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More Feral Ghouls. A Zombie Mod - GhoulBlood, what happened?


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Anyone know what happened to this mod? Did the author just quit? I cant find any info about it or the author and I cant find any updated or replacement versions. I like the mod but if it was removed because it had game breaking issues, that would be great to know.



Edited by steelherd20
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The mod will be back soon, Oynlen left Nexus but as co-author and with his permission I'll reupload More Feral Ghouls. We may back to working over update we've been planning but not for a while. On this moment mod will be not supported as I don't like to reply on obvious questions (it was Oynlen's job lol). A Forest and Adidas Tracksuit will be back too.

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  On 2/10/2020 at 4:31 PM, DeathByKitty said:

The mod will be back soon, Oynlen left Nexus but as co-author and with his permission I'll reupload More Feral Ghouls. We may back to working over update we've been planning but not for a while. On this moment mod will be not supported as I don't like to reply on obvious questions (it was Oynlen's job lol). A Forest and Adidas Tracksuit will be back too.


That's good to know!!


More Feral Ghouls is one of my favorite mods, and probably the only mod that modifies the ghouls just the way I like it. So I'm happy to know that it didn't just died like many other mods. :happy:

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  On 2/11/2020 at 9:29 AM, GeneralJohn said:

I was surprised to see this missing also - hopefully it can be re-uploaded soon. It's a truly fantastic mod that really increases immersion and it would be a real shame if all the effort put into it was completely in vain.


I'll never understand why someone just deletes their mods and vanishes, all it does is punish the people that use or would use the mod, if the deletion is due to some asshat(s) in the community, you allow them to win and have the last laugh by screwing everyone else over who enjoyed the mod, please don't punish the community for the minority of asshats.


Keep in mind there is also life outside forum. Mods on which we've been working together will be back. For now I suggest you to stop complaining what happen - it's none of your business.

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  On 2/11/2020 at 9:29 AM, GeneralJohn said:

I was surprised to see this missing also - hopefully it can be re-uploaded soon. It's a truly fantastic mod that really increases immersion and it would be a real shame if all the effort put into it was completely in vain.


I'll never understand why someone just deletes their mods and vanishes, all it does is punish the people that use or would use the mod, if the deletion is due to some asshat(s) in the community, you allow them to win and have the last laugh by screwing everyone else over who enjoyed the mod, please don't punish the community for the minority of asshats.

This misunderstanding might be because you haven't published anything here.

I'm not saying that to belittle you in any kind of way. I'm just saying, that without that experience, you don't know what the authors go through. Here, on butthesda, or on other sites.

While I honestly don't know his full story, or even have talked with him much, I know that this was something that he'd been considering for a while now. He'd openly mentioned it once or twice in other sections of the boards.

I WILL go so far as to say however, that Oynlen is not the only MA who is thinking about leaving Nexus. There's some other's that have also spoken of dis-satisfaction.


So I'm just gonna say this. If the GAMER is lazy, and only downloaded the mod through a mod manager... and they did not download the mod directly and save it to their computer... That's their fault.

Nobody is to blame other than themselves.

Files on the internet are not here forever.

If it's a new gamer that sees the mod in a video or something, and it's no longer there... It sounds bad... but they missed the boat. That's all there is to it. There's a bunch of mods that I would love to try out that aren't around anymore. But, they got removed before I knew about them. That's how it goes.


If an author makes that choice to leave, and they leave on good terms... they're a person. Respect their decision.

And be thankful that they did share, what they did, while they were here.

I'll let everybody in a little secret. People share mods that they make, simply just because they want to. It's not an obligation.


DeathByKitty - Thank you for taking on the chore of continuing on with taking care of Oynlen's work. I'm glad to see that he passed the torch, and that some of his and your work will still be available.

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  On 2/12/2020 at 6:56 AM, GeneralJohn said:


  On 2/11/2020 at 12:37 PM, StormWolf01 said:


  On 2/11/2020 at 9:29 AM, GeneralJohn said:

I was surprised to see this missing also - hopefully it can be re-uploaded soon. It's a truly fantastic mod that really increases immersion and it would be a real shame if all the effort put into it was completely in vain.


I'll never understand why someone just deletes their mods and vanishes, all it does is punish the people that use or would use the mod, if the deletion is due to some asshat(s) in the community, you allow them to win and have the last laugh by screwing everyone else over who enjoyed the mod, please don't punish the community for the minority of asshats.

This misunderstanding might be because you haven't published anything here.

I'm not saying that to belittle you in any kind of way. I'm just saying, that without that experience, you don't know what the authors go through. Here, on butthesda, or on other sites.


I actually have released content on the Nexus before under an old account which I lost access to the email address for, which ended up leading to me creating this account after speaking with a site mod - I originally locked the comments on that mod because it was getting s*** on for "stealing someone elses work" when it was literally 2-3 line changes in the creation kit combined into one instead of multiple mods. anybody could have done it within a few minutes, I decided to upload it since nobody else did - that mod still exists today.


I know how crap the community can be and have been in the modding scene since Morrowind came out and I've seen so many good mods get flushed because the author gets emotional and nukes it for various reasons, I'm sorry, but in my honest opinion - deleting mods is a selfish action no matter your life circumstances, keep them up for those that enjoy it, else your effort was wasted and you are screwing people over - there's no need to bring personal life/feelings into video game modding.



Ooo, yeah, I totally agree he was selfish. Can you believe he wanted me to share my chips with him?!


But let's leave jokes. It's NOT A MUST, it's author's CHOICE if he want to leave his work for others or not, don't you think? Actually I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth to upload A Forest and Adidas Tracksuit as I don't have angel's patience as Oynlen.

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  On 2/12/2020 at 6:56 AM, GeneralJohn said:


  On 2/11/2020 at 12:37 PM, StormWolf01 said:


  On 2/11/2020 at 9:29 AM, GeneralJohn said:

I was surprised to see this missing also - hopefully it can be re-uploaded soon. It's a truly fantastic mod that really increases immersion and it would be a real shame if all the effort put into it was completely in vain.


I'll never understand why someone just deletes their mods and vanishes, all it does is punish the people that use or would use the mod, if the deletion is due to some asshat(s) in the community, you allow them to win and have the last laugh by screwing everyone else over who enjoyed the mod, please don't punish the community for the minority of asshats.

This misunderstanding might be because you haven't published anything here.

I'm not saying that to belittle you in any kind of way. I'm just saying, that without that experience, you don't know what the authors go through. Here, on butthesda, or on other sites.


I actually have released content on the Nexus before under an old account which I lost access to the email address for, which ended up leading to me creating this account after speaking with a site mod - I originally locked the comments on that mod because it was getting s*** on for "stealing someone elses work" when it was literally 2-3 line changes in the creation kit combined into one instead of multiple mods. anybody could have done it within a few minutes, I decided to upload it since nobody else did - that mod still exists today.


I know how crap the community can be and have been in the modding scene since Morrowind came out and I've seen so many good mods get flushed because the author gets emotional and nukes it for various reasons, I'm sorry, but in my honest opinion - deleting mods is a selfish action no matter your life circumstances, keep them up for those that enjoy it, else your effort was wasted and you are screwing people over - there's no need to bring personal life/feelings into video game modding.


Yeah, me too, since Morrowind. Planet Elder Scrolls! LOL.

Or at least, that's all that I'm allowed to claim here on Nexus.


Ok, yeah... we're kind of in a similar boat then. I'm also not on my old account that I had from back in the day either. This is a new one that I started when I came back from a 10 year hiatus. You might have got the same offer that I did, that I could have returned to that old account if I'd wanted to. And might have had similar reasons for choosing not to accept the offer.

So I can definitely understand where you're coming from there. And yeah, all the mods and pics and stuff that I'd posted on that account are still here, and I don't plan to ask the staff to remove them. Not that anything that I publish (then or now) is epic, or groundbreaking. Again...like you were saying. Anybody could do it, but nobody had.

So you and I are of a similar mind, about how we, ourselves, would go about it, or have gone about it.

(Actually, it's funny. I'm more proud of some of the photoshopping that I'd accomplished on some of those pics, than I am of some of the mods that I released, HAHAHA!)


I dunno. I mean, I wouldn't wanna hear any grief over some of the choices that I've made. It was my right to make them, right or wrong. I also dunno much of the story about his circumstances, so I'm not gonna judge.

At the very least tho, I will say that it's good that he's given the option to make the mods still be available if another modder chooses to take the burden of them upon themselves.

That's not to say that I don't get upset when a mod, modder, or even a gaming site leaves. Yeah, it's a let down. But, people make their own decisions.

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