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Forcing LOOT load ordering


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Please please please stop forcing loading order sorting on me every time I boot the application. OK, you want to sort mods, but can we make it an option that can be disabled? LOOT's load sorting database is far from perfect, and there are certain mods that I have to manually reorder in wrye bash to make them function correctly. So now, if I touch Vortex for any reason, you just added about a dozen steps before I can run Skyrim. It's a huge pain and it makes me want to downgrade or go without a mod organizer to avoid it.

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Please please please stop forcing loading order sorting on me every time I boot the application. OK, you want to sort mods, but can we make it an option that can be disabled? LOOT's load sorting database is far from perfect, and there are certain mods that I have to manually reorder in wrye bash to make them function correctly. So now, if I touch Vortex for any reason, you just added about a dozen steps before I can run Skyrim. It's a huge pain and it makes me want to downgrade or go without a mod organizer to avoid it.


Did you know that you can disable Autosort in Vortex? And did you know that you can edit LOOT group assignments in Vortex?


In the two years I've used Vortex to manage hundreds of mods for Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout NV, Skyrim SE, and Enderal FS, I've had to redo LOOT group assignment in Vortex only about five times. And I did that in Vortex with the tools available there. Yes, LOOT is not perfect, but it certainly is not "far from perfect."


As for the mods you need to reorder so that they work correctly, what are they? If I know what they are, then perhaps I or someone else can help you get them ordered properly in Vortex.

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