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The next Elder Scrolls


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Deat50 is right, although he said it a bit agressivly. These forums are being more decadent each day, much because of narrow-minded way of using te search feature. With this excessive zeal, mwsource forums won't be forums anymore. Just the "mwsearchfeature.com"


Now on topic, I agree with Marxist. Do not believe in something called a rumour. Besides, Elder Scrolls III have much to learn, much to discover, much to create. Look at the modding community to see that this game will endure several years.

So, what's a new Elderscrolls for?

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Have you even seen anything else on this site? cmac has been here a lot longer than you, and knows a lot more about forum etiquette and posting guides than you do. He has every right to post whatever he wants, as long as it fits in with the TOS.
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Have you even seen anything else on this site?  cmac has been here a lot longer than you, and knows a lot more about forum etiquette and posting guides than you do.  He has every right to post whatever he wants, as long as it fits in with the TOS.

You're starting to off-topic.


1 - Yes, I did.

2 - I know cmac is a guru.

3 - I know he has the right to post anything he wants concerning mwsource's rules (just like I do).

4 - What you said doesn't invalidate what I said.

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What does the search feature have to do with any of this? :huh:


This is going drastically OT anyway guys, if you wanna discuss the current state of the forums make a new thread please ;)

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hmmm i apologize for starting any problems *i really am* i was trying to show some of you decent people hgow you have let power and control go to your heads and treat everyone as if they were animals just because you do not agree with them we all are humans and we all are intelligent in some form sure some are better than others in things such as rules and some people make up things just to hear them selves talk but who ???? who is it hurting the person who hears it or the person who gets all worked up about it raises there own blood presure and has a heart attack cause they worry to much about retarded things we all do not need the extra stress from worrying about wheter or not the new game is real he posted it to inform peole of what he has heard and it up to us to decide wether we belive it or not HOWEVER it is not up to us to ruin everyone elses day we make our own descisions and let others make theres and we do NOT ridicule a descision that causes NO HARM! for if we did my freinds we would be as savage and as usless as hitler a man who was droven insane by a thirst for power and his hatred for jews! let this be a lesson to us all in humanity and let us all realize that it is eaiser to help each other than to strike each other down!
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Strike one for flaming and general lack of useful posting.


Strike two for comparing moderators to Hitler/nazis, according to this pinned thread that you probably didn't read. If you honestly think that keeping an organized forum is anywhere near Hitler's level of evil, you seriously need help.


Oh, and please learn about a minor thing called punctuation. Your posts are almost unreadable.


Deat50 is right, although he said it a bit agressivly. These forums are being more decadent each day, much because of narrow-minded way of using te search feature. With this excessive zeal, mwsource forums won't be forums anymore. Just the "mwsearchfeature.com"


Which completely ignores the RP forums, and MEMod and the other mod sections. Losing the "where is place X" threads will be no loss at all.





Now that the problem has been dealt with...


TESIV in 2004: When hell freezes over. Any game that was even close to finished enough for a 2004 release would have more than just a few rumors.


TESIV ever: It's inevitable, unless the developers go bankrupt, and nobody buys the license. A sequel game as successful as Morrowind is too good an opportunity for any sane company to ignore.... especially when the world allows one to be made so easily.

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yeh, tere iz n0 w4y t4t "t3h eld0r scr0||z 4 0bl1v10n" cud b m4d3 1n 1 yr. & if th3y cud b3thesd4 wud b t4lkin ab0ut 1t



me too! me too! i want my post count +1!


*impales sludgewort with pike of noobslaying*


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