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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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gastowski: moderators ARE gods. At least, concerning chat channels and forums. There are some sites I don't visit anymore because they got, hm, a little upset by polite criticism, or by my answering rudeness with firm, but polite words, just because I was fresh meat and the other one a long-time member. But the Nexus network is different, the Nine be thanked.


Might can, and will, always be abused. We shall hope that it is not so, here. (Plato)


chesko: oh, my, I must have mislaid my glasses, for I misunderstood bots posts ;-). Thanks for the clarification, and my apologies.

Edited by rekuli
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I like that you're attempting to move forward, and as much as you'll want to ban me, or hate to hear the gritty reality from my side of the table, your actions are really no different from the typical government or bought and paid for media outlet. First, you use logical fallacies to separate yourself from personal responsibility, and offload it all onto others while attempting to say there is only one way to look at a matter.


Secondly, you're trying to justify all your prior screw ups by saying you're trying to revise your practices moving forward. To put this into perspective, tell me; when the British government changed, then later apologized for their actions against Alan Turing (we are on computers, afterall. No more relevant example than that), does that suddenly make the past right? No, it doesn't. But you can't change the past, you can only change the present and augment the flow into the future. Which leads me to the next point.


You claim transparency and tout it like its a major step in a direction "for everyone", when in reality its a double sided coin, and you're packing in even more authoritarian mechanisms and mindsets. Its frustrating, because you're quite close to a more effective way to do things, with less of a staff overhead, yet every time this site changes the ego and base fear gets in the way, so you occlude your sight of it and tiptoe around to something that feels more in your hands. The concept I'm talking about is actually biological in nature. Its an ecosystem where thought flows freely, but it also self regulates as a whole. As a -community-, a macromachinew of working parts. The fact is, the human condition requires some level of rules and constraints, but the tighter you constrain and squeeze people, the harder you bear down on them, the closer you have the constant gun to their head, the more they're going to start pushing back, or in this case leaving. I know several people who refuse to use this site, buy premium, or even acknowledge it as a valid source because of these practices. Theres only two ways it ends, non-existence (banned), or living in a tight lipped dark age. I don't know if anyone else here can feel it, but the air. The air is dreary and heavy.


I expect to be banned for this, actually. People make mistakes, people have bad days, people have things going on in their lives. Things happen, and throwing people out when that happens is not the way to make bonds, and it definitely is NOT how you build a friendly community. We as a race have been around far too long to still be learning these same lessons again and again.


Short version, I like this site. I like the people here, and I like what it tries to stand for. But its failing, and I simply can't support that blindly. Your moderators are furthest from objective I've ever seen, almost every ban I've seen has been unjustified and opinion based, with the moderator leaving snotty and childish little notes attached to it. Its biased beyond a human level, its faulty at its core, and as much as you try to say you admit having your part to play in it, all I saw in this article was you and your staff, once again, trying to shirk personal responsibility.

Edited by Anotherthrowawayaccount
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Whether its accurate in a visceral sense doesn't really matter, the resulting contrast between the perceived self, and the self in the mind of others is what has more direct value.


I have a tendency to step on toes quite frequently, but its only really an honest observation with the best intentions, in the end. Can't force your own views into others.

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No offence intended but your writing style reminds me a lot of someone we banned a year or so back, in that I honestly can't understand what you're trying to convey in a single sentence you've written.
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I tried to be clear though.


I've read, and re-read your post, and I have news for you: you failed... quite miserably, actually. And all in one paragraph, too. o_O

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You're never clear; and your persistent meandering lack of focus encapsulated in nattering walls of text sparkling with grandiose allusions to intelligentsia are a dead give away.


I'm terrible at names.. started with an S..?

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Even a stupid comment like "doesn't work, uninstalled" is useful because it tells you there is a situation where the mod doesn't work


Actually, no it's not. A comment like that tells you nothing of any practical use. In nine times out of ten (probably more in such comments), all it tells you is that the user didn't install the mod (or it's dependencies) correctly.

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