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Moonlight Tales Stopped Working


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I will try to recount the best I can on what happened:


I had wanted to tweak Moonlight Tales for my own personal game (no intention of posting online) by adding new werewolf summons (marked as Female) so that they can use the Femme Lycana models I downloaded. Then I wanted to tweak the night eye to be brighter and less blurry. I've edited it first without marking MLTs as active in Creation Kit and tested it: nothing happened. Then I decided to set the mod active and edited and saved it. What I did next to it in Vortex I can't really recall, but I think I refreshed it so that the changes would show. I tested it an now the Howls do not work, no souls are claimed (appearing as Heart Consumed like in vanilla). I also have the infamous "Werewolf" Suit after transformation. I deleted the extra mods I made and the MLTs I edited, reinstalled directly from the Nexus into Vortex, but the problem still persists, in all saves. Now I'm not sure if I've downloaded something else that combats with it or if I have failed to locate and delete the culprit files.


I would very much like some advice on how I can solve this problem. Thank you for reading.

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