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Question about LOOT numbers


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LOOT gives me the following information at the bottom of the screen:


Total plugins: 186

Active plugins: 184

Total mods: 261

Installed mods: 242

Active mods: 122


What does this all mean?

What does it mean in terms of adding other mods?





Total Plugins = ESPs you have INSTALLED, (but that doesn't mean activated, just installed)

Active Plugins = How many ESPs are actually active in your load order, contributing to you 254 plugin/ESP limit

Total MODS = How many Mods you have

Installed MODS = EVERYTHING, from mods that don't have any ESPs, and just have Textures and Meshes, to Mods that have ESPs (Which is why that number can be so large)

Active Mods = Mods that you actually have ACTIVATED and present in your load order etc.

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Total plugins is just that. The total. Active plugins is also just that. 184 are active, which means 2 are disabled/not active. 261 total downloaded mods of which 242 are installed. Of those 242 installed mods only 122 are active. That means that of the 242 installed mods you have deactivated 120.


When you don't want to use mods, don't just deactivate them but uninstall the lot. Avoids confusion and problems with files that are kept installed but not used.

And don't let yourself get confused by esp, esm and esl. The total plugins is the total and that includes every kind of plugin. Nexus Mod Manager show the total in two different numbers, the TOTAL total (including every kind of plugin) and at the bottom of the plugins list there's a different number, showing only the amount of plugins that count towards the total allowed plugins. In other words, the total amount of plugins minus the number of esl or esp flagged as 'light'. Dunno how MO2 or Vortex handles that.

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When you don't want to use mods, don't just deactivate them but uninstall the lot. Avoids confusion and problems with files that are kept installed but not used.

Jimmy, I have been uninstalling from all profiles and then deleting the mods I don't want whenever I start a new game. Not sure NMM had been keeping good track of that. I had to manually remove some files from my last game since the boxes still showed in the plugins column. Two files that have have retained because I could not bear to delete are Vilja and Qaxes Questorium. They are simply uninstalled but not removed.


During one of the NMM upgrades, the zero symbol with the slash through it was added to all the mods. I ignored it since they all still worked and have only reinstalled some of them as was needed.

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When you don't want to use mods, don't just deactivate them but uninstall the lot. Avoids confusion and problems with files that are kept installed but not used.

...()...During one of the NMM upgrades, the zero symbol with the slash through it was added to all the mods. I ignored it since they all still worked and have only reinstalled some of them as was needed.


Zero with a slash through it? Did you go Scandinavian on us? Never seen that anywhere in NMM's interface. You sure you have the latest version (0.71.2)?





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Zero with a slash through it? Did you go Scandinavian on us? Never seen that anywhere in NMM's interface. You sure you have the latest version (0.71.2)?


Husker Du? Not sure why that symbol appears. Actually, I had this once before so I suspect this is not an unknown occurrence for NMM users. Just updated to 71.2. Sometimes I need to update multiple times for it to take. Never understood the reason for that. Just know that right now when I downloaded an update, 0.71.1 popped up when 0.72.1 was already open.

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Total plugins is just that. The total. Active plugins is also just that. 184 are active, which means 2 are disabled/not active. 261 total downloaded mods of which 242 are installed. Of those 242 installed mods only 122 are active. That means that of the 242 installed mods you have deactivated 120.

Good stuff, thanks for the knowledge!!

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