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Asking for endorsements vs. awareness they exist


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I know asking for endorsements in the description of a mod is forbidden (and I have never done so). However, I get the impression that people sometimes don't remember (or don't know how) to provide feedback after they download a mod. Is it acceptable to include a generic reminder to endorse any and all mods the user finds useful and/or enjoyable, or to include a link to the Nexus Wiki article about endorsements?. If it's not allowed I will understand (and comply, of course), but as they say, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
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The official rule is that you can't.


There was a discussion in the Mod Author's forum where most authors agree that many players forget to endorse, and most of us have no issues with statements like "If you enjoyed this mod, please remember to endorse it!". Even so, it might technically be against the rules, though the chances of it being reported are low.


The ones people have issues with are those in big fluoro letters or offering rewards for endorsements. I've seen an adult mod which promised even more adult content if a certain number of endorsements was reached - that type of endorsement request is in very bad taste.


Perhaps use something like this to skirt around the no soliciting rule:

"Played any good mods lately? Please spend a few minutes to thank the mod authors by endorsing their mods!"

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We're in the process of adding endorsement functionality to NMM as well.


This is a good idea, Dark0ne, but not really necessary, because with the download history we can endorse many mods without open each single mod page, so with a small loss of time...

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I still that's pretty cheeky, it's transparently a workaround to the no soliciting rule.


I don't really see the point in relying on endorsements for getting the mod popularity though because as everyone keeps saying a LOT of users simply forget and maybe some mods don't get the attention they deserve. Sometimes I think adding this extra line really hits home with users, especially the new members who don't bother with pages that left it out...which is just wrong.


Why not write "I like people who make donations"

Edited by Ironman5000
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