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How do You classify the different synth models?


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Ok, so I think that we can all agree that the Gen1 synths are entirely artificial androids created to roughly appear in the base, human shape.

Gen2's, also pretty much synthetic androids, just a little bit more improved.


Gen3's... that's where we kind of tend to disagree.


Then, there is Nick Valentine and Dima.



For me.

Gen3's are, in MY mind, artificially created human bodies, created from cloned genetic material. They are then implanted with limited cybernetics, mostly in the brain. (Was Kellog a test rat for this procedure?)


Nick V. Nick I consider to be a gen 2.5 prototype. I see him as somewhere there in the line where they started to get results in merging some of the organics (brain tissue and memories) into the inorganic bodies.

Dima I see as a gen 2.75 (ish) prototype. They've successfully integrated the inorganics into him and have successfully created a synth that is capable of independant thought, and completely capable of creating it's own personality and identity.


Kellogg - Ok. So no, I don't feel as if Kellogg himself is a synth. However, I do feel as tho it's possible that some of those cybernetics that the Institute gave him, did use him as a test subject for getting the "man and machine" to properly interface.

It would kinda fit along in the timeline. He is, after all, past 70-80 years old.


Your thoughts?


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I'd say your classification is pretty accurate. Personally I wouldn't call Gen3 Synths that way anymore since they are basically 99% biological. They are more like cyborg-clones. But I'm not the director.

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Zorkaz! Heyas, thanks for the reply. :)

For the most part, I agree. I'd lean that way a lot myself if it wasn't for being able to watch them being built. The parts are definitely organic, and from the lore... genetically cloned. But, they're still assembled from the grown parts. So for the most part they never go through an infant state, as a true clone would.

But yeah, that's my thoughts too. That they're cyborg clones. Tho just not through the standard "Growing a clone" process.

Thanks for chiming in :)

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My question becomes, what differentiates Gen 3's from Humans? Aside from their origins.... Gen 3's are programmed with memories/personalities, can the same be done to humans??? So far, I haven't seen that capability....

That's because there's no internet. They can't plug them into twitter, reddit, and all the other social media reprogrammers and fake outrage news.

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My question becomes, what differentiates Gen 3's from Humans? Aside from their origins.... Gen 3's are programmed with memories/personalities, can the same be done to humans??? So far, I haven't seen that capability....

That's because there's no internet. They can't plug them into twitter, reddit, and all the other social media reprogrammers and fake outrage news.




Nah, that's just brainwashing, not re-programming. :D

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Nick and Dima run on the same hardware, imo. Or, used to, Dima had a lot of post-manufacturer modifications done.


IMO, Gen 1 and 2 are basically the same. Gen1s seem to be just an early prototype for the Gen2. Maybe a "we can't afford a casing right now, just leave them naked" early version.


Nick and Dima I wouldn't even classify as anything separate. I'd say, they are just two Gen2s with some additional modifications. Better CPUs, maybe.

Non-canon speculation: They made Nick to see if the artificial brain they built was powerful enough to run an actual human mind. Dima was the control, to see how the Institute's Synth OS compares to that.


The step to Gen3 is huge, obviously. They seem to be mostly biological, except for that one piece of plastic.


The "Broken Mask" synth, which went crazy in Diamond City, might be the real 2.5 here. According to Piper, it passed as human, until it was killed and wires and metal became visible. So it could be a terminator-like thing, with a coating of organic tissue, but on a mechanical skeleton.

I could imagine that after that, the Institute thought: ok, how organic can we actually get? how much can we reduce the mechanical parts?


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Heyas Pra! Haven't seen you around the forums for a while, how ya been?

I agree that for the most part, there's not a lot of differences tween the G1 and G2 models, aside from the better exterior "skin". Tho it does seem like the G2's have a bit more intelligence to them as well.


What you're saying about Nick and Dima. There's some that speculate that they may actually be running organic brains. Hence the reason that doctor Imari can work on Nick. I dunno too much into that myself, but it's out there.

Tho in my mind, of Nick's brain was organic, he'd have gotten a bad infection from all the holes that are there in his shell.


LOL yeah, that's really not so far off from people in the real world. "Just how smart and sophisticated can we make an AI"?

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