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Making training dummies that work?


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Trying to make a training dummy (chaindoll) that takes hits and lets you skill up in blade/blunt/whatever. I tried creating one from an existing NPC/Creature and setting ChainDoll02 as the NIF and the health as 10000, and it's set as essential, with combatstyle = defaultnoflee and movement = none, but my test character's Blunt won't budge no matter how many times I hit the dummy.


What am I doing wrong?


If you have no idea what I'm talking about, which is entirely possible, then just please tell me: how can I make a training dummy that lets you skill up - without using someone else's resources?

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Over the years a few mod authors have tried this. I have yet to see a successful implementation of 'live' training dummies and archery targets.
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Ugh. I think I'm just gonna stick a Spriggan with infinite health and no damage in the basement as a training creature. Yes/no?
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A Mature Spriggan would be good. I leave the mod deactivated until my guy is at least level 20 or so (they just take so long to hack to death until you get good and strong). Edited by Striker879
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Nah, I'd prefer she didn't die, that way I can keep hacking away. I'm just gonna make a custom Spriggan for this purpose. 10000 health, 1 damage, no spells except for self-healing. For roleplaying purposes I'll label her "Crazy Spriggan Roommate Treena" so I can justify keeping (and attacking) a hostile humanoid being in the basement. I'll also put a bed and a tree down there. LOL Edited by hhhr2r2
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Archery targets that launch a script when hit by the player (e.g. to raise the player's archery skill) are easily doable using an OnHitWith block and a GetProjectile check.


Melee targets that launch a when hit with a melee attack is not possible with Oblivion's scripting capabilities, even when extended by OBSE. However, with some fancy scripting, you can make a close approximation that has about 95% accuracy.


My training dummies perform the following checks to detect hits:

  • OnControlDown 4
  • PlayerRef.IsAttacking
  • GetCrosshairRef
  • GetDistance PlayerRef
  • GetSoundPlaying "WPNHit*" 350
  • A timer based on the weapon speed so that only one hit is detected every 0.x seconds.

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One option I used a year ago was to summon a dremora lord, then make a "fullactorcopy" of it, dismiss the summon and hack away. you WILL have to heal him every now and then but my skills went up, blade, block, etc. and he is always there waiting to be hacked by you! ;D
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My Spriggan and her root pit dungeon are set up now, but I have one problem: She keeps following me out the cell. I set a key on the door and the door's ownership to me. I want her to stay in the cell, not escape out into the wilderness. What am I doing wrong?
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