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How do I donate more?


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people buying premium and supporter are the main ways the Nexus gets money. Ads help supplement that but based on what Dark0ne (site owner) has said the actual income from ads is not great due to adblockers. The best way to donate is to

1) buy supporter (which I think you can buy multiple times if I recall correctly)

2) buy premium
3) buy others premium (which if you really want to donate I highly recommend doing this instead)

4) going to the Nexus offices and sliding money under the door

5) finding Dark0ne in real life and throwing money at him

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You can also support the authors on the site by becoming a Patron of our Mod Author Donation Fund (https://www.patreon.com/nexusmods) - all money collected here goes right back into rewards for the people who make the content you enjoy :)


More info: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/donation-points/

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