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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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Great post as always Dark0ne.

As a mod author, I'd love to be able to edit my comments, but after reading the rational as to why we don't have that power, I've quickly converted to agree with your viewpoint.

It's great to frequent a site that is well administered. :D

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I like this system, the whole evidence thing is a good idea, as it makes the ban/strike forum posts look less like a taunting and more like a "WARNING! :: Don't be Stupid!" me and my room mate have felt the banhammer once, (deservedly so, but all i ask is that some sort of "chat" system to discuss the problem in case like my roomy, it's more from sheer stupidity, than actual intent, on the banned persons fault)
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We’ve put a lot of time and thought into this new system. For some the Nexus is too strict, for others, our zero-tolerance policy to trolls and general riff-raff has been one of the biggest draws to the site.


I am squarely in the "Others" category. :)


It's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine to peruse the Forum Rules and Strikes forum (or the "Forum of Shame" as I call it).


Also, now that it's live, are you all gonna stop whaling on poor NormalMember? :P

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This is reassuring. I'm certainly up for seeing more fairness concerning mod authors and users.


Just as users are not allowed to "troll" the comments, mod authors should not be allowed to "troll" the users. A certain town expansion mod that added incredibly high unleveled enemies to places new level characters would be exploring (that were not mentioned anywhere in the description) comes to mind.

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