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Argonians sound... meh.


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The races all sound distinctive and all(cept elves), but then I start listening to an argonian talk. Not even an accent. Should a giant lizard sound so... human? The kajiit are fun to listen to on the other hand.


Sure, in Oblivion they just used the kajiit voice. It was better than nothing.

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yea i really hate the arrow in the knee thing :wallbash: whenever a guard says this i just say please shout ... .


i remembered a video in the YouTube it name was how skyrim should have ended :) you should watch it it was really funny and at the end one of the guards says "i was like him when i took an arrow in the knee ", and the people tell him to shot up and he say geez ....

it was really funny


i really missed oblivion dark elf voice ( although it's present in skyrim but it was something else in oblivion ) and i also miss dremoras voice ...

Edited by Misakichun
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The races all sound distinctive and all(cept elves), but then I start listening to an argonian talk. Not even an accent. Should a giant lizard sound so... human? The kajiit are fun to listen to on the other hand.


Sure, in Oblivion they just used the kajiit voice. It was better than nothing.



:) This is your personal expectation I'm afraid. I mean, look at it objectively- you think a creature that never lived at all should sound like less of a human, when a human has to create it's not-really-existent speech pathology in the first place- what's an Argonian REALLY sound like...do you see? Then of course, there's no problems with them being anthropomorphic, having hands, not being (apparently) endothermic, etc etc


To a lesser extent, people say that "Nords sound too much like THIS, they should sound like THAT"....well, I never really heard a Nord speak, so how do they know??

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I actually really like the sound of the male argonian's voice. Don't know why, really. It's somewhat reptilian in that it's rough yet smooth at the same time. I do dislike that EVERY male argonian is the same actor, same for female argonians, male khajiit, female khajiit, and the seven other voice actors for human characters. I really thought Bethesda would have adressed this issue as it was just ridiculous in Oblivion. They could have pulled it off if they had put a little bit more thought into it, like the fact that both Ralof and his brother-in-law are the exact same actor. It's one of the first conversations you are witnessing in the game and the actor is basically having a conversation with himself. It really pulled me out of the situation.
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  • 2 weeks later...

yea i really hate the arrow in the knee thing :wallbash: whenever a guard says this i just say please shout ... .


i remembered a video in the YouTube it name was how skyrim should have ended :) you should watch it it was really funny and at the end one of the guards says "i was like him when i took an arrow in the knee ", and the people tell him to shot up and he say geez ....

it was really funny


i really missed oblivion dark elf voice ( although it's present in skyrim but it was something else in oblivion ) and i also miss dremoras voice ...

Why do you like the dark elf voice in oblivion? go play morrowind. they get the voice PERFECTLY in that game.


Really though, your the first i have ever seen that likes the dunmer voice in oblivion. please explain. i want to know.

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