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GTX 1080 8gb and ultra modded skyrim help


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Hi there, looking to heavily mod Skyrim and was looking for advice about using the GTX 1080 FTW (fullspecs ) and was wondering what kind of a setup it can run.

full system is below

9th Gen (Q4 2018) i5-9600K 3.7ghz base 4.6 turbo (hex core)
cooler master 212 evo Cpu cooler
16gb Crucial memory

dedicated 1TB M.2 Drive

850W Corsair PSU

GTX 1080 FTW 8gb

as stated more concerned about the GPU than the rest of the system and will look at running Dual 1080's if its not enough, so included link to full specs above

Thanks in advance for any help


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My 1060 6gb is running 2k with about 230 mods in my load order. The load order in question is very texture heavy. Some is 4k because I can. Advise. Pick a mod manager either Vortex. Nexus mod manager or Mod organiser and stick with it. Look on You tube for tutorials. Read lots, trawl forums for info install the tools you need and always read the mod pages and you'll be fine. I generally send people to either gamer poets, Gopher or dirty weasel media. All have some fantastic stuff accumulated over the years. Good luck with the modding and have fun.

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That 1080 will pull 2K and even 4K easily. What might start to hamper game fluidity when installing a lot of higher texture mods is the game's engine. It's 2020 meanwhile and newer textures will take their toll on an engine that has blown out nine candles.


I'm running 750 mods (in Skyrim Special edition) on a Vega 64 and load times are getting longer and longer and RAM use is going up a lot, often going over 8GB Video RAM and 7GB of system RAM.

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heh i have crappy eyes, glasses and big monster of a monitor about 18inch from my face. I did have it pushed up against the wall but my eyes where failing me. So i brought it forward 6 or so inches an i can see much better now. :cool: :laugh:

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