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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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You aren't. I am curious why you think I've been banned previously however.


Occam's Razor. Someone posts, clearly disgruntled with our moderating. We do a quick scan and find they're using the same IP ranges as someone who was banned in the last month. They also have similar posting styles as each other and a like of the same Anime series. Is it likely to be a different person, or is it likely to be the same person? Derp.

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To the people who do not agree with the way Nexus sites are managed - how do you imagine things should be?!

Let everybody say what ever they want to whom ever they want? Let them do what ever they want, steal somebody else's work without consequences? Let them curse, call names, ask attention, ask modders to change a mod because he thinks this part of the armor should be red not blue, question why a mod got so many endorsements so fast even if it is a master piece, because he thinks another mod is better? Let them get away with getting upset and start cursing after they are answered that they should have read the description of the mod or that he didn't installed it right or [put here what ever you want]?

People should learn to have more discipline and understand that their so called freedom ends where somebody else's begins.

Comparing the Nexus staff with the government - man I laughed so hard on this one!!!!!

I'm sick of people who think they know better and they start telling everybody how things should be made when they got nothing to prove they know what they are talking about - go create a site like Nexus and see what you will be getting confronted with and then come here and give advices. And also the same thing applies to the users(who have no clue about modding) that give advices to modders who worked just for their own pleasure for free what they should change and how to do things. Go do it yourself - this is not a duty-free shop you know.

So if you think these sites are not managed properly then you probably have a problem of understanding things properly. And again stop invoking freedom. To be free does not mean one should do what ever he wants and that's a fact. And when one makes a comment they should think twice, think with whom you are talking (I remember once a user, probably a kiddo calling AlienSlof - "man"). Just because we are behind some avatar and username that doesn't mean we do not have a sex, an age, a social status and so on. We are not all buddies here. And some users don't take the use of some sort of language or a certain attitude the same as others.

*The use of he in any of the above phrases should not be considered referring only to male persons.

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Well Hickory, believe whatever you think is right. You're entitled to it. Just never stop trying to adapt. If life were a tree that exists in a constant state of flux, oscillating and being torn apart with every experience, too many people are fond of stripping away the branches they don't like in an attempt to make life, and interpersonal functioning easier.


Don't be one of those people. Humanity functioning in loose unity is vital for progress, and becoming more vital by the day. Difference in opinion is not as bad as many would like it to seem.


I'm done here. Not much else left to say.


Occam's Razor. Someone posts, clearly disgruntled with our moderating. We do a quick scan and find they're using the same IP ranges as someone who was banned in the last month. They also have similar posting styles as each other and a like of the same Anime series. Is it likely to be a different person, or is it likely to be the same person? Derp.

The world is drowned in patterns and coincidence, packed to the brim, its just a matter of what direction the perceptual lens has been tuned in. What is needing to be encompassed in the mind's field of sight at the time.

None of it really matters. Ironically, only in that it does matter.

Edited by Anotherthrowawayaccount
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Well Hickory, believe whatever you think is right. You're entitled to it. Just never stop trying to adapt. If life were a tree that exists in a constant state of flux, oscillating and being torn apart with every experience, too many people are fond of stripping away the branches they don't like in an attempt to make life, and interpersonal functioning easier.


Don't be one of those people. Humanity functioning in loose unity is vital for progress, and becoming more vital by the day. Difference in opinion is not as bad as many would like it to seem.


I'm done here. Not much else left to say.


Oh, thank you so much for your... <cough> unique wisdom and insight. You'll excuse me if I go to the little room now... :sick:

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Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is in your posting content and style. DUH!

"The truth" is not universally applicable. Its only your truth.


Based on IP address and posting similarities we think you're odds on to being previously banned member Acetyl. Are we right?

You aren't. I am curious why you think I've been banned previously however.

Heck, I've helped the mods here catch repeat-offending content thieves with pretty much the same process, checking the mod itself just added a satisfying confirmation :dance:


But anyway, I personally think the moderators here could afford to be a lot stricter so it seems our mileage varies doesn't it?

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Sure, I have a "single" mind. I'm not into a multiple personality disorder. Maybe I am "arrogant", but do I care about what others think of me? No, not the slightest.

Maybe I am "invalidating others viewpoints", but only in my mind and only for me. It's my damn right to have a mind of my own, and only I decide what's going on inside there.


What you just called me shows you know nothing about me and just proves the others' points.

Thanks for all the name-calling hidden inside a wall of gallant words, but it won't work with me.

Personal attacks and insults like this have no effect on me. And you won't see me returning the favor, ever.


My viewpoint is just that, "mine". Others may take it and use it as their own, if they must, but I'm not making anybody do so.

What's going on in my mind and what I'm thinking of others does not have any effect on the outside world, nor do I want it to.

My thoughts are "my" thoughts, my opinion is "my" opinion, they don't matter to anybody else but "me", "myself" and "I".


I fail to see how this is "dangerous". But I'm not interested in further wasting my time and only receiving more insults in return either. The likes of You are not worth it.

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I read a post the other day right on the front page that basically said that stealing content from other modders is not a "legal" issue, and that anything put up on the internet is fair game. This got an eye-brow raise out of me. I wonder how that person got through highschool... or maybe he/she didn't, seeing as he/she doesn't understand the crime called plagiarism. I'm betting he copied his school papers from the internet, and perhaps even got expelled for it.


Plagiarism isn't a crime, it's a moral issue. It's against school rules, of course, but there is nothing illegal about plagiarism in itself. Of course, if the thing being plagiarized is copyrighted, then you can run into copyright infringement, which is illegal. I imagine the post you read was probably implying that stealing content from modders was the same sort of issue. Though, I don't know how correct they would be in that assertion.


Everything that is published is copyrighted automatically - that includes this post as well as any mods posted. If you read the rules you will find that you agreed to this:

The posting of copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site. This includes linking to sites that contain copyrighted material used without permission of the copyright holder. Legal inquiries regarding copyright infringement are taken very seriously on Nexus sites and we will work with any legal body to identify and bring to justice anyone who might use a Nexus site to share copyrighted material.


In plain English it says don't plagiarize (Don't post copyrighted stuff without permission.) :thumbsup:


And This:


User-generated content and the rights to removal

You remain the sole owner of any content you have personally created and uploaded to a Nexus site. You remain solely responsible for the content you upload to a Nexus site and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this site, and any related websites. We reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any information we have about you) to authorities in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any information posted by you, and any information sent either private or public can be made available to any admins, staff or enforcement agencies at any time.


We have the right to remove any content we deem objectionable at any time and without warning or reason.


By uploading and/or posting content to a Nexus site you agree to allow administrators of the site to store and present the content whenever and where ever the administrators deem necessary until such time as a request is received by the original uploader/poster for the content to be removed. Removal of content is a manual process, however, so please realise that we may not be able to remove or edit content immediately.


You only retain the rights to content you have created and uploaded to a Nexus site. You do not own the rights to content not posted by yourself that might have been created as a result of your content being available on any Nexus site, including, but not limited to, ratings, comments, images created by other users, articles in regards to your content and any statistical information in regards to your content.



This says you agree to be responsible for anything you post, and to allow the Staff of the Nexus to use whatever you post in the forums in any way we deem necessary. - Unless and until you request that it be removed, I know of NO other site that allows you to request removal of something you posted. And we WILL remove it if you request. :biggrin:


Oh yeah, I know that it's against the rules here, I just didn't know how if copyright worked normally with mods or if there was some clause where Bethesda had ownership of everything that requires their game or something. Thanks for the info.

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