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What mods a first time player should install?


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I want to play oblivion, but, as it's an old game, I don't want to try the vanilla experience right ahead because the graphics aren't good for today's standards and I have enough experience in Skyrim to know there's things to be fixed.

I thought about modding it, but I don't know anything about the game.

What mods that fix common issues (like bug or crappy mechanics) and to make the graphics look better (mods that would cover everything - like a complete revamp of every graphical aspect) should I install?

Is there something I should know?

If there's some topic similar to this one, I'm sorry. I didn't find it.

Thank you all. :happy:

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Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics ... about as comprehensive as you're going to find, but in my opinion it will be more than a little overwhelming for you. By deciding to not at least check out vanilla Oblivion you will lack a point of reference for this game and thus won't have any idea of what parts of the Bevi guide address issues you'd like to see fixed in the vanilla game, and which parts of the guide you can safely ignore as you don't have a problem with the vanilla game in that regard.

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Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics ... about as comprehensive as you're going to find, but in my opinion it will be more than a little overwhelming for you. By deciding to not at least check out vanilla Oblivion you will lack a point of reference for this game and thus won't have any idea of what parts of the Bevi guide address issues you'd like to see fixed in the vanilla game, and which parts of the guide you can safely ignore as you don't have a problem with the vanilla game in that regard.


First of all, thank you. Second, I understand what you are saying. Even though, I am going to try. If I fail, I can always give up and play it vanilla. :happy:

Edited by skooma1914
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Another option to look at is to just use the Resources and Graphics sections of Oblivion Remastered (a new addition ... don't really know much more about it than what's on it's mod page).

Seems interesting. I'll wait til there's some screenshots in this page. I am not in a hurry, so I can wait a bit.


EDIT: I misread your post. :laugh: Anyway, I'll check both options and study a bit of Oblivion modding.

Edited by skooma1914
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