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Orange Screen


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So I've had this problem for a while now. After a certain time, my screen turns orange like so:




When I revert to a previous save before the glitch, everything is fine but it eventually happens (even if I avoid the previous area so it seems to be on a timer). This been happening for months now and I am practically unable to play Skyrim because of it. I've already deleted my Skyrim/Data folder and re-downloaded it via steam but that didn't help (because I re-installed a faulty mod?).


If anyone has any information about what it is and/or what causes it, that would be helpful (what kinds of mods would modify the screen etc.).

Edited by Hymmnos
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I think it was caused when I turned OFF my ENB actually. Turning it back on does not help though, any ideas on how to fix (other than re-installing Skyrim/Data) or what may be causing this?

Turning the graphics down doesn't fix it.

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I think that removing the ENB left changes to you lighting worldspaces. I have seen similar effects when playing around with lighting in my mod. I would try validating your cache through steam, that might help, and probably wont hurt. I'd also go back and carefully read what the ENB author says about uninstallation. You might be able to fix it by downloading this mod again, then removing it completely.
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Update: I have re-deleted Skyrim/Data and I have NOT installed an ENB this time but my screen still turns orange.


In regards to what RozenDoll said, I used to use the Belua Sanguinare Vampire mod but I uninstalled that (with the instructions given in the pdf) and I have even cured myself of vamparism.

If anyone wants to see a list of mods I have, they're here.


Any help or suggestions are still appreciated.



I don't think 5 days would be considered a necro but if it is, I'm that much closer to Twin Souls.

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Despite deleting Skyrim are you still using the same set of saves? Have you tried to see if it persists with a brand new game?


It could be that your saves have something stored in them that is triggering this to happen. It's a thought and at least worth checking out if you haven't already.



I don't think 5 days would be considered a necro but if it is, I'm that much closer to Twin Souls.
You are the OP. I think that does give you a right on "necro-ing" a thread especially if the post is relavent. That said 5 days isn't anything near a necro.... Edited by IsharaMeradin
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I have made a new save and the good news is that there have been no orange screens recently.

The bad news is that I have to console command EVERYTHING now.


It was probably a corrupt save but maybe the counter has just reset in my new save and I have X hours 'til the orange screen (edit: or maybe I'm just being paranoid).



Does anyone know of a good save-editor program for quickly adding in core and mod items. One where I can just go down a checklist of items and click the ones I want in my inventory. That would be preferable to console commanding ALL of the quests I've completed (in my 150+ hours on my main character) and adding ALL the items back via console commands.


I can see my weekend:


help "elven pala"

player.additem 40000d86 1

player.additem 40000d97 1

player.additem 40000d9a 1

help "falmer hea"

player.additem 01003152 1

player.additem 40003153 1

player.additem 40003154 1


setstage DLC01VQ08 200

Edited by Hymmnos
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