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Barrett m82 Sniper Rifle


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wats the ETA... n BTW sakura i get why u want to make this in the "big guns" category seeing as it is anti-tank... i remember seeing a flick where these snipers use a smaller caliber sniper for ppl then wen the chopper comes after em they pull this bad boy out, also dont the coast guard use this to stop drug runners in their speed bouts n stuff...


the lines between heavy weapon n conventional are quite grey here

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wats the ETA... n BTW sakura i get why u want to make this in the "big guns" category seeing as it is anti-tank... i remember seeing a flick where these snipers use a smaller caliber sniper for ppl then wen the chopper comes after em they pull this bad boy out, also dont the coast guard use this to stop drug runners in their speed bouts n stuff...


the lines between heavy weapon n conventional are quite grey here


Please see my previous post in this thread - Yes, its a big ass rifle. But it is ultimately a gas-operated semi-automatic that fires from a 10 round detachable magazine. In function (and in the actual skills and experience one must have to use it effectively) it has everything in common with the vast majority of more typical rifles.

It is a handful but speaking from experience I'd keep it small guns and just put a minimum STR of 6 or 7 to use it - particularly since in Fallout 3 you'll be doing crazy nonsense like running around shooting it from the standing position and from the hip. In typical deployment any .50 BMG rifle would be fired from a bipod, either resting on a wall or on a solid surface like concrete.


An M2 .50 HB is a different story - belt fed and never intended to be fired from the shoulder or carried by a single person. It is a hardpoint or tripod mounted weapon that is deployed and used in a vastly different role. That'd be 'big guns' all the way.


And please, take anything you see in movies with the proverbial grain of salt, and please don't EVER use one as a technical reference for anything related to Firearms... or cars.. or pretty much anything LOL. Most helicopters are ridiculously easy to shoot down - ask any Vietnam Veteran.

I've lost count of how many stories I've heard of helos getting dropped by perfectly normal small arms.. an old friend of my Fathers was shot down by a teenage VC with an old Mosin-Nagant bolt action. As they were taking off the kid got to the edge of the vegetation in front of the helo and just put a bullet through the windscreen right into the pilot's chest.. they lost control & crashed.

Not just Hueys, either.. plenty of stories of Cobras getting shot down just the same, and simple gunfire and RPG's hitting the right things on our Apaches dropped plenty of them in Iraq, too.

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This is why we can just keep it simple and keep it down to preference. We'll have to release 2 seperate ESP's. One that makes the barret a small gun. and one that makes it A big gun.


Really to me its arbitrary, I would personally like to see it as a big gun simply due to its size and heavy caliber.


But wreckless makes very valid points in that it really is just a rifle, making small guns his preference.


Regardless of which catagory it goes into, lets not forget the fact that in the end. We'll all feel badass with an m82 in our inventory.

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As for ETA:


Hammonds is just finishing up the UV process, and if my memory serves me, he will post the UV layout for all you awesome texture artists out there to have fun with. But he will also make a texture himself. We have yet to get it any further then that. Basically we have to get it into .nif format, bring it into fallout (complete with sniper rifle animations and all.) Make .50BMG ammo, distribute the gun an ammo across the loot lists. (Which as to how rare it is has been a debate) And wrap up the ESP and boot out any glitches along the way. It would be alot quicker with the GECK.


Anything further then the UV Has not really been discussed between hammonds and I, I know I lack total knowledge in building the ESP for this mod.


..1 step at a time.

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I don't want to rain on your parade but I personally think that the Barrett is a cliche. It's overused.

Why don't we make a different .50 sniper rifle for a change like an AR-50 or an AW-50 or a Sebru?


Also the other problem is that we'd be making a gun that would use it's own ammo. We need some degree of interchangeability of ammos between weapons, just like the P90 that would be a pain with the light 50. Unless we make a handheld M-2 machine gun. But that would be wacky.


Still, the more weapon mods there are the better. Keep up the good work.

Also see if you can implement a mechanic where you can't fire one of these unless you're crouched. Thi is because the M82 is waay too heavy to be held let alone fired while standing.

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thanks for the update sakura, n good points wreckless.... another thing i'd love to see is a prone position for sniping out in the open over long distance's.... but that might require FO3SE
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I don't want to rain on your parade but I personally think that the Barrett is a cliche. It's overused.

Why don't we make a different .50 sniper rifle for a change like an AR-50 or an AW-50 or a Sebru?


Also the other problem is that we'd be making a gun that would use it's own ammo. We need some degree of interchangeability of ammos between weapons, just like the P90 that would be a pain with the light 50. Unless we make a handheld M-2 machine gun. But that would be wacky.


Still, the more weapon mods there are the better. Keep up the good work.

Also see if you can implement a mechanic where you can't fire one of these unless you're crouched. Thi is because the M82 is waay too heavy to be held let alone fired while standing.



Thats fine if you think the barret is over used. I personally have it as one of my favorite Weapons.


Theres no problem in making a gun that uses its own ammo. Have you tried vashts desert eagle? it uses its own .50AE ammunition, and its perfectly fine.


As for standing and firing



Theres a muzzle break and a recoil dampening spring on the barrel for a reason you know, I think I made my point :thumbsup: .



On the other hand, Thanks for the encouragement, I understand some may not nessesarily like the idea of a barret in fallout, or that some may not be interested in 'real world' weaponry in the game. They have the choice not to download mods such as this. And that is perfectly acceptable. Preference is Preference.


But there are those of us that are, and are eagerly waiting for a weapon like this to be released.

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On the other hand, Thanks for the encouragement, I understand some may not nessesarily like the idea of a barret in fallout, or that some may not be interested in 'real world' weaponry in the game. They have the choice not to download mods such as this. And that is perfectly acceptable. Preference is Preference.


But there are those of us that are, and are eagerly waiting for a weapon like this to be released.


Yay Sakura! ^.^


AND while watching your video links, I found a link to someone firing my favourite anti-armour rifle (even though it's been converted to .50BMG (13mm) from 20mm. It's still VERY impressive. ^.^ (I love it, someone standing around 4 or 5m away off camera says "Oh my God I could feel that!" when he fires.)



Heheh, and a little disney film made for the canadian military about the Boys Mk1 Anti-tank rifle. (The campy part only lasts a little bit, it goes into targeting and firing techniques after. ^.^


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I would like to help test this mod out for you when you release it.


The problem with a new ammo is that a lot of people are doing that with their weapon mods and it would clutter the game with ammo for weapon X and weapon Y or you would either have one gun that you can hardly find and ammo all over the place for it (which doesn't make sense) or you'd have a super awesome gun but no ammo to feed it with. I've run into this problem with some of vash's mods, I've had to downgrade to the .44 version of the desert eagle mod. So what I'm saying is that it would help if you had at least two weapons that used the same ammo. Perhaps someone can follow this mod up with a different .50 BMG rifle, something like a single-shot or a bolt action that uses the same ammo, preferably something not made by Barrett to mix it up a little. Because at least in this case there's no getting around the need for a new bullet in order to make this work. After all a Barrett M-82 in .308 doesn't make much sense.

The other problem with weapon mods that I keep seeing is that not only is the weapon somewhat rare but it's not cross-repairable with anything in the game, so you have to constantly buy new ones or carry around dozens of them to keep one in full working order. You can save the players a lot of headaches by making it cross-repairable with the sniper rifle or something like that.

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