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What're your favorite places to steal from?


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Yeah l played that quite a bit when it first came out. From what iv'e been able to gather it still has glitches and stuff, though it says it's finished. Was a really good idea, though..and he made some really great progress on it, too.
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Talking about the morrowind vaults made me decide to try building one on my own. So far, I've got the basic layout for a markarth-styled one done, attached it to understone keep and am about to clutter it up, then do navmesh. question is, is anyone actually interested in it if i do finish it? or interested in working on it even? i'm not sure how to go about doing the guards etc. navmesh is fine, but patrols are different. would probably need one or two extra npcs, too.. optional, though.

Any thoughts? (posting this here because of the conversation. sorry if it's the wrong place.)

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If you can navmesh then setting up patrolling would be a breeze.




Once you have the basics then going from there to setting up alternating day/night patrols is fairly simple - you can see in the CK how they work use "dayshift" and "nightshift" as a filter in the CK (in all or under Character\Package)


I'd just use the regular city guards for each hold for now - if you're going to make it a city vault.


Hell yes I'd be interested, I had half a mind to give it a go myself after reading your post but I realised I should really focus on completing in-progress work rather than starting up yet another project. :laugh:

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I'm pretty sure i've got navmesh figured out. I'll post a screen of the as-is layout in a min. (i had a house i was working on for a month, but lost interest @ the start of the year...navmesh took a while.)


tbh this - the layout thing - is what i like. Lol.



here're some images hopefully.


ok, l know there's a way to upload manual shots to steam. (l'm using the snipping tool, not steams screenshot button)

Gonna take me a few mins.. :>


Edit - uploaded it. lol.

if you wanna check it out, go ahead. i'm uploading the screenshots to it in a min tho. (it's not navmeshed atm.)



Edited by slainia
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Now were at it, I would have wished that Beth had made the gap between rich and poor more noticeable.

In most cases when im breaking into rich peoples homes im not getting the feeling theyre very rich. Their houses are big but where is all the valuable stuff??

and if i were rich like them i would certainly hire a guard or two just in case.


you could break into the college of winterhold, they have pretty good stuff, Dont join up but use a cecret cave behind the college to get in and rob them blind.

Should be a piece of cake for a skilled thief like you he he

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l'm already part of the college unfortunately. I have stolen most of the stuff belonging to the adept etc trainers. Not the master ones, yet, but i'm getting there. I'm only level 8, though. Lol.


Also - havnig a bit of trouble figuring out why the mod doesn't show up ingame the way it does in ck, need to figure out what i'm missing. I'm fairly sure it's a missing trigger box or image space or something, but hell if i can find it in the ck. had this problem with embershard mine, back when I was working on immersive lore, but fixed it by expanding a marker box thing to include the change l'd made to the cell... can't seem to find it this time around though. :>

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She really doesn't have all that much though, does she? lol.


Anyway - uploading a wip version of the markarth city vault. i think it looks good so far, navmesh is working but needs guard patrols set up yet. I've done basic clutter, and first pass at lighting but need to test it out some.


No idea how it will work out on other lighting configurations, or with any of the enbs or realistic et al lighting mods. /:


Anyway, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26972 here it is if you want to check it out or w/e. Thanks for the idea, guys. I've had fun doing it so far. lol....hopefully l haven't screwed up too badly, though.

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