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Barrett m82 Sniper Rifle


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Yeah I thought the rounds looked a but different but I really wouldn't know (if I'm not mistaken, that can punch holes in heavily armored vehicles right? not exactly your infantry killer rounds). And I really like that behemoth idea. I felt a little disappointed by the behemoths, they were very stupid,(which actually makes sense) and you could withstand several hits from them without dying, and all you had to do to avoid getting hit, was hide behind something and incessantly chunk grenades at it, So maybe if that got implemented into the game, it would add a real challenge to the behemoth. So far the only other idea I've seen on the forums about messing with behemoths was some kind of behemoth power armor/mecha vehicle or something, maybe I read it wrong but that is a little too much for me. Anyways, it recently occurred to me that no one picked this project up after LHammonds was not able to continue it, even with a lot of the work already done. ( its times like these I wish I hadn't spent countless hours downloading worthless oblivion mods, and actually tried making some >.< epic fail.) So maybe we need to make this a sort of plea for help from the modding community. There seems to be a lack of modelers out there, and from what I understand Vash has his hands more than full with requests and current projects, but since LHammonds isn't working on this anymore, maybe Vash can pick it up and see what he can do with it once he gets the time.


Hey Wreckless, what do you think about a mad max style car? Seems to fit the fallout environment pretty well, and leaves the potential for "Bring me 5000 caps and the M2 .50 cal rumored to be hidden inside XXlocationXX and ill mount it on the car and throw in this gigantic box of bullets for it for free" or whatever, but something along those lines would make me happy :)

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Okay, well it appears there's a problem here - are you debating the balance on this from a REALISM standpoint or a GAMEPLAY standpoint? Yes, it's true - a 0.32 to the face would most assuredly ruin your day. However, Fallout isn't about realism, and never has been. You could shoot a guy in the face 15 times with a 10mm pistol and he'd still be standing. Yes, from a realism standpoint, you could make the M82 do 200 damage, but what's the point?


You can already one-shot everything in the game with the regular sniper rifle and sneak - being able to do it outside of sneaking, just firing from the hip or whatever, really wouldn't 'add' anything to the game. The problem is, vanilla Fallout 3 is stupidly easy. By level 12 you're taking down Super Mutants with mundane weaponry - something that would've gotten your ass handed to you in Fallout Tactics. Deathclaws had around 200 HP, and regular small arms fire from say, an AK-47 or an M-16, would do 2 to 3 points of damage each to it. This served to make certain weapons more ideal for combating these threats - the first mission you encounter Super Mutants (and Big Guns) in you are all rolling deep with small guns, only to learn that small guns is generally pretty ineffective against mutants due to their damage reduction. That was a great part of the balance maintained in Fallout: Tactics, and an M82 sniper rifle would actually fit in that game pretty well as a 'Big Gun for Small Guns', so your SG characters weren't obsolete so fast. So without mods to 'fix' armor, health, and damage, having a 200 damage sniper rifle means it's going to make the game boring extremely fast, and actually probably get shuffled into the 'cheat item' category on the mod listing anyway.


This goes for the M2 as well - it doesn't matter that it's not realistic to fire a modified M2 from the hip - it's not realistic to fire a minigun either, no matter how small the round it fires is - Jesse Ventura's prop minigun in Predator required him to be braced against the ground when he fired it, because otherwise it'd have knocked him over. Nor is it realistic to even FIND an M82 anywhere 200 years into the post-apocalyptic future, much less find ANY ammo whatsoever for it.


Though I also think there's some 'missing the point' with the M2 - RPGs are supposed to be about making characters who CAN'T do everything, and this was most certainly the case with Fallout - Bethesda royally *banned* up Oblivion, as you could easily have a 'warrior' who could use any weapon, sneak, steal, and open locks, and cast a plethora of spells. In Fallout, at Level 20, I had several skills maxed and near-100s in almost everything else, hence why I now use a mod to give me only a handful of skill points per level. At any rate, the point of the M2 is to deliver extreme firepower to Big Guns characters, to do what the M82 does for Small Guns. Having it on a vehicle would just let the stereotypical Small Guns / Lockpick / Repair character have access to that same firepower, as well as obsolete Big Guns itself.


At any rate, the only thing a 200 damage + sniper rifle would do would either 1) effectively remove every enemy from the game, 2) force everyone to put the difficulty up if they haven't, just so it MIGHT NOT instagib everything, or 3) nobody would use the stupid thing.

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No one here really said for sure it was going to have 200 power. so no need to get worked up over it. A few guns out there already make the game too easy on anything under hard difficulty. and if your playing anything under normal, then maybe its time to up the difficulty :thumbsup:


The gun will be balanced to the game, while keeping in mind the fact that its shooting a much more powerful round when compared to the .308. Its no scoped accuracy would probably be entirely rubbish, and its fire rate would be slower then that of the standard sniper rifle. It would not be capable of shooting multiple times in VATS. On the other hand its power would be more powerful then any other projectile based weapon in the game. It would probably be on par with the missile launcher damage per shot.


...we are still looking for a texture artist. In one of my previous posts i've provided the work that LHammonds has done on the nearly finished UV's.

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Okay, well it appears there's a problem here - are you debating the balance on this from a REALISM standpoint or a GAMEPLAY standpoint? Yes, it's true - a 0.32 to the face would most assuredly ruin your day. However, Fallout isn't about realism, and never has been. You could shoot a guy in the face 15 times with a 10mm pistol and he'd still be standing. Yes, from a realism standpoint, you could make the M82 do 200 damage, but what's the point?


You can already one-shot everything in the game with the regular sniper rifle and sneak - being able to do it outside of sneaking, just firing from the hip or whatever, really wouldn't 'add' anything to the game. The problem is, vanilla Fallout 3 is stupidly easy. By level 12 you're taking down Super Mutants with mundane weaponry - something that would've gotten your ass handed to you in Fallout Tactics. Deathclaws had around 200 HP, and regular small arms fire from say, an AK-47 or an M-16, would do 2 to 3 points of damage each to it. This served to make certain weapons more ideal for combating these threats - the first mission you encounter Super Mutants (and Big Guns) in you are all rolling deep with small guns, only to learn that small guns is generally pretty ineffective against mutants due to their damage reduction. That was a great part of the balance maintained in Fallout: Tactics, and an M82 sniper rifle would actually fit in that game pretty well as a 'Big Gun for Small Guns', so your SG characters weren't obsolete so fast. So without mods to 'fix' armor, health, and damage, having a 200 damage sniper rifle means it's going to make the game boring extremely fast, and actually probably get shuffled into the 'cheat item' category on the mod listing anyway.


This goes for the M2 as well - it doesn't matter that it's not realistic to fire a modified M2 from the hip - it's not realistic to fire a minigun either, no matter how small the round it fires is - Jesse Ventura's prop minigun in Predator required him to be braced against the ground when he fired it, because otherwise it'd have knocked him over. Nor is it realistic to even FIND an M82 anywhere 200 years into the post-apocalyptic future, much less find ANY ammo whatsoever for it.


Though I also think there's some 'missing the point' with the M2 - RPGs are supposed to be about making characters who CAN'T do everything, and this was most certainly the case with Fallout - Bethesda royally *banned* up Oblivion, as you could easily have a 'warrior' who could use any weapon, sneak, steal, and open locks, and cast a plethora of spells. In Fallout, at Level 20, I had several skills maxed and near-100s in almost everything else, hence why I now use a mod to give me only a handful of skill points per level. At any rate, the point of the M2 is to deliver extreme firepower to Big Guns characters, to do what the M82 does for Small Guns. Having it on a vehicle would just let the stereotypical Small Guns / Lockpick / Repair character have access to that same firepower, as well as obsolete Big Guns itself.


At any rate, the only thing a 200 damage + sniper rifle would do would either 1) effectively remove every enemy from the game, 2) force everyone to put the difficulty up if they haven't, just so it MIGHT NOT instagib everything, or 3) nobody would use the stupid thing.


If you want balance, don't load a mod like this. Some of us want realism, as a nuclear holocaust is the most fun when you SIMULATE it, rather than play out a fantasy in it.


I want to get liver shot, bleed to death, and lay dying as I see children being carried off by Super Mutants to be skinned alive.


Not shoot someone in the head, and watch as they feebly try to hit me with a pipe.


Not fall asleep, and heal my wounds.


Not eat some instant mash potatoes, and heal my wounds.


Not watch a human being in clothes literally get shot 7 times center mass, only to have them not be hindered in the least (save for being put at a "realistic" setting of HP - one more shot kills them).


Debating "balance" in any game is a waste of time. If you dont like the "Balance" of something, dont use it/install it/play it.

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If you want balance, don't load a mod like this.

If you want realism, don't play a GAME like this. Maybe you didn't notice, but there's hardly a single realistic facet about this game, or any previous Fallout games.


I'm glad you said that like you think that this is your mod too.


I'd ask if you ever played a Fallout game before, but it's clear that 1) You haven't, and 2) You'd lie to me anyway.


Debating "balance" in any game is a waste of time. If you dont like the "Balance" of something, dont use it/install it/play it.

With an attitude like that, I'm sure you also think you're entitled to mods, right? Do you just spew vitriol at EVERY mod maker and discussion thread demanding that they make everything to match exactly what you want?


Here, let me get you started on the path of making your ideal 'reality' - though I doubt you're capable of modding this game whatsoever yourself so I'm probably wasting my time:


1) The Megaton nuke doesn't actually wipe out the entire wasteland. You should mod it so it blinds you, then the searing heat ignites your clothing and your flesh begins to boil, and then finally the blast crushes your torso before Tenpenny Tower collapses, and the game is over.


2) Radiation sickness is incurable. Remove RadAway and Rad-X. In addition, even a very mild dose of radiation have a very good chance of killing you as you die of infection, cancers, and organ failure - higher doses just ensure you will eventually fall over a die faster. The ultimate reality tweak, forcing you to completely avoid radiation. Whoops, you drank contaminated water! Now, every thirty minutes, you have to stop for a few minutes to get your breath, throw up, or spit out a few teeth.


3) Players can only carry two items, one in each hand. They obviously don't have a backpack, so why should they be able to carry more? Where exactly is this missile launcher being stored?


4) Delete 90% of the objects in the wasteland. Do you seriously think wooden houses are going to be standing 200 years after getting hit with a nuclear weapon?


5) The player is instantly blinded once they step out of the Vault. Permanently.


Stop wasting your time with Fallout and go play STALKER if you want realism. There was no need for you to be a troll like that.

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If you want balance, don't load a mod like this.


Maybe you didn't notice, but there's hardly a single realistic facet about this game, or any previous Fallout games.


I'm glad you said that like you think that this is your mod too.


I'd ask if you ever played a Fallout game before, but it's clear that 1) You haven't, and 2) You'd lie to me anyway.


Stop being a troll, and go play STALKER if you want realism.


I have both Fallout games installed to C:\Games right now, actually. Furthermore, modders are working hard to MAKE this game realistic. This weapon mod could be yet another one that turns the bland Bethesda creation into something interesting.


And in my opinion, STALKER isnt that good of a game.


So no, I won't stop playing this game. Mods will turn it into what I want. YOU, however, dont have to download something like this (provided its not to your liking), and your game will be the same as it is now.


If you want realism, don't play a GAME like this, you dolt.


ban me. I'm as much of a dolt as you are the voice of the public.

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I find that its typically a good idea to read an entire post before going on a rant about it ;) .

And you might notice that offered plenty of suggestions to make the M82 balanced for the game, I was also leaning toward making it do 60-80 damage as apposed to the 200. And despite the fact that fallout was clearly not made to be super realistic, theres a huge difference between firing off a minigun from the hip, and a M2, with a minigun its true, you would have to be braced, but I doubt you could even hold on to an M2 if you tried firing from the hip, no matter what was bracing you.


Anyways, why dont we ask Jaysus or someone to texture it? I bet it wouldn't be too tough for him.


Edit: spelling

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VictorZio, Strike #1 issued to you for trolling. Don't do it.


Uranium - 235, warning...if you have an issue with another member, use the report tool INSTEAD of replying to said member as it will only fan the flames (which is what trolling is all about).


LHammonds (File Admin)

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