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Diamond City Market area FPS, anything more I can do?


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I know these posts are a dime a dozen but I'm just at my wits end here. I'm running a Ryzen 5 2600, 16 GB RAM, and a Radeon RX 570. Its a heavily modded game, but texture-wise but I go for the performance textures, 1k stuff like SavrenX, Vivid Fallout, and FlacconOil's 1k variety. I don't go wild with 4k or anything. I get a solid 60 FPS pretty much everywhere running on BethINI's Medium settings, outside your notable trouble spots where I can drop further temporarily. I also use the Boston FPS Fix which has always helped massively everywhere else. If I'm running a modest ENB, I can fluctuate from around 50-60 outside. But man, Diamond City is the bane of my existence. Upon entering and looking around, I nosedive to around 28 FPS. It doesn't really alleviate until rounding the corner leading to Nick's, and around toward the wall, and even then its around 40 FPS (which I can live with). But that Market area, is there anything I can do get any increase? I've tried changing settings, lowering shadow quality and distance, pretty much anything and nothing makes a dent. I know the NPC's take a toll, but even at night with few people around I can only get maybe a 5 FPS boost. It just seems so weird that, outside in Downtown while I certainly have dips as is normal with this game, I never drop into the 20s. Is there anything else that I can try for even a modest bump? I'm probably barking up a tree that there's just no answer to, but I thought I'd give it a shot.


BTW this is, outside of the textures, vanilla Diamond City. I like using Diamond City Expansion, which obviously can tax things more, but whether I have that installed or not the FPS is still garbage in the market.

Edited by SacredKnight81
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Pretty sure its not hardware, considering the performance I get elsewhere. Obviously I know I'm not running the beefiest machine in the world but if I can maintain solid numbers in downtown Boston, I feel I should be able to pull better than 30 tops in the market. But at the same time I know its always been a poorly optimized game so maybe there's just not much else to be done at this point. I was just curious if anyone had any other ideas.

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Hiya Knight. I'm with Aeons on this one, that it has to be something there in the cell that is causing this. As my laptop is nowhere what anybody would call a gaming machine, and I don't get hit with a FPS drop there either.


First thing that I would think of would be a mod that alters the cell itself. Like possibly a Home Plate mod. But not limited to just home plate.

The next suspect would be mod that alters any of the NPC's there in DC. Now, this doesn't just extend to just looks presets. This can also be leveled lists that target say... Arturo, for example.

I know that sometimes weapons that get put into him, would sometimes lag out my old machine if the meshes are too high polycount, or the textures are too high resolution. Or in a rare case, where the mod itself had something wrong with it.

Or if you're using any outfits/clothes/armors or other gear that are placed directly onto the npc's, that might also be what's causing it.


Do you have any kind of extra long load time when entering into the DC marketplace cell?



One other thing that I'll just offer up. If you want to, take a look into mods that reduce grass, ambient garbage, rubble, debris, etc. While each one of those by themselves don't amount to much...by themselves. On less beefy machines, once it all adds up it can really nickle and dime you.

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Hmm, I do have a Home Plate mod. I'll check that out. As for load times no, nothing particular out of the ordinary there compared to anywhere else.


Thanks a lot for the help, gives me some more things to look at, appreciate it!

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