may not like Steam, I may wish that Bethesda would sever all ties with them, but it's piracy of their software that has forced Bethesda into this position and I blame piracy and those involved in it for causing this problem. If you are a pirate, it's your fault that a company like Steam exists. If you, like me, don't want Steam, BUY the game and let Bethesda know how you feel or do without and let them know why, pirating their software is only going to make the situation why did you bring up your problems with Steam? If the point of the thread is to outline what constitutes a Steam exclusive game, then why did you bring that problem here? Might I recommend the Steam forums? These forums are a place where we can discuss issues that affect us as friends.This is beginning to seem hostile, or is it just me? Everyone's entitled to their opinion on Steam, but lets please keep this friendly. I'm familiar with Nemesis' issues with Steam, as is everyone who followed This Thread on the Skyrim Technical Support forum. There was also at least 1 thread on Steam's forums, but I can't find a link atm. For those who don't want to read through a 3 page thread, Steam revoked Nemesis' CD key without cause and without warning, When challenged, they first denied it, then blamed Bethesda and eventually issued a new CD Key without apology or any attempt at restitution for the mistreatment of a legitimate customer. This is the source of Nemesis' frustration and anger towards Steam. Let's not let Steam cause arguments between Nexus members in good standing. As to a Non Steam copy of a Steam exclusive game, I see evidence of this all too often in the comments sections of Mods I provide support for on Skyrim Nexus.Users claim that the Mod doesn’t work, or parts of it don’t, but when the source is eventually found, it turns out to be that their copy of Skyrim is pirated. Often the users realise that this is the problem before admitting to piracy and getting banned which results in either their pretending that their problem has mysteriously fixed itself or, in the worst cases, saying that it’s definitely the Mod’s fault but that they’re not prepared to waste any more time on it. This gives legitimate Nexus members the false impression that there are problems with the Mod because mud sticks and many users will believe another user over a Mod author when it comes to bugs reported in Mods. This led to at least 1 Mod author posting that they only support legitimate copies of Skyrim in their Sticky post on the comments thread. 1 user was so incensed by this that he tried to launch a debate advocating piracy in that comments thread, and, when banned for refusing to stop, created multiple new accounts which he then used to insult the Mod author and troll the thread. Nexus Moderators (thankyou all :biggrin: ) got the situation in hand and eventually drove him off, but this user is just 1 example of an ignorant and all too common attitude on the Internet (thankfully, less common on Nexus) that refuses to accept that Nexus cannot, and will not, support piracy and must exclude proven pirates without exception or be destroyed by the removal of advertising revenue. I for one, will do all I can to see this site continue to prosper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NemesisTheWarlock Posted March 26, 2013 Share Posted March 26, 2013 @MissAniThrope, sorry, my bad. I didn't realise you were just having a laugh. I should've noticed. Thanks for making it clear Kuroitsune :D @Eckss, sorry mate, didn't mean to come across all hostile. Need to check my sense of humour in for a service ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luminiari Posted March 28, 2013 Share Posted March 28, 2013 (edited) ...Wait what happened here. Kuroitsune, it may just be the lack of food over the last three days, but I'm having trouble trying to discern if you're being serious, or trolling. Edited March 28, 2013 by MissAniThrope Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisnpuppy Posted March 28, 2013 Share Posted March 28, 2013 Enough. This is not what this topic is about.~Lisnpuppy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sithlordguy46 Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 I was truly shocked by the fact that Fallout New Vegas needed Steam to validate a retail copy. I do have a retail copy but wanted to know if I can resell this or if I own it forever? I figure it would be legal but could someone still use it for verification purposes or is it considered to be junk? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oubliette Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 It's junk. It's next to impossible for someone else to reuse your NV disk legally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimboUK Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 On 4/2/2013 at 7:57 PM, sithlordguy46 said: I was truly shocked by the fact that Fallout New Vegas needed Steam to validate a retail copy. I do have a retail copy but wanted to know if I can resell this or if I own it forever? I figure it would be legal but could someone still use it for verification purposes or is it considered to be junk? The disk is worthless, it's the key you pay for and once used it's forever tied to your account. This actually breaks E.U law and a case is going through the German courts at the moment which may force Steam and others to change their ways. This has set a precedent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thandal Posted April 3, 2013 Share Posted April 3, 2013 Interestingly, BioWare has a way to de-register a game from your account so that the key could then be used by another (like someone you sold it to.) Of course you couldn't play the game then. But that's kind of the point, isn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimboUK Posted April 4, 2013 Share Posted April 4, 2013 I hadn't noticed a de-register option, not that I've looked. Maybe that is a result of this and Steam will have no choice but to follow? we can live in hope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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